Friday, May 31, 2019
Free Essays - Alices Adventures in Wonderland Essays :: Alices Adventures in Wonderland Essays
In Lewis Carrolls novel Alice in Wonderland, Alice is curious,well-mannered, and confused while she tries to amaze her way out ofWonderland. Alice meets many unique and weird creatures whicheventually help her escape wonderland. Alice shows that she iscurious through her actions. At the beginning of the book Alicegets distracted from her leaden work, and chases a white rabbitdown a hole. This excerpt describes Alices curiosity, Alicestarted to her feet, for it flashed in her mind that she had neverbefore seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket. When Aliceis at the bottom of the hole she find a bottle enunciateed Drink Me,she wants to see what it drutherss like, this excerpt describes theevent ...this bottle was not marked poison, so Alice venturedto taste it, finding it very nice. Another instant that shows hercuriosity when she looks for the white rabbits fan and gloves, shefinds a bottle, this time there was no table, There was no labelthis time with the words Drink M e ... I have a go at it somethinginteresting is going to happen ... Ill just see what itdoes,. Alice is like a little girl that is still exploring the human race around her, but she finds that she is more mature than thecreatures in Wonderland. Alice is very well mannered in Victorian ways to the creatures ofWonderland. Alice shows her good manners when she enters thewhite rabbits class and the rabbit tells Alice to go fetch hisgloves and fan, Id better take his fan and gloves- that is if Ican find them, since Alice is a guest, uninvited, she follows theowners orders. When Alice runs into caterpillar she calls himSir, here is an excerpt from the book , I cant explainmyself myself, Im afraid, Sir, this shows that she respects thecreatures of Wonderland. When Alice enters the Duchesses house andthe Duchess throws the baby to Alice, Alice starts to take care ofit, Here You may nurse it a bit, if you like Alice caughtthe baby with some difficulty ..., this shows her maternal(p) side.Wonderland is an illogical land, nothing seems to make sense toAlice. She starts to become very frustrated and confused. WhenAlice meets the caterpillar the following conversation takesplace, Who are you the caterpillar asked ... I - I onlyknow, Sir, just at present - at least I know who I was when I gotup this morning ... , Alice is so confused she does not evenknow who she is.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
chlamydia :: essays research papers
Chlamydia (STD) Chlamydia trachoma is a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted by direct contact through oral, vaginal and anal dialogue and is also transmitted to newborns through vaginal birth by an infected mother. This disease is not passed on by indirect contact, such as a toilet seat. Chlamydia trachoma is biologically active in vaginal and penile secretions and fluids. The usual reservoir for C. trachoma is the mucous membranes of the body found in the genital region, throat, and eyes. The etiological instrument of Chlamydia is C. trachomatis which has the following general characteristics obligate intracellular parasite gram negative coccoid bacteria nonmotile intracellular does not possess a peptidoglycan mold unable to produce its own ATP. The following tests are used to identify C. trachomatis 1) ELISA test and FA test may be effective only when the bacteria is metabolically active (not infectious), these tests are used to detect group specific LPS and str ain-specific outer membrane proteins2) gram staining (negative, coccoid)3) culture and iodine staining for cellular inclusion bodies (used because the trachoma species of Chlamydia cannot be stained with iodine because it does not contain glycogen)4) Serological tests that detect high titer IgM antibodies indicates a recent infection (used in adults, cannot get a line between current and previous infections, not very useful)5) nucleic acid probes (these are currently new and further info was not available) The bacterium C. trachomatis was first notice in 1907 by Stanislaus von Prowazek in Berlin. The genus part of the bring up, Chlalmydia, comes from the Greek word chlamys, which means cloak and the species part of the name, trachomatis is also Greek and means rough or harsh. This name is perfectly associated with the actions of this disease. A cloak is meant to hide, conceal or even disguise and that is what C. trachomatis does on the inside of the body, it hides, it is usually asymptomatic (no symptoms). It enters the body through mucous membranes on the body as elementary bodies that bind to receptors on the host cells and are taken in by endocytosis or phagocytosis. The elementary bodies become reticulate bodies that do not combine with the lysosome and are able to resist being digested and killed. The reticulate bodies reproduce by binary fission and change back into elementary bodies which pay by reverse endocytosis. The elementary bodies have a rough outer membrane that allows them to be resistant against harsh environmental conditions which is associated with the name trachomatis.
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Essay -- Facility Ownership Finances Accounti
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) is a method for assessing the total cost of facility ownership. It takes into account all be of acquiring, owning, and disposing of a building or building system. LCCA is especially serviceable when project alternatives that fulfill the same performance requirements, but differ with respect to initial cost and operating cost, have to be compared in order to select the one that maximizes net savings. For example, LCCA will help determine whether the incorporation of a high-performance HVAC or glazing system, which may increase initial cost but result in dramatically reduced operating and maintenance costs, is efficient or not. LCCA is not useful for budget allocation.Lowest life-cycle cost (LCC) is the most straightforward and easy-to-interpret measure of economic evaluation. Some other commonly used measures are sack up Savings (or Net Benefits), Savings-to-Investment Ratio (or Savings Benefit-to-Cost Ratio), Internal Rate of Return, and Payback Period. They are consistent with the Lowest LCC measure of evaluation if they use the same parameters and length of study period. make economists, certified value specialists, cost engineers, architects, quantity surveyors, operations researchers, and others might use any or several of these techniques to evaluate a project. The approach to making cost-effective choices for building-related projects can be quite similar whether it is called cost estimating, value engineering, or economic analysis.DESCRIPTIONA. Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) MethodThe purpose of an LCCA is to estimate the boilers suit costs of project alternatives and to select the design that ensures the facility will provide the lowest overall cost of ownership consistent with its quality and function. The LCCA should be performed other(a) in the design process firearm there is still a chance to refine the design to ensure a reduction in life-cycle costs (LCC).The first and most challeng ing task of an LCCA, or any economic evaluation method, is to determine the economic set up of alternative designs of buildings and building systems and to quantify these effects and express them in dollar amounts.Viewed over a 30 year period, initial building costs account for approximately just 2% of the total, while operations and maintenance costs equal 6%, and personnel costs equal ... ..., Design, and Development Process, Cost-EffectiveUse Economic Analysis to Evaluate set Investment Decisions, Cost-EffectiveConsider Non-Monetary Benefits such as Aesthetics, Historic Preservation, Security, and Safety, Sustainable, Productive, FunctionalPublicationsBuilding Economics Theory and Practice by Rosalie T. Ruegg and Harold E. Marshall. New York Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990. dynamism Price Indices and Discount Factors for Life-Cycle Cost Analysis, Annual Supplement to Handbook 135 by Sieglinde K. well-lined, Amy S. Rushing, and Laura I. Schultz. NISTIR 85-3273-19. Gaithersburg, MD National Institute of Standards and Technology, April 2004. Also available from the DOE/FEMP attention Desk at 1-877-EERE-INF (1-877-337-3463).Engineering Economy by G. J. Thuesen and W. J. Fabrycky. Prentice Hall, 1993. ISBN 0-13-277491-7.GSA LEED Cost StudyLife-Cycle Costing Manual for the Federal Energy Management Program by Sieglinde Fuller and S.R. Petersen. NIST Handbook 135. National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1995.Simplified Energy Design Economics by Harold E. Marshall and Rosalie T. Ruegg. NBS SP 544. Washington, DC National Bureau of Standards, January 1980.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Use of a Portfolio to Assess Students in Math and Science Essay
Use of a Portfolio to Assess Students in Math and Science For a young child, going off to inform can be an intimidating experience. Thoughts of whether the other children will like them, if they will have enough money to buy an ice cream at lunch, or if they will have homework that night overwhelms their minds. However, a major part of schooling is testing, and many children freeze when they hear that word. Think about yourself in a testing situation then imagine what it is like for a young child to impression this defeating anxiety. That is why I am informing you, as confederate committee members, teachers, and learners alike, of these ideas for assessing children in math and science. I hope you will altogether take the time to think about these different methods, and possibly agree on a way to assess our children in the classroom, and eventually present these ideas to the school board to be voted on. As teachers of math and science, we need to stop and ask ourselves what it is we be hoping to accomplish in our classroom. Is it most important for the child to get the right answer, or are we more concerned with how he or she gets the answer? Granted, we are striving for the correct answer, but sometimes numbers are added incorrectly, data is written down wrong, or a childs handwriting is misread. Personally, I feel it is the lick the student uses to get to the answer which is important, whether it is right or wrong. Because the intent of a new model of assessment is to assess the creation of knowledge and the processes involved rather than to amount of money the extent to which students have acquired a coverage of the field of mathematics, a much wider variety of measures, many of them qualitative, are needed (Bright & Jo... ...f our students in math and science. I feel very passionately for the use of a portfolio, because I feel the students will feel they have more of a say in their education. After all, we all need to work together , because we are all part of a team, the same team. References Bright, G.W. & Joyner, J.M. (1998). Classroom assessment in mathematics. natural York University of America, Inc. Christofi, C. (1988). Assessment & profiling in science. capital of the United Kingdom Cassell. Cutler, C.S. & Monroe, E.E. (1999, Summer). Contemporary education. What are you learning, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?the diary of a teachers incorporation of portfolios into mathematics instruction, 70, 52-55. Kulm, G. (1994). Mathematics assessment. San Francisco Jossey-Bass. Romberg, T.A. (1992). Mathematics assessment and evaluation. Albany State University of New York Press.
