Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Oedipus Rex Life and Justice Essay
Everyone has a moment toward the end of their life where they can finally reflect back on their life as a whole, but that moment is not the most important. Throughout everyone’s life, we are all constantly searching for one common thing; Justice. In terms of justice, I’m referring to the search of finding out who you really are and what is your purpose. Oedipus Rex had a turn in his life which forced him to search for justice and find out who he really was. Oedipus Rex was a simple, yet noble man who had became a king. It wasn’t until years later that he would begin his search for justice that would ultimately change his life. Throughout the story, Oedipus searches for a murderer of a past king, but as the story unfolds, he starts to question himself. He begins to wonder who he really is due to lack of information about his very own life. Oedipus’s search for justice brings him an understanding of completeness and shame. Justice in Oedipus’s eyes means that he can understand where he came from and realize the truth. All of Oedipus’s life has been one big cover-up of his true identity. Oedipus’s life was cursed, starting out when he was just a little boy. As a man, Oedipus gains more knowledge and power and is able to uncover the deep and dark truth. In Oedipus’s search for justice, he learns who his true parents are, where he was born and what happened to him from being a boy to becoming a king. I could actually say that Oedipus’s search was successful, although it was horrific. During Oedipus’s life, he tried to live a life dedicated to his family and his people. He stood by his fellow Thebans and tried to always listen and do what’s in the best interest for them. However, living a life trying to do what’s right is never easy when you are destined to commit heinous crimes. Oedipus finds out during his search that he is the killer in which he is in search of. After learning of this news, Oedipus finally starts to see the big picture and learn about his identity as a whole. Oedipus learns that he was also the son of the king who he murdered, but couldn’t realize it due to being sent away as a little boy and left for dead. The news gets worse when he digs deeper and sees that he has in result married his mother and fathered children with her. Oedipus learns of these new discoveries and can realize the truth which he has been sheltered from his whole life. Sometimes the truth can be too much to bear, and justice comes with a price. Oedipus felt ashamed and horrible about just now finding out his true identity and how his actions now are unmoral. Oedipus blinded himself and believed that his actions and crimes couldn’t have been justified any other way. His actions were a symbol of how he has been blind all his life, yet he had eyes; but now he is literally blind and can see the truth clearer than ever. Life is a search for Justice has been perfectly shown in Oedipus Rex. Oedipus was just an example of how many people can go their entire life without ever knowing the truth about their identity and living a big lie. Oedipus needed the help of many Thebans to accomplish his goal. I believe that everyone in life needs that connection between other people to figure out their past. No one can learn about themselves without the knowledge of older people who have been around to see you develop. In reference to Oedipus, he pulled together with a group of people and conducted his search for justice. Even though his search brought him tragic news and a complete change to his life, he now knows the truth about himself and his past.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Truth and Nature of Love in ‘Shakespeare in Love’
Describe an idea that interested you in a text you have studied. Explain why this idea interested you using visual/verbal techniques to support your answer. John Madden’s Shakespeare in Love is a ‘romantic comedy’ set in the class-dominated society of Elizabethan England. The two protagonists and â€Å"Star-crossed lovers†of the film come from completely different ends of the class spectrum. Will Shakespeare is a â€Å"lowly player†with writer’s block searching for his muse and wealthy Viola De Lesseps who dreams of â€Å"love as there has never been in a play†are fortune’s fools as the viewer must come to realise that love cannot conquer all.Madden conveys the division between Will and Viola through use of dialogue, mis-en-scene, camera shots and costuming. It is through these techniques that as a twenty-first century viewer I became able to understand the harshness of â€Å"the truth and nature of love†in sixteenth c entury England and began to appreciate more the risks Will and Viola took to defy these truths. The idea of the â€Å"truth and nature of love†in sixteenth century England defines marriage as a method of obtaining social or financial gain. This divides our unfortunate protagonists who are separated by their respective social standings.Maddens positions the viewer to see this separation through use of dialogue in Will and Viola’s conversations. Viola is quicker too see the consequences the two will face if she continues her romance with Will saying â€Å"it is too flattering sweet too be substantial. †Too good to be true. Will and Viola’s love is a brief exert from the realities of the time, a dream that can only last until Viola’s inevitable marriage to Lord Wessex. â€Å"Master Will, poet dearest to my heart, I beseech you, banish me from yours- I am to marry Lord Wessex- a daughter’s duty. However Will and Viola continue to pursue their risky love coming to each other in disguise. Will gets caught up in the romance having finally found his muse and boasts to Viola â