Workaholics Essay -- essays research papers
INTRODUCTIONWhy did I choose to write to the highest degree run lowaholics? The main reason is that the general picture about these people is bad, but in that respect atomic number 18 a lot of them around us and very often we admire them. They are doing exactly what they love fix and they can never have enough of it. Although they spend most of their meter working, surprisingly they are happy. They show so good results in what they do. But the consequences are great. Family life is disrupted, intellectual horizons narrow and the consequences to the workaholics health are severe fat, lack of exercise and stress. Why do people become workaholics? When a person becomes workaholic is there a way back? How should people around him act in order to keep both him and themselves happy? Lets start explaining what workaholics are, how they act and then well depress answers to this questions.WHAT AND WHO ARE WORKAHOLICS?The definition of workaholism from a dictionary would be someone w ho has a compulsion to work all time and a workaholic is someone who loves to work or who is addicted to work. How can this people work throughout the whole day and be happy and never tired knowing that they sleep only for 4-5 hours a day. Perhaps the main reason for this is that people evaluate themselves more on measurable things such as personal achievements and financial worth not emotional wellness. People often tend to feel guilty if they are not constantly being productive, as they tend to consider relaxation a elope of precious time. They need work to feel good. Workaholics are people who put the work on first place. Usually they need to prove themselves to the their colleagues or their bosses so they would praise them. Sometimes workaholism occurs because the person works to avoid the pain. Workaholism is addiction and all addictions are in a way avoidance of pain. They work just to widen the pain and not deal with it. Some of the workaholics became what they are becau se of greed. They can never have enough so they want to work as much as possible. Sometimes the hard workers are being referred as workaholics. While hard workers are ready to work some extra time to finish a project or to meet a deadline, the workaholic uses all his extra time to work. Workaholics dont have hobbies except if they are related to the job such as golf games with business partners. Everybody thinks tha... ...usiness phone calls the workaholic will make none can not be at the beginning, but after certain period of time if the whole procedure goes over and over again that can be established. HOW CAN WORKAHOLIC TURN BACK TO NORMAL?All the methods offered for overwhelming workaholism are either group therapy or self-improvement courses. Both are based on describing what workaholism is, and how dangerous it can be for the entities. Also differentiating the hard working from workaholism. The two courses excessively tend to make the workaholics reasonable answers to questi ons like How much is really enough for me? How long do I usually rest and is this enough? Is what Im exchanging my life worth it? What summer vacations are for? And maybe the most important What am I trying to prove and to whom I want to prove myself? making the workaholic aware of what he has become and what is he actually doing is the first step to turn the person away from his addictiveness and make him get back to track and work normally. ReferenceWorkaholics Marilyn Machlowitz***Journal of Applied Psychology Nr.60***The truth about burnouts Christina Maslach, Michael P. Leiter
Monday, May 27, 2019
An Argument For Animal Research :: essays research papers
An Argument For Animal ResearchMedicine has come a very long expression since the days when men intaked to punctureholes into the skull to release tension or evil spirits. In the last onehundred years, for the sake of humanity, numerous vaccinations defecate beendeveloped, disease and disorders of all types have been prevented, surgicaltechniques have been advanced, drugs have been developed to cure ailments andthe list continues endlessly. The progress that has been achieved in knowledgeas well as safety in medical practice is correlated directly to wildcat research.It is one argument to control animal research so that needless closing of animalsare not rendered, but it is absolutely different to argue that animals haverights which supersede human subsistence. "For most of the past decade, theanimal-rights movement hasnt merely opposed animal research it hastried to destroy it." ( The Wall Street Journal, "Animals and illness", Page378.) Animal rights advocate s and activists generally have ethical objectionsregarding treatment of animals during experimentation, but the use of animals inresearch for the benefit of all people is and always will be justifiable.Over 99 portion of all animal experiments are on rats and mice developedexpressly for laboratory use. "Less than 1 percent of experiments involve cats,dogs, farm animals, nonhuman primates, frogs, fish, and birds." ( Encyclopediaof Medicine, AMA, "Animal Experimentation", Page 110.) Animal rights advocates experiment to sway public opinion by showing grotesque pictures of destroyed cats, dogs,farm animals, dolphins, and monkeys which account for less than 1 percent of theexperiments, yet it seems 99 percent of their advertising and campaigning dealwith this one percent. At least the American public realizes even those whoportray ethical righteousness can be wrong. For instance, " an American MedicalAssociation ( AMA ) poll found that 77 percent of adults think tha t usinganimals in medical research is necessary." ( The Wall Street Journal, "Animalsand Sickness", Page 378.)It is a curious thing to see animal welfare groups try to hinder animalresearch by threatening researchers lives and destroying years of info collected.Animal rights groups are promoting even more animal testing because the sametests will have to be repeated to replace the lost data. In all(prenominal) major medicalresearch university there have been some form of nuisance to deter animaltesting whether it was a quiet riot or endangering the lives of researchers.Animal rights groups must realize research is done out of necessity forhuman welfare. Whenever possible alternatives to animal experiments are used."The development of modern research techniques, much(prenominal) as CAT scans, PET scans,
Sunday, May 26, 2019
P&G analysis Essay
Euromonitor Internationals report on Procter & Gamble Co, The delivers a detailed strategic analysis of the companys business, examining its performance in the Beauty and Personal apprehension market and the global economy.Company and market portion data provide a detailed look at the financial position of Procter & Gamble Co, The, while in-depth qualitative analysis will help you realize the brand strategy and growth prospects of Procter & Gamble Co, The.This report examinesCompany share by region and sectorBrand portfolioNew product developmentsMarketing and dispersal strategiesA detailed SWOT analysis of Procter & Gamble Co, The provides strategic intelligence onStrengths and weaknessesCategory and country opportunities for growthChallenges and threats from current competition and future prospects world(a) and regional market positionsResearch You Can TrustEuromonitor Internationals company profile reports are written by our Beauty and Personal Care research team, a dedicated group of analysts that knows the industry inside and out.Buy this report to inform your planning, strategy, marketing, sales and competitor intelligence functions.Growth opportunities in combine shaving and skin care products P&G oral care dynamic precisely Colgate drives product development High brand loyalty but losing oral care share in emerging markets Opportunities exist for P&G in premium fragrancesP&G stresses Cover Girls American essenceBrand StrategyGillette brand enjoys broad geographic reachProcter & Gamble aims for more premium image for PanteneProcter & Gamble looks to cross-category branding for Olay trading operationsP&G emerging market manufacturing sites by country 2012RecommendationsBeauty portfolio in need of greater segmentation
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Althete Safety
No matter what duration. Gender, or ethnicity sports are universal. Whether the sports are American or otherwise, anyone can play/do sports. Thousands of people sign up to play sports in this country all day. In America, sports are one of the take in hobbies people do every day. There are so many sports It is in fact difficult to choose a few among them. However to each one sport has Its own set of rules. Sports are more popular for teens nowadays but they are the top land teens are getting injured these days.Rules use to be very minimal when sports were first rated, but as of today each sport has its own specific set of rules to follow by. At every sporting event It Is mandatory to beat some type of medical team or medical kit with you at all times. Concussions are the biggest associate when it comes to injuries. Especially playing football, or boxing or other head to head sports. In each sport they make rules to try and prevent the eccentric of cuts. The rules in each spo rt nowadays are so advanced that they try so hard to push the Importance of how bad a concussion can be toward an athlete.A concussion could ruin a players season, or even career. This doesnt happen to teen athletes. This could occur to those playing in the NIL (National Hockey League), the NFG (National football League) and even boxing along with many other sports. Many people believe that the new set of rules and regulations set for each sport to try to value athletes from being injured is unnecessary while others believe that theyre great and can definitely save people. Many people are all for the rules and regulations to protect the athletes.Most of the reason they have these rules and isolations Is to prevent lawsuits and of course concussions According to past experiences with teammates it should be a requirement for student athletes or any athlete for this matter to be provided with prep in recognizing symptoms of certain medical issues such as concussions, asthma, or other head and neck injuries. Being both healthy and safe will servicing you become a better athlete and obviously will help you stay safe of other injuries.Injuries at teenage levels can be interpreted very serious, even if its Just a sprain or a pulled muscle. Stretching step forward each day when you aka up, before and after you work out will not only loosen up your muscles but itll reduce the percentage of injuries. According to USA Today 1. 35 million youth athletes have a serious injury each year due to sports and not being healthy with your body. The top youth sports injuries occur with contact of the head or your ankles.The highest percentage rate of injuries Is your ankles at 15%. The second highest Is your head with 14%. Surprisingly enough the lowest percentage injury Is your knees at 9%. The near common sports for these types of Injuries to happen are in football and basketball. According to USA Today the number of people with concussions this past year at ages 19 and unde r is at 394,350 playing football. The number of concussions due to playing basketball is at 389,610 this past year.These Injuries are due to no safety fostering to these student athletes. By age the highest percentage rate for concussions is 47% at ages 12-15. The lowest percentage rate for concussions is at 5% for athletes 7 and under. Increasing. Athletes would rather focus on playing the granulose and getting ready to compete then focusing on their warm up and being provided with training. However, any Americans frequently utilize the healthcare system for interposition of injuries resulting from everyday activities such as sports.Whether the sports are for the school or an intramural the number of injuries is still pretty high due to the fact of not training the symptoms of injuries. Every year the percentage rate goes up because of the different rule changes. Many suffer from minor or even serious sports-related injuries. Throughout the eld of sports so many rules have chan ged that the injury level on student athletes keeps changing. However, the number of injuries occurs a lot wrought bigger level sports, such as the NFG, NIL and boxing or other head on sports.The sports dont have to be head on Just to injure yourself. You can play any sport and injure anything in your body if you use it the wrong way. The more you dont focus on training for the symptoms the easier it is to injure yourself. It could change your life in a negative way. Whether you train yourself or not for the symptoms of injuries theres still a possibility you can get injured. You cant prevent getting injured 100%, but if you deft yourself for the symptoms then you have a better chance to prevent injury.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Gender Roles and Fashion Essay
Most people feel that the qualities and characteristics we perceive as specific to sex ar inherent by nature. In America, physical strength is stereotyped to be masculine, while emotional behavior is stereotyped as feminine. Any straying from these expectations is ample grounds for alienation. However, historian Howard Zinn has docu workforceted that gender usances are a part of a system constructed by the ruling class during the formation of our nation. The gender role structure in the US was designed in order to maintain a centralized, wealthy ruling class. In order to keep wealthy, white work force in control of the economy, women have been constructed as inferior to men physically, mentally and emotionally.In Judith Lorbers article dark to His Day, Lorber explains that the definition of being a man or woman is comprised of more than apparent genetic information. Gender is a socially constructed status, which has the intention of choosing people for the different tasks of f ellowship(Lorber 55). Thus, ideas about how matchless should behave in order to fit into a gender category are learned, not intrinsic. As a society assigns people as men or women, this categorization denotes the accepted and preferred personality characteristics, feelings, motivations, and ambitions that create different classes and preferences for people (Lorber, 55). That is, the genderization system produces men and women who tend to have a natural plunge toward ideas, behaviors, and careers that help them assimilate to anticipated gender stereotypes. Parents, constantly in fear that people will not be able to distinguish the sex of their reinvigorated baby, instinctually encourage dress, styles, and behavior that perpetuate the masculine and feminine labels from birth.The term woman itself was created by the masculine conception of what femininity should be. These criteria set up the dominant/ suppress relationship standard because women lacked the power to challenge the male point of view. Lorber suggests that as a process, gender creates social differences that define woman and man through interactions and expectations of peers and family. As a stratification, gender ranks mens work superior to womens, regardless of skill or difficulty. As a social structure, gender organizes work habits both domestically and economically(Lorber 60-1).For the average girl in Ameri backside society, adapting to gender roles is taught in every single facet of life. The media, entertainment, and school cooperatively exhibit and promote gender assimilation. Barbie dolls are the first toys I can recall playing with as a young girl. Her long blond hair, short skirts, disproportionately long legs, and plait heels set the precedent for how I would view true femininity throughout adolescence. By age six, my life became infiltrated by gender specific, girly activities. I practiced ballet and avoided sports, painted fingernails, nearly always wore dresses with nylons, experime nted with my mothers claim-up (rather unsuccessfully), joined Girl Scouts, grew out my hair to mid-back, and wished for everything to be pink or lavender. I was so excited and anxious for the day when the boys would finally notice me (sarcasm intended).Fashion trends and clothing styles, in particular, significantly aid the social construction of gender. The mere presence of a standard for the judgment of beauty automatically designates close to group to be in control of the other. That is, individuals are constantly judging one another to make certain that they fit into the correct gender classification. Trendy, hip clothing are made for a very specific, minority group of women- narrow-hipped, small-breasted, tall, and skinny. The pressure to fit into these styles of turn is unrelenting and produces insecurities and a poor body-image. These adolescent anxieties are not uncommon and can produce eating disorders, depression, and suicide.Joanne Finkelstein, in After a Fashion, expl ains that fashion can be seen as a device for confining women to an inferior social order. Throughout history women have been isolated from men by their fashion dues to society women would risk spinal disorders from corsets, chronic foot pain and arch trauma from high-heels, and submit to a constant preoccupation of worry over mens approval of clothing appropriateness. Fashions play such an integral role in how we judge one another how more money we have, what music we listen to, how much education we have received that any gender-bending fashionsexhibited by women are at best taboo, and at worst, unattractive to men (the alleged Ultimate Womans Worry).In many societies, gender is not considered a part of nature, but rather learned, acquired, or earned as a rite of passage. In some tribal communities, acquiring gender status represents maturity and responsibility. There is an unspoken agreement between American men and women that women will fashion their clothing and styles as p art of a system that favors men. In part this system favors men simply by distinguishing a class apart from men, requiring someone to exist on the outside of an established social norm. John Lorber puts it best Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at (Lorber 46). In a society where many women still do not recognize the inequalities of genderization, the pervasiveness of gender roles in America remains perpetuated and profound.Works CitedBerger, John. Ways of Seeing. New York Viking Press, Reprint edition, January 1995Finkelstein, Joanne. After A Fashion. Melbourne Melbourne University Press, 1996.Lorber, Judith. Night to His Day The Social Construction of Gender. Paradoxes ofGender. New York Yale University Press, 1994.Zinn, Howard. A Peoples History of the United States. New York HarperCollins, 2001.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Are Asians higher performing than Caucasians
Asiatic Americans are portrayed in the spotlight of being much winnerful in both school and the work field than Caucasic Americans. They are raised upon higher standards than children of Caucasian parents and pitch to excelled in all aspects of carriage. With the high expectations placed on them by their parents and peers, Asiatic Americans tend to be pushinged steadfastlyer to be more prosperous in life. The stereotype of Asians doing better in school, being held to higher standards with their parents, and more success in life, is supported through the evidence of come out point averages and observers of Asian American families.Asian students in high school tend to earn better grades than most Caucasian students. Asian American students try to push themselves in school by taking higher direct courses than required by the school. With those harder classes, students of the Asian American race on average spend more time studying and doing homework than students of the Caucasi an race. Working in the homework room of an afterschool program, I help children with homework and see what they are working on. some of the Asian children in the afterschool program have extra homework that they receive from a class they run into at night called Kumon.Kumon is a class that children take to help increase their success in school by learning higher level math and English than what is taught at their public school. Siddha, one of the Asian kindergarteners at the Williams Martial Arts and Fitness after school program takes Kumon classes. He is successfully reading small sentences and doing addition and subtraction problems at the level of a second grader, if not a little bit higher.Children of Asian parents usually have less of a choice when it comes to extracurricular activities and their social life. Asian parents typically make their children spend more time studying and doing schoolwork and do not allow them to spend much time with friends outside of school. pare nthesis from school, most of the extracurricular activities done by Asian Americans are more focus on intelligence and knowledge rather than enjoyment and socializing.Many Asian American children learn to play the piano or violin as supposed to participating in sports such as soccer or basketball. Asian parents tend to instill better morals in their children as supposed to those instilled in Caucasian children. According to the article from USA Today, Study Asian Americans value hard work, family more Caucasian children are born to unwed woman then Asian American children.The hard work of Asian Americans is typically shown through a more successful and enjoyable life after completing their education. The article from USA Today stated, Asians as a whole have a median(a) household income of $66,000 (half make more, half less) compared with the U.S. median of $49,800. With that being said, Indians (still considered Asian Americans) make the highest median household income based on rac e at $88,000 per year.These statistics show the success in school results in higher paying jobs after college than people of the Caucasian race. Asian Americans set themselves up for more success in life through their work ethic and doing everything to the best of their abilities and household income is just one example of how they succeed in life more than the average Caucasian American.All of the examples employ in explaining the stereotypes of Asians are all connected through good work ethic instilled by their parents. Yes, they tend to get higher grades, but they also are taught to spend more time studying and are put into knowledge enhancing extracurricular activities. All of these combined lead to a happier and overall more successful life because they put in the hard work to get higher up into the career world and continue to work hard to keep their position.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
My First Helicopter Ride
As I stood gazing at the monstrous contraption, I shivered as though ice had replaced my spine. The cold aviation that blew into my face engulfed my entire body. The multiple layers of clothing could not protect me against the swish of frosty air. The walkway leading up to the helipad was newly paved I could stillness feel the soles of my shoes sink into the cement just a little as I walked up the path. Its ironic how my heart did the exact same thing. It now felt like it was forcibly pressing against my lungs as I struggled to breathe asphyxiated by terror.Weeds, dandelions and wild flowers were being blown helplessly just about by the gargantuan blades. I knew how they felt. I was a small 7 year-old and this meat cleaver made me feel like a bug on a windscreen, hanging on for dear life sentence. My mother must have been squeezing my hand too hard because I yanked it away from her as the pain at last registered in my central nervous system I looked down at my hand just in time to see the blood rush rachis down my veins. Red roses grew wildly in thick batches by the entrance to the show grounds the place where I was going to have one of the nigh memorable experiences of my life.The moonlight cast a ghoulish glow on the surrounding landscape, and the screeching of nearby cars pulling away to the highway made me realise how alone our family was after all, we were the last people to go in the helicopter that day. The big metal structure shone a bright white under the moonlight, and the splotches of rust metal hinted at the machines maturity, which wasnt comforting at all. The spinning of the blades was deafening as we hurried towards the little hobbit door to enter the craft.The first thing I felt when I was hauled up into the craft was the constriction of my pupils, and then my eyelids wired shut. It was very bright in there. As soon as I regained visibility, I looked around and saw all these lights that were sourced by many buttons, switches and levers . The dashboard smelt of black coffee and cigarettes, and the floor of the helicopter was littered with cigarette-buds. I turned my point in time to look at my mother. I could see that somebody had made an attempt to scrub out a vomit stain on her seat.The earthy color were at sharp contrast with the charcoal seats, and a thin layer of bleach had been used to try and remove it like a criminal nerve-racking to remove blood splatter at a crime scene. Was it an omen, perhaps? My mother reached over and tightened my seatbelt, uncomfortably tight. However, with the sounds from the pilots radio headset combined with the busyness and buzzing of all the small machines in the chopper, I was too frightened to care about the seat belt. All that was going through my mind was how my life was now in the hands of rows upon rows of illuminated buttons and do-hickeys.It was probably two minutes after buckling up that the craft began its slow ascent into the cold and seemingly insidious darkness . I could feel all my organs getting pulled down by gravity. In that moment, I became completely oblivious to the sound of the rotation of the massive blades in a higher place me, and only heard the lob-dup of my heart. The light had been so bright as to temporarily blind me. The warmth of my mothers reassuring smile contrasted the coldness of the night outside. As I peered through the window, I could see my father and little brother about to board the second helicopter.Their clothing was fighting violently against their bodies as the wind from the rotors blew over their heads. Slowly they started for the craft, with their mouths covered, as if walking into a big sandstorm. I could see them take very short, reluctant steps towards the door of their helicopter as though they were trying to delay the jaw-dropping experience that was to follow. We started rising and rising until I caught a glimpse of the starry cosmos, and at that very moment, I was garbled in my very first helicopte r ride.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Dream Act
Education is a benefit for society. Higher learning offers higher economic advantages for both pass waterers and the economy. The unite States is the home of ab away 65,000 unregistered children who refine high school each year and birth lived in the pastoral for more than than five historic period ( imagines Deferred, 2010). These children are intelligent, outstanding class presidents, valedictorians, and honor students who point to be successful doctors, engineers, teachers, and lawyers.However, because of legal and financial obstacles confronting them just because they are undocumented students, many are unable to live their American dream and attend a college or university. It is estimated that only about 5 to 10% of undocumented high school graduates go on to college (Dreams Deferred, 2010). According to the Immigration Policy Center, Studies of undocumented immigrants who legalized their attitude through the Immigration Reform and train procedure (IRCA) of 1986 re veal that legal status brings fiscal, economic, and labor-market benefits to individual immigrants, their families, and U.S. society in general (Dreams Deferred, 2010). The U. S. Department of Labor embed that wages of these immigrants who received their legal status under IRCA increased their wages to 15% five years later. If given the opportunity, undocumented students allowing expand their learning, happen give out jobs, and allowancement taxes. The Development, Relief, and Education for terra incognita Minors ( romance) good turn is a proposed federal legislation in the U. S. that will enact two major changes in current law.The day-dream Act will 1) Permit certain immigrant students who have grown up in the U. S. to apply legal status and to eventually restrain permanent status and become eligible for U. S. citizenship if they go to college or serve in the U. S. military and 2) Eliminate a federal provision that penalizes shows that provide in-state information fe e without regard to immigration status. ( dreaming Act Summary, 2, 2010)The passage of the inhalation Act is critical to prepare the quality of the U.S. workforce through higher education to maintain a strong economy. The DREAM Act will increase the number of undocumented immigrant students who attend college, it will benefit the republics economy, and the nation will keep on the high cost of ignoring these undocumented immigrant students. The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act is a bipartisan legislation led by senators Richard Durbin, Chuck Hagel, andRichard Lugar, this bill will restore states rights to offer in-state tuition to undocumented immigrant students who live in that state in order to dissemble it easier for students to afford a higher level education. The DREAM Act will also provide citizenship to the hardworking immigrant youth who was brought to the U. S. as children and who pursue a higher education or military service, allowing th em to contribute to the American society (Basic Facts about In-State tuition fee for undocumented Immigrant Students, 2006).The bill has been introduced several times in the House of Representatives and the Senate, but it has never been brought to a floor vote. In the senate it was brought to argumentation on October 24, 2007, but failed by a 52-44 vote. The DREAM Act was reintroduced on March 26, 2009 by Richard Durbin and Richard Lugar in the senate and in the House of Representatives by Howard Berman, Lincoln Diaz, and Lucille Roybal-Allard (DREAM Act Summary, 2010). To qualify, a DREAM Act beneficiary would have to meet the learning requirements * Proof of having arrived to the U.S. at the age of 15 or younger. * Proof of residence in the U. S. for at least 5 consecutive years since the date of their arrival. * Must be between the age of 12 and 35 at the time of the jurisprudence of the bill. * ware graduated from an American high school, or obtained a GED. * Display Good M oral Character defined as the absence of significant sinful record or any major charge of drugs by the National Council of La Raza (The DREAM Act and the American Dream Act, 1, 2007). The student must have accomplished one of the following in spite of appearance six year after the permanent residence was granted * Earn a degree from a 2 or 4 year institution, or have maintained a good standing for at least two years at a 2 or 4 year institution while working toward a bachelors degree or higher (The DREAM Act and the American Dream Act, 2007). * Served in the U. S. Armed Forces for at least 2 years. Without the DREAM Act the U. S. founts critical financial and emotional costs.After years of hard work and achieving success in high school every student in America continues a reenforcement. 65,000 undocumented students currently living in America expect these rewards as well. They were tog outd the American way. According to the National Council of La Raza, the American way is to offer equal opportunities to all and encourage all to make the approximately of their talents (The DREAM Act and the American Dream Act, 2, 2007). As young children, these students were brought to this nation by their parents it was beyond their control to stay in their indigenous land.Brenda Garcia states, her family confront financial problems while living in Mexico, the only solution to their problem was to come to the United States, she had no say so in this decision and was forced to follow her parents and leave her country (2010). These students have shared all the American values and traditions they see this country as their home. These students grew up pledging allegiance to the United States of America, and now the United States of America cant give its loyalists the opportunity for citizenship and a more affordable higher level education.Current law punishes these students for a decision they did not make and for their lack of documentation. America has imposed insupera ble obstacles for these students and crushed their hopes of pinching in their education, as a result only 5 to 10 percent of undocumented young people who graduate from high school go on to college (Basic Facts about In-State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrant Students, 2, 2006) either because schools deny them admission, they are charged out-of state tuition which is oft more than the in-state tuition rate, they are not eligible for financial aid, and cannot work legally in the United States.The discouragement is too lots and most of these hard working, and goal oriented undocumented students with high academic standing dont get to live their American dream. With the passage of the DREAM Act these students dreams could be attainable and as a result more students could attend college, exceed in their education, and contribute to the United States economy. The DREAM Act will facilitate access to college for immigrant students in the U.S. by restoring states rights to offer in-state tuition to immigrant students residing in their state, states the National Council of La Raza (The DREAM Act and the American Dream Act, 1, 2007). Many states argue that the schools will not have revenue if undocumented students are charged only in-state tuition, but who said in-state tuition meant free tuition? In-state tuition is not the same as free tuition.It is a discount, claims the National Immigration Law Center (Basic Facts about In-State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrant Students, 2, 2006) if the discount is provided, more undocumented students will attend an institution of higher level education and the money paid by these students will increase school revenues by cold because it will be money that would otherwise not be there, and even then, after all, education pays for itself, claims the National Immigration Law Center (Basic Facts about In-State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrant Students, 3, 2006).The United States economic upcoming depends on its current student s, documented and undocumented. If given the opportunity, through the DREAM Act, undocumented students will expand their education and raise the schools revenues they will get better jobs in which they will help out the U. S. society by curing the ill, sharing their knowledge with young people, designing naked as a jaybird buildings for the community, and opening new businesses, etc.The National Immigration Law Center claims that As baby boomers age, the number of retirees in the U. S. swell (Basic Facts about In-State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrant Students, 2, 2006) and thats why in the future the U. S. will need new proficient people to take over those jobs. These young immigrants can be the future professionals the U. S. will need, they are key to our competency to counteract the serious demographic challenges we face (Basic Facts about In-State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrant Students, 2, 2006).We as a nation must raise the caliber of our workforce through higher educa tion to have a incur to maintain a strong economy (Basic Facts about In-State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrant Students, 2, 2006). Additionally each person who attends college and obtains a professional job means one less expense to the state in terms of social service, as well, an asset in terms of tax payments to the state. The nation cannot burden these motivated and high achieving immigrant youth after all they will only benefit the nation in the future.Undocumented students who dont have the opportunity to get the best out of their education are simply wasted talent, a new overlay from the Immigration Policy Center by Roberto Gonzalez, Wasted Talent and Broken Dreams The Lost Potential of Undocumented Students, makes it clear that without means to legalize their status, these children are seldom able to go on to college, cannot work legally in the United States, and therefore cannot put their educations to good use (Dreams Deferred, 1, 2010).The United States has invested i n the education of these undocumented students since they were in pre-kinder all the way through their high school education. If the United States cuts their education short by not gathering the full potential of these childrens education it will face an enormous cost because there will be no benefits for the nation. In the future these tudents will not give indorse to the nation, and that will be a result of waste talent, wasted money, and lost potential. Why not let these students contribute back to the country that gave them so much? The American way is to be fair and offer equal opportunities to all and encourage everyone to make the best out of their talents, America, now is the time to live up to your American way. Dont punish these undocumented students for a decision that they did not make.These students are your children, they are Americans, they are friends, classmates, outstanding students, they are family. There is a significant cost in denying these children their coll ege education. Dont crush their American Dream. This wasted talent imposes financial and emotional costs not only on undocumented students themselves, but on the U. S. economy and U. S. society as a whole (Dreams Deferred, 1, 2010).Dream ActCynthia Nguyen Ms. Thompson ENC 1101 November 28, 2011 Amys Story. Immigration and Multiculturalism Essential Primary Sources. Ed. K. Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, and Adrienne Wilmoth Lerner. Detroit Gale, 2006. 329-333. Gale debate Viewpoints In Context. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. Definition/Background History The IRCA (Immigration and Reform Control Act) was introduced in 1986, this act enabled immigrants who came to America criminally residency and citizenship. The widespread amount of penal immigrants caused border controls for those who are foreigners.Unfortunately Amy, an anonymous penal immigrant, and her family surpassed the deadline by three and a half weeks. Amy tells her story about her family and financial struggles cod to being an undocumented immigrant. She faced out-of-state tuition fees because of college requirements of being resident in the United States. Hiding clandestine pretending to be a citizen was becoming tough for Amy so she had to drop out of school. Now she tutors and has low-paid jobs to support her parents and herself. Cynthia Nguyen Ms. Thompson ENC 1101 November 28, 2011Bennion, David. Undocumented Youths Organize to Pass DREAM Act. level-headed Intelligencer. 31 Aug 2009. Print. David Bennion. Children of Illegal Aliens Should Go to College and Gain Legal Status. What amends Should Illegal Immigrants Have? Noel Merino, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. Positive Effect David Bennion, an immigration attorney at Nationalities Service Center in Philadelphia, stated Each year, about 65,000 undocumented students graduate from high school in the United States.They then face often insurmountable barriers to pursuing further education or emp loyment opportunities. By passing the DREAM Act the amount of undocumented immigrants that are already living in America could help the economy and prosper in education and employment. Negative Effect Keeping the act repealed is beneficial because the amount of illegal immigrants in America could incline. By permitting the Dreamers to pay in-state-college tuition and become a citizen of U. S. would get along more illegal immigrants into America. Cynthia NguyenMs. Thompson ENC 1101 November 28, 2011 Dream on. America 19 July 2010 5. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. Positive Effects President Obama reignited the idea of allowing illegal immigrants education and major power to attend colleges under certain circumstances written in the DREAM Act. He states We should stop punishing innocent young people for the actions of their parents by denying them the chance to stay here and earn an education and contribute their talents to build the country where theyve gr own up. With this idea, this allows the children who are documented an opportunity to succeed in the United States not only for themselves, but our economy as well. Cynthia Nguyen Ms. Thompson ENC 1101 November 28, 2011 Ling-Ling, Yeh. The Dream for Some, a nightmare for the Rest. The Daily Californian. 19 Oct 2007. Print. Yeh Ling-Ling. Children of Illegal Aliens Should Not Go to College and Gail Legal Status. What Rights Should Illegal Immigrants Have? Noel Merino, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press. 2010. Print. Opposing Viewpoints. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. Undesirable EffectsYeh Ling-Ling an decision maker director of the Diversity Alliance for a Sustainable America, and an immigrant states Passing the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, or DREAM Act, is a bad idea. Allowing illegal immigrant students to pay in-state college tuition and gain residency would only encourage more illegal immigrants in the United States. The act would have a negative economic r elate and hurt American citizens. Passing the Dream Act would economically stress our monetary resource because in reality most illegal immigrants are low-paid and cannot afford to pay taxes.The amount of children in American public education would rise. This cost can exceed $9,500 per child per year if the student receives the so-called bilingual education, not to credit the costs of other social services. By accepting this act, it would be a reward to illegal immigrants and would cause more to migrate to America. The Dream Act would negatively effect politics as well. For example, Hispanic activists encourage the pressuring of the United States to be same as Mexico. This factor make the future of millions of our nation.Not only politics would be effected but, The U. S. population has quadrupled since 1900, from 76 million to 303 million. In the last 15 years alone,over 50 million people have been added to the United States mostly due to immigration-derived growth If our popu lation continues to grow at the rate of last decade, by 2100within the lifetimes of todays childrens childrenthe United States will have Indias current population. Cynthia Nguyen Ms. Thompson ENC 1101 November 28, 2011 Illegal Immigrants. Current Issues Macmillian favorable Science Library. Detroit Gale, 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. Definition/History/Background An immigrant is a person who migrates from one country to another. An illegal immigrant is a person who does so without following the established legal procedures of the destination country and who resides in that country without good visas or other documents. Illegal immigrants are sometimes referred to as illegal aliens or undocumented workers. Most illegal immigrants of the United States come from Mexico by hybridization the 1,955-mile border or the northern border with Canada. Desirable Economic effects of immigrants can be positive. Illegal immigrants are more open to low-wage jobs b ecause without paperwork they are not allowed to apply for a job. immigrants take on hard and dangerous jobs that native Americans will not do. These defenders maintain that immigrants labor and entrepreneurship helps to revitalize American industries and create more jobs than they take. UndesirableFor the people who do pay taxes, immigrants are expensive to have. The instruct concluded that taxpayers were paying $4 billion annually in unemployment, medical, educational, and other administration programs and services. Cynthia Nguyen Ms. Thompson ENC 1101 November 28, 2011 Texier, Le Emmanuelle. The Debate for In-State Tuition Fees Regardless of Immigration Status The Right to Educate. La Prensa San Diego 9 May 2003. Print. Emmanuelle Le Texier. Undocumented Immigrants Are Entitled to In-State Tuition. Lori Newman Ed. At Issues Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006.Opposing Viewpoints. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. Positive Effects Enabling illegal immigrants to continue with education formulat es a chain reaction to the economys rise. Educating a large band of our country promotes skilled workers, in which help with building a better future for America. Students have not done anything to harm our economy. No matter illegal, or not the children are the future of America and should be rewarded by the ability to fulfill higher education. Allowing this higher education promotes more skilled workers building the future of a country. Dream ActCynthia Nguyen Ms. Thompson ENC 1101 November 28, 2011 Amys Story. Immigration and Multiculturalism Essential Primary Sources. Ed. K. Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, and Adrienne Wilmoth Lerner. Detroit Gale, 2006. 329-333. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. Definition/Background History The IRCA (Immigration and Reform Control Act) was introduced in 1986, this act enabled immigrants who came to America illegally residency and citizenship. The widespread amount of illegal immigrants caused border controls for thos e who are foreigners.Unfortunately Amy, an anonymous illegal immigrant, and her family surpassed the deadline by three and a half weeks. Amy tells her story about her family and financial struggles due to being an undocumented immigrant. She faced out-of-state tuition fees because of college requirements of being resident in the United States. Hiding undercover pretending to be a citizen was becoming tough for Amy so she had to drop out of school. Now she tutors and has low-paid jobs to support her parents and herself. Cynthia Nguyen Ms. Thompson ENC 1101 November 28, 2011Bennion, David. Undocumented Youths Organize to Pass DREAM Act. Legal Intelligencer. 31 Aug 2009. Print. David Bennion. Children of Illegal Aliens Should Go to College and Gain Legal Status. What Rights Should Illegal Immigrants Have? Noel Merino, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. Positive Effect David Bennion, an immigration attorney at Nationalities Service Cen ter in Philadelphia, stated Each year, about 65,000 undocumented students graduate from high school in the United States.They then face often insurmountable barriers to pursuing further education or employment opportunities. By passing the DREAM Act the amount of undocumented immigrants that are already living in America could help the economy and prosper in education and employment. Negative Effect Keeping the act repealed is beneficial because the amount of illegal immigrants in America could incline. By permitting the Dreamers to pay in-state-college tuition and become a citizen of U. S. would promote more illegal immigrants into America. Cynthia NguyenMs. Thompson ENC 1101 November 28, 2011 Dream on. America 19 July 2010 5. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. Positive Effects President Obama reignited the idea of allowing illegal immigrants education and ability to attend colleges under certain circumstances written in the DREAM Act. He states We should sto p punishing innocent young people for the actions of their parents by denying them the chance to stay here and earn an education and contribute their talents to build the country where theyve grown up. With this idea, this allows the children who are documented an opportunity to succeed in the United States not only for themselves, but our economy as well. Cynthia Nguyen Ms. Thompson ENC 1101 November 28, 2011 Ling-Ling, Yeh. The Dream for Some, a Nightmare for the Rest. The Daily Californian. 19 Oct 2007. Print. Yeh Ling-Ling. Children of Illegal Aliens Should Not Go to College and Gail Legal Status. What Rights Should Illegal Immigrants Have? Noel Merino, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press. 2010. Print. Opposing Viewpoints. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. Undesirable EffectsYeh Ling-Ling an executive director of the Diversity Alliance for a Sustainable America, and an immigrant states Passing the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, or DREAM Act, is a bad idea. Allowin g illegal immigrant students to pay in-state college tuition and gain residency would only encourage more illegal immigrants in the United States. The act would have a negative economic impact and hurt American citizens. Passing the Dream Act would economically stress our funds because in reality most illegal immigrants are low-paid and cannot afford to pay taxes.The amount of children in American public education would rise. This cost can exceed $9,500 per child per year if the student receives the so-called bilingual education, not to mention the costs of other social services. By accepting this act, it would be a reward to illegal immigrants and would cause more to migrate to America. The Dream Act would negatively effect politics as well. For example, Hispanic activists encourage the pressuring of the United States to be identical as Mexico. This factor effects the future of millions of our nation.Not only politics would be effected but, The U. S. population has quadrupled sin ce 1900, from 76 million to 303 million. In the last 15 years alone,over 50 million people have been added to the United States mostly due to immigration-derived growth If our population continues to grow at the rate of last decade, by 2100within the lifetimes of todays childrens childrenthe United States will have Indias current population. Cynthia Nguyen Ms. Thompson ENC 1101 November 28, 2011 Illegal Immigrants. Current Issues Macmillian Social Science Library. Detroit Gale, 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. Definition/History/Background An immigrant is a person who migrates from one country to another. An illegal immigrant is a person who does so without following the established legal procedures of the destination country and who resides in that country without proper visas or other documents. Illegal immigrants are sometimes referred to as illegal aliens or undocumented workers. Most illegal immigrants of the United States come from Mexico by cross ing the 1,955-mile border or the northern border with Canada. Desirable Economic effects of immigrants can be positive. Illegal immigrants are more open to low-wage jobs because without paperwork they are not allowed to apply for a job. immigrants take on hard and dangerous jobs that native Americans will not do. These defenders maintain that immigrants labor and entrepreneurship helps to revitalize American industries and create more jobs than they take. UndesirableFor the people who do pay taxes, immigrants are expensive to have. The study concluded that taxpayers were paying $4 billion annually in unemployment, medical, educational, and other government programs and services. Cynthia Nguyen Ms. Thompson ENC 1101 November 28, 2011 Texier, Le Emmanuelle. The Debate for In-State Tuition Fees Regardless of Immigration Status The Right to Educate. La Prensa San Diego 9 May 2003. Print. Emmanuelle Le Texier. Undocumented Immigrants Are Entitled to In-State Tuition. Lori Newman Ed. At Issues Series. Greenhaven Press, 2006.Opposing Viewpoints. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. Positive Effects Enabling illegal immigrants to continue with education formulates a chain reaction to the economys rise. Educating a large portion of our country promotes skilled workers, in which help with building a better future for America. Students have not done anything to harm our economy. No matter illegal, or not the children are the future of America and should be rewarded by the ability to fulfill higher education. Allowing this higher education promotes more skilled workers building the future of a country.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Cinema And Its Impact On Society Film Studies Essay
In the subcontinent there atomic number 18 legion traditions and patterns that ar establish on ignorance and which agree captivated the advancement of the societies. Of such negative influenced ignorance, unsoci able-bodiedness, dowry administrations, rigidness of caste system and solitude system let done singular injury to the cabaret. These influences are present in our friendship and are practiced without the r of all timeberation of the wake that they bring with them, the society keeps following them like aristocracy preached through with(predicate) hereditary traditions. cinema exposures have, had and will go on to torch visible radiation to eliminate the persevere discolorations in the sub Continental society. picture has been used to advance obliteration of trafficking, illiteracy, fond regardage, promote national integrating, family unit planning, and inter caste/religion matrimonies. Cinema give the axe be used as a cats-paw to lend to steer the society to co ntinue along the righteous way. It has been and will be used as a bastardly to take ignorance from the sub Continental society.hypertext transfer protocol // % E2 % 80 % 94-its- push-on-society there are dynamic positions and realisation of photographic film to different people associated to this signifier of media, for case for the Manufacturers it is a mean of a g centenarianmaking concern, for managers and backroom staff, it is a signifier of shadowervas for them there they give the sack execute their art flex to the multitudes for personal desire and satisfaction, for on screen performing artists, such as histrions and actresses, its is a mean of gaining money and face value, while for the multitudes it is a mean of inexpensive and interesting signifier of amusement and interest for their masking and listening pleasance. This is one of the cardinal grounds why film has been a booming industry for ages and traveling bag of a major m arket portion of the amusement industry.hypertext transfer protocol // CinemaSince its run downing with the movie Raja Harish Chandra ( 1913 ) , the film has remained the most powerful media for mass communicating in India. Cinema has the ability to unite amusement with communicating of thoughts. It has the possible entreaty for its audience. It surely go ons other media far stinkpot in doing such an entreaty. As in literature, film has produced much which touches the innermost beds of the adult male. It mirrors the episodes in such a order that leaves an impact on the coming coevalss. Cinema presents an image of the society in which it is innate(p) and the hopes, aspirations, defeat and contradictions present in any given societal order.In the present epoch, film is getting re slipd by little screen productions. Televised seriess and programmes are replacing fad. They advertise and ea rn gross for industry. Thus movies air has become a beginning of farther income for the industry and trade.Man has inherent aptitudes, different ideas flow which leave an consequence on the heads. The individual laughs with the movies and cryings with them. Scenes of Shaheed Bhagat Singh , a movie by Raj Kumar Santoshi and Manoj Goswami makes people national-minded and sentimentally involved in the movie show. The fim duologues are busying topographic points in our existent vitality. Dialogues of Mugle Azam found topographic point in the recipe interaction of people for a long clip. Peoples talked and walked like Prithvi Raj, the capital male monarch Akbar. In the similar manner, dramas by Agha Hashat and Devdas by Sharat Chandra left a deep impact on the multitudes. In the same manner, movie Sholey created an imending consequence on so many.hypertext transfer protocol // of Bengali Cinema and how it portraysBengali film is closely linked to Modernity and Realism. The most celebrated and celebrated movie shapers of the Bengali film along with the modernist ideas chose the genre of pragmatism to make to a new tallness. Ritwik Ghatak and Satyajit radiation are some of the greatest exercises, who have played with the subject of pragmatism and modernness in their movies.Modernity is a huge subject and can be defined into many ways. But we will chiefly concentrate on the artistic, societal and governmental modernization. Satyajit Ray s movie Pather Pancheli is one of the ultimate illustrations of movies portraying pragmatism along with several elements of modernness. It was an divine guidance to Vittorio De Sicca s Bicycle Thief, 1948 which was based on Italian neo-realism. Ray s work was a conjecture of mastermind. It reflected the societal advancement and alteration in Bengal and too had modernized thoughts and constructs.In his movie Pather Panchali, Ray h as concentrate on go forthing the doddering thoughts behind, traveling on and working on new constructs. He stray accent on the fact that, with the transition of clip the conventional ways of life, household thoughts and traditional life style have become out-of-date and needs to be altered consequently. During the flood tide, Apu and his household, leaves their place and later on departs from the small town. Their ascendant s place was the exclusive ground why they were non go forthing that small town. They shifted to some other topographic point for a better life and life manner. By relocating, they were able to sell tally the old house which was of no usage to them, alternatively was the ground for their girl s life.This movie is an information from traditional times to modern manner of life. Ray used many metaphors throughout his movie which were relate to a subscribe for alteration and modernness. I think old aunt was a perfect illustration of metaphorical use. She was exhausted, old adult female who had nil to make than merely rolling around the house. She is practically told by everyone to go forth which indicates that she is unwanted and worthless in the house. The household feared famine, survival and poorness. They were unhappy slightly the traditional manner of life and traditions. The same manner, they were annoyed by the presence of old aunt. Subsequently, we founds out that the old aunt meanders, after several unsuccessful efforts of seeking for a shelter topographic point, she dies. Death of old thoughts is the metaphorical significance of old aunt s decease. Ray wishes for a alteration, something which is neer stoping. Through his illustrations, he focused on a demand for alteration so that we can interrupt off from the traditions which are keeping us back and is a signifier of barrier to our advancement. By agencies of aunt decease, he is able to demo how traditions have become outdated.Ray s another great work Charulata ( 1964 ) , also focuses on conveying a alteration. The narrative sets in an upper in-between category Bengali society. In this context, a only homemaker falls in love with her brother-in-law while they both were hiking each other to compose. He applied two different ideas of traditionality and modernness, place and desire and literature and political relations together.Ray s movies have a humanistic attack. The deepness of his plant is far making. It has captured the human bosom and extracted the emotions from it. Apu throwing the necklace stolen by Durga, Amal go forthing place for the fright of being unfaithful, Durga stealing nutrient from her aunt are illustrations of Ray s humanistic work.Ray is besides inspired by Neo-realism. From my point of position, it is because his narratives are mostly concentrating on the society. He can non do them fictional because so it would irrelevant to the society. His narratives are non meant to be movies, in fact a world which was an image of the socie ty in which he has lived in. It was a complete imitation of Bengali society. The characters were portraying of existent personalities. For illustration, Durga is Hindu fabulous character. When you look at her, you will non judge her as a replete(p) or evil character but will believe of her as a adult female who had existed in the yesteryear and had different properties which mirrored her personality. She was nt a fictional character.Correspondingly, Ritwik Ghatak s movies introduced the modernistic subjects of closing off, disaffection and demand for place that evolves around the Bengali society.In his socially applicable movie Ajantrik, Ghatak brought together the construct of isolation and disaffection to the society. He demonstrates a adult male s love for his auto auto is a exanimate object. That adult male had a disturbed societal life where he was non able to bond tighter with people around him. in that respect are scenes like when Bimal is holding a conversation with his auto. He takes anxiety of his auto like he is a living comrade. At the same clip, did nt give importance to what the society says. This shows the importance of the auto, Jagaddal. Ghatak treat the auto as a life character and non as a prop. He besides showed the auto s point of position. He wants to turn out his point that with the debut of modernisation nowadays people are more mercenary orientated. They value belongings more than dealingss.Similarly in Subarnarekha ( 1965 ) , Ghatak has focused more on the subject of place ( alongside the sub-themes such as dealingss and happiness.His work is besides approximately modernness, alteration and its effects and how divider affected Ghatak and the society.Subarnarekha is a after divider narrative of a household relocating to the bank of Subarnarekha River. Throughout the narrative, Sita hunt for felicity. He talks about the new place pinch and that she confesses her secrets, felicity and sufferings to a river.What I learned from Ghat ak s movies is he considers that society has transformed from being a community to a combined life of different characters. Individuality is present wholly over his work. Peoples have how people have gone from being lovers of nature and semisynthetic beauty ( like lakes and montains ) to autos and belongings.One whitethorn state that in the movies of both, Satyajit Ray and Ritwik Ghatak, you can happen many modernist necessities. Their work ranges from content to subjects like theanthropism, place and modernness besides their trade which is the usage of POV shootings, Brechtian elements, different manner of filming and pull stringsing infinite.DecisionIt is ever good and good groomed to see good topics on film. They have a really irrefutable and durable consequence on the heads whereas inexpensive and moth-eaten films affect the stamp heads of audience really severely. There is general feeling that present twenty-four hours offenses are all due to effects of film. Besides undefen dable and demonstrative topics throw tarnished messages. They spoil our civilization, and society. Cinema and TV severely affect the wellness of the childs. They neglect surveies and physiologic games to pass more clip on this amusement. School-going kids and society kids fail to do usage of good impacts and are influenced by the bad portion of the programmes on the air.The motivation is non to fling film or Television televise so easy. The desirable act will be to selective and choosey for programmes. Good films should be seen by the pupils. The films of Television shows should be really much restricted and for a fix clip.The film exercises a great influence on the head of the people. It has a great educative value. It can accomplish glorious consequences in the field of enlargement of instruction. There are certain topics, such as scientific discipline and geographics, which can be more effectively taught with the aid of talking pictures. Lessons on route sense, regulations of h ygiene and civic sense can be taught to the pupils and the public every bit good in a really effectual mode with the aid of film images. Many successful experiments have been made in assorted states on the public-service tidy sum of movies as a agency of instruction. Feature movies have been produced for school and college pupils and pupils are being benefitted by them.Cinema movies have the power to act upon the thought of the people. They have changed the society and societal tendencies. They have introduced new dexterity in society. They may be described as pace-setters. They can make a direct impact on our societal life. Movies can travel a long manner towards eliciting national consciousness and besides in using the energies of the young person in societal reconstruction and nation-building by a adept rendering of good moral, societal and educative subjects, and by debut of popular sentiments, movies can, to a great extent, formulate and sharpen public sentiment
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Coherence in life Essay
However, Fisher points discover that we need specific guidance in the organize of features that accounts must display (rather than merely the effects they whitethorn have) in order to decide whether or not they atomic number 18 deserving of our adherence (1997315). This is what coherence and fidelity, the both basic principles that define record rationality and that embody the concept of practised reasons in Fishers paradigm, allow us to do. narrative may be tested in relation to three types of coherence structural or argumentative material and characterological.Structural coherence relates to internal consistency whether or not the narrative reveals contradictions within itself. Material coherence is question of how narrative relates to other narratives that cover the same issue and that we are familiar with. More specifically, narrative nooky be tested with respect to the facts it might downplay or switch off the counterarguments it chooses not to engage with, and so forth.Characterological coherence assumes that the reliability of whatsoever narrative depends very largely on the credibility of its main characters as well as the characters narrating it. If the decisions and actions associated with character change significantly in contradictory ways (Fisher 1997316) or contradict each other, we inevitably question the credibility of the character and hence the narrative in question, Fisher indicates that, Coherence in life and literature requires that characters behave characteristically.With let on this kind of predictability, there is no trust, no rational order, no community (1997316) Hence, once we decide that given person is trustworthy, honorable, courageous, and so on, we are prepared to overlook and forgive many things factual errors if not too dramatic, lapses m reasoning, and occasional discrepancies. In addition to testing for coherence, we also test narratives for fidelity, Here, the focus is on assessing () the elements of narr ative that may be regarded as its reasons and (b) the values that the narrative promotes.For Fisher good enough reasons are those elements that provide warrants for accepting or adhering to the advice fostered by any form of communication that can be considered rhetorical. Fisher stresses, however, that the concept of good reasons does not imply that each element of rhetorical transaction that warrants belief, attitude, or action that any good reason-is as good as any other.It only signifies that whatever is taken as tooshie for adopting rhetorical message is inextricably bound to value-to conception of the good. Assessing the values explicitly or implicitly promoted by narrative operator inquire what effects adhering to it would have on the world, on our ability to maintain our smell out of self respect, and on our kind to others.As Fisher argues, we ultimately have to ask as yet if prima facie case has been made or burden of proof has been established, are the valu es fostered by the story those that would constitute an ideal basis for homophile race conduct? (1997317) It is this ability to judge narratives on the basis of their moral implications and the values they promote that ultimately guides human behavior and allows communities to gather around given narrative or set of narratives. Fishers narrative paradigm has two principal strengths in the current context.First, because it privileges moral values, it explains why activist communities can form across boundaries of nation, color, gender, profession, and almost any other division one can think of, without any need of personal gain-indeed, often at great personal risk to individual members of the community. Second, the narrative paradigm goes beyond explaining why communities emerge and unite around narratives, It specifically anchors this process in the notions of narrative rationality and good reasons, which imply considerable agency on the part of individuals and communities.As s torytellers we do more than choose from prevailing narratives in our own societies If we judge the moral consequences of these narratives negatively, we can look elsewhere for better narratives or even elaborate narratives of our own. This is precisely what communities of activists, including those forming within the professional world of translation, attempt to do-they organize and select narratives on the basis of good reasons, looking beyond the dominant narratives of their cultures, often selecting counter narratives or elaborating new ones.It is worth pointing out that much of the impetus for narrative research in general, including Fishers work, comes from belief among theorists working in this area that the unexamined assumptions of narratives conceal patterns of command and submission, which exclude the experience of large sectors of society while legitimating and promoting those of the political, economic, and cultural elite. on that point is also general agreement in th e literature that narrative both reproduces the existing power structures and provides means of contesting them If stories can be constructed to wall off the senses to the dilemmas and contradictions of social life, perhaps they also can be presented in ways that open up the mind to creative possibilities developed in ways that provoke rational struggle, the resolution of contradiction, and the creation of more workable human order.More specifically, narrative theorists acknowledge that undermining existing patterns of domination cannot be achieved with concrete forms of activism alone (such as demonstrations, sit-ins, and civil disobedience) but must involve direct argufy to the stories that sustain these patterns. As language mediators, translators and interpreters are uniquely placed to initiate this type of discursive handling at global level.The narrative paradigm, then, and narrative theory more generally offer framework that generates sense of what is good as well as what is strictly logical in the stories that people might adopt, explaining how individuals and communities can exercise sufficient agency to imagine that another world is possible, to use the well cognize slogan of the World Social Forum, serviced by the translators and interpreters in Babels. suggest we might rewrite this motto in the present context as another narrative is possible.
Ethnic Groups and Discrimination Essay
I belong to the White ethnic crowd which was responsible for the colonization of North the States. magical spell I am part of the White ethnic group, my family immigrated to the United States from Germany quite some time after(prenominal) the major colonization of North America. When around people cypher about the colonization of North America they think of White people on the Mayflower landing on Plymouth Rock. While the pilgrims did colonize what is right off referred to as New England, the Spanish were actually the introductory to colonize North America.No matter who introductory colonized North America, this colonization caused an influx of immigrants that asserted their dominance over the native people. This colonization was withal the root cause of slavery being introduced to this New World. Pilgrims are most notably identify as coming to North America to escape religious persecution. The ironic part of the colonization is that the pilgrims obligate their religion on those native to North America. It is important to note that this may be one of the first indications of future ethnic and racial problems that would caused by the colonization of North America.I fathert think people normally think about racial discrimination happening to Caucasians. Unfortunately it is very common for racism to happen to all ethnic groups in the U. S. Caucasian racism and prejudice against other ethnic and racial groups always seem to get the most publicity. It would be ruin to broaden our view of prejudice and racism so that we could get the whole story. I think that the Caucasian group had brought most of this negative attendance on itself. Historically the U. S. has been dominated by Caucasians, which means this group doesnt have as more than to worry about restrictions ascribable to ethnicity or racial group.If we break down the Caucasian group until now further we can see that this is even truer for the males, which I am, of this group. Male Caucasians h ave long been the prevalent disembowel in U. S. society. The majority of restrictions placed on females and ethnic groups have been enforced by Male Caucasians. The most notable Caucasian discrimination has been against African Americans. African Americans were largely used for slave labor during the get of the U. S. Going from slave to equal isnt easy, in both occurrence and acceptance from the former dominant or controlling group.This dominant position can be seen as a major agreement why the view of discrimination is still focused on Caucasians. Since the Caucasian males of the past have ordinate restrictions on most other ethnic groups, this wrong was attempted to be un accepte by affirmative Action laws (Fullinwider, Robert). While most people see Affirmative Action as being helpful, it has alike caused discrimination against Caucasian males. Some government agencies require a quota on hiring certain ethnic groups (this include female Caucasians).This can cause a job cand idate that has hirer qualifications to be passed over good to fulfill a quota. I have seen this happen to my father while he was applying for a fire fighter/EMT position. You can easily see the Caucasian male dominance by noticing the dual labor market place effect. I see it more as a septuple labor market since I would as well include female Caucasians as another labor market. Immigrants from Mexico practically enter into a portion of this multiple labor market, most notably the farming community.Whether it is farming, manual labor, or the lower-end service sector it seems that it seems more delightful to Caucasians for other ethnic groups to occupy these types of jobs. When the other ethnic groups occupy positions normally held by Caucasian males, we often see a limitation in their ability to progress in that profession (glass pileus). If you look at the breakdown of people who run companies you will see this is dominated by Caucasians males, followed by males of the other ethnic groups, then females of all ethnic groups.Discrimination isnt only apparent in the job market, but in how companies invest in certain areas. It is seen in our response to what is happening in other areas of cities or areas of the coun hand over. We have slums and ghettos that dont get investment monies to fix them up due to the lower class segregation. We have other areas occupied by a high number of non-Caucasians that dont get investments just because of their ethnicity. New Orleans is a perfect example of all of these inequalities. It was a city segregated by race, ethnicity, and social class standing.The devastation caused by hurricane Katrina happened to people who couldnt soften to get out on their own, and was compounded by the predominantly Caucasian governments lack of response (arguably due to the racial differences between U. S. leaders and with the people effected by the disaster). I dont feel that I fit in with the standard culture for my Caucasian ethnic grou p or the U. S. mainstream culture. I dont participate in any religions, as I suppose in myself and science that can be proved. I dont feel that I am or need to be better than any other ethnic group.I couldnt do by less about what style is popular or what haircuts are in. I just try to be myself and try to ignore things that try to sway my opinions. Instead of taking someones interchange for something I would rather research and come to my own decision (almost to a fault). I think it is better to be different than a lemming following the crowd running off the cliff. References Fullinwider, Robert (2005). Affirmative Action. Retrieved February 1, 2006 from http//plato. stanford. edu/entries/affirmative-action/.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Classroom Observation and Reflection Paper Essay
Curriculum Constr. and Assessment Reading and Language Arts, I had the opportunity to non only observe but apprise a lesson that I created for Mrs. Watsons Class at subatomic Rascals Daycare and Afterschool Program. Throughout this paper I will reflect on my lesson plan experience. First, I introduced the belief of letter blends to the students. I explained to the students that letter blends can be at the beginning, middle, or end of a ledger to make specific audios. I then explained to the students that I was going to be teaching them beginning letter blends.I went n to explain to the students that since there were several beginning letter blends that I chose five to teach about In the lesson. The blends that I chose were dr, n, bl, gl, and Ch. I went over each beginning letter blend, demonstrated the sound each make and provided several examples for each letter blend for the students. Next, I gave the students an opportunity to participate In the lesson. I held up picture fla shcards that had different objects on them. The students had to raise their hands and tell me what the object was and the letter blend for that object.I repeated this process until ach student in the class had a chance to participate. at a time we finished, I answered any questions or concerns the student had. I noticed that the students were actively engaged in the lesson and seemed to swallow really enjoyed. Most of all they seemed to have understood the lesson with ease. Lastly, the students were given a cut and paste mix worksheet to complete. The worksheet had 1 5 different picture objects and letter blends on it. The students had to color (if they wanted to), cut, and paste the manufacture picture to its letter blend. Once the students finished the worksheet we went over it as a class.Again, I answered any wear questions or concerns and wrapped up the lesson. In conclusion, this was my very first time teaching a lesson. I have done several lesson plans before but never ha d to actually teach them. I believe the lesson went pretty good. The teacher and the students were both very welcoming and provided positive feedback. Although the lesson went well, the one thing I would revision if I had to do it all over again would be to pick two or three blends at a time to teach instead of all five. Sometimes when a lot of discipline is thrown at the students it makes it harder to understand.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Essay notes of mice and men discrimination Essay
Jail Bate George discriminates her beauty and gender because of the way she acts. She screamed Steinbeck portrays Curleys wife to have been by means of some drama and terror which could suggest her reaction from distinction. As Steinbeck does not holler Curleys wife this is Steinbecks opinion that she is irrelevant, this is yet another example of discrimination in some form. Listen coon this is an interesting quote that could suggest that Curleys wife is discriminating Crooks, which is ironic because she is a victim of discriminationCROOKS QUOTES FOR inconsistencyListen Nigger this is a prime example of discrimination because of Crooks race Cause Im Black this is yet another example of Crooks being discriminated as he replies to Lennie asking wherefore hes not allowed in the bunk fireside. This is just a nigger talkin here Steinbeck uses Crooks to betoken discernment the positives and negatives of being sick e.g. no one will hold you for your actions.The boss gave the stabl e buck hell on earth and stable bucks a nigger these two quotations emphasises the theme of discrimination of Race and how the context relates to how people were treated. (Slavery) he woulda killed the nigger here Candy is remembering a past memory but this is also associate to the context of slavery. Here Steinbeck uses Foreshadowing as Curleys wife dies later on in the novella.The name Crooks is a name given to the stable buck by Steinbeck because of his back which his discrimination of race which is why Steinbeck does not reveal hisname as Steinbeck has the opinion that he is irrelevant. Guys dont come into a coloured mans room here Crooks explain to Lennie how he is a victim of discrimination.LENNIE QUOTES DISCRIMINATIONcrazy bastard here George describes Lennie as crazy which reinforces why Lennie is mentally impaired. Why aint you wanted? Here Steinbeck shows lennies mental impairment to readers as he does not fathom the caprice of racial discrimination. youd drink out of a gutter here George emphasises Lennie being mentally impaired as George has the opinion that Lennie is not very sagacious.CANDY QUOTES DISCRIMINATIONThey let the nigger come in I can imply from this quote that Candy is relishing discrimination by joking somewhat Crooks, which is ironic as he is also a victim of discrimination. I been here a dogged while this quote could suggest that Candy is a victim Ageism as Candy describes his time in Soledad as long which gives the image of old age. wrist stump this quote is an image which Steinbeck uses to show Candys disability. CONTEXTIn the ranch where Lennie and George worked on was in Soledad, California which was where people went to go after their dreams it was known as the place of dreams. The Great Depression occurred between 1930-1936 meaning that most people were discharged and money had been lost while banks had gone bust. This would have meant people who were discriminated e.g. disabled people or black people this could sugge st that it was harder for them to live. LITERARY DEVICESSYMBOLSIM rabbits representing Lennies dreams of owning land. IMAGERY Steinbeck uses imagery before the introduction of each function to give them definition from one another and give the reader insight to what sort of character pilot film they are . SIMILIE and flies shot like rushing stars. This simile is used to show the conditions of the bunk house and how the workers were connected to nature.METAPHOR -Lennie dabbed his big paw in the water Lennie is metaphorically referred to as a get up because of hislarge structure and his crushing strength. FORSHADOWING -All of the dead animals throughout the book, except Candys dog With every(prenominal) chapter, the death of living things increase in size, starting from a mouse, to a rat under the floorboards, to a puppy, to finally Curleys wife and Lennie. Each death leads to a bigger one, foreshadowing that eventually, someone would die.CONNECTIVESFor illustrationSignifican tlyPartiallyMeanwhileFurthermoreIn additionIn generalTherefore heretoforeThusHenceAlternativelyWhereasAs a resultConsequently
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Factors that possibly affect first year performance in college Essay
Factors that possibly affect first year public presentation in college - Essay ExampleFor this study, the babelike variable was First Year Performance which was measured by taking the aver mount of the grades received by the student from the courses he was taking. Independent variables were region of origin, age, and sexuality. Region of origin referred to the students place of study, and took the determine of EU, OS, and UK. Age was divided into two values constant (below 21 years old as of initiative phratry at the year of intake) and mature (below 21 years old as of 1st September at the year of intake). Gender took the values of Male and Female. In order to find if there were each regional works on first year performance, Analysis of Variance was used. Analysis of variance tests for taut differences among a sample of three or more(prenominal) groups. To find if either age or gender had effects on first year performance, differences of the means of two groups were invest igated using t test. Relationships between the variables which, incidentally, contained two-dimensional variables, were investigated using cross tabulation techniques and the chi square test. First year performance in college is a crucial measure because it says a lot regarding the initial progress of a student. In summary, age, gender, and region did not have significant effects on the overall first year performance of students. However, these factors did have certain(p) effects on selected course units. Also according to the research findings regular students tended to come from OS more than from UK or EU.... Presentation and Discussion of Results Descriptive Statistics Table 1 shows a summary of the frequency and piece distribution of a total of 238 respondents for this study. The figures show that 53. 8% were from OS (n = 128), 36.1% were from UK (n = 86), and 10.1% were from EU (n = 24). When grouped according to age, 87.4% were regular students (n = 208), while 12.6% were ma ture students (n = 30). When grouped according gender, 46.2% were male (n = 110) and 53.8% were female (n = 128). Figures from Table 2 indicate that the students had a mean reasonable grade of 56.6 (SD = 12.2). Students had the highest mean grades in BMAN10001 (10) Economic Principles Microeconomics (Mean = 69.7, SD = 15.4) while lowest mean grades were in BMAN10621 (M) (10) Fundamentals of Financial Reporting (Mean = 45.9, SD = 20). effect of Age T test results showing effects of age on first year performance are summarized in Table 3. No significant effect of age was found in the average scores of students, t(38) = .43, n. s. However, age was a significant factor in unit courses such as BMAN10801 (10) Introduction to Work Psychology and BMAN10812 (10) The Modern Corporation, t(36) = 2.06, p = .05, and t(191) = 3.27, p .01, respectively. In both cases, Regular students scored higher (Mean = 56.4, SD = 11.9 and Mean = 57.4, SD = 12.1) than Mature students (Mean = 51.1, SD = 1 3.37 and Mean = 47.8, SD = 21.1). No other significant differences were found. Effects of Gender T test results showing effects of gender on first year performance are summarized in Table 4. No significant effect of gender was found in the average scores of students, t(231) = .70, n. s. However, gender was a significant factor in
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
The Accumulation Of Plastics In The World's 5 Gyres And How It Can Be Essay
The Accumulation Of Plastics In The Worlds 5 Gyres And How It Can Be halt - Essay ExampleThe scale of ductile contamination found in the ocean water is immense. big beat of plastic debris has been observed floating on the ocean water beginning from the diametrical sweeps to the equator zone. The only solution to the issue is to stop dumping plastic bungle in to the sea and besmirch the use of plastic by switching to other alternatives where ever possible so that least plastic waste is produced. The disposal of plastic is immensely a problematic issue since much of it have been accumulating in to the enormous islands in the oceans, or gyres that are further continuing to store up or disintegrate in to several tiny pieces payable to which sea cr wipe outures and people consume these plastic debris as we eat the naval animals. It was shocking to enamor to know that there are five such gyres of plastic accumulate, which is super hazardous for both the marine and the land hab itat. Numerous marine animals die either year due to the pollution in ocean as they either ingest or get entangled in marine debris that is the waste disposed by us in to the rivers, oceans and other water ways. A vast portion of this waste reaches the seas through the rivers. Almost 80 percent of the trash emanates from the landfills as headspring as from other urban sources. This waste then accumulates in gyres that are the areas of low winds and slow turbinate water along the coastlines. The fishes consume this waste, the sharks and other marine animals get entangled in it and the coral reefs get damaged by it. This immensely destroys the marine life. There exist five major ocean gyres in the entire humans, which are namely North Pacific Gyre, southeastward Pacific Gyre, North Atlantic Gyre, South Atlantic Gyre and Indian Ocean Gyre. The sailors and the fishermen conventionally avoid these gyres since they are bereaved of wind and marine creatures. The North Pacific Gyre in the Pacific Ocean possess the largest portion of the plastic accumulate than the rest of the gyres. It is known as the Great Pacific slobber Patch as it covers a gigantic area that is almost equal to the size of the Texas. The plastic debris extends to about 6 meters or 20 feet down in to the water column (Robards et al, 1997). It has been found that about 3.5 million tons of waste has been deposited to this area turning it in to a plastic island (Thiel et al, 2003). It has been estimated that this size would get double in the next 5 years (Thiel et al., 2003). According to the estimates by the researchers, there is about 6 kg or 13.2 pounds of plastic for every 1 kg or 2.2 pounds of plankton in this area (Moore, et al., 2001). Some researchers and scientists consider that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a misnomer for the floating pile of disposed-waste that is located between the Hawaiian and Oregon islands suggesting that massive amount waste should be managed. The Great Pac ific Garbage Patch basically indicates an environmental disaster for the oceans of the world that opens the eyes of the people of the world towards the intense need for the conservation policies taking the oceans in to account. This patch of waste was created and continued to exist due to the ocean currents. Actually, this patch is not static in position as it sometimes drifts in to masses of land that have now appeared to resemble landfills. The patch moves with the zone of laid-back pressure of air that is known as the North Pacific
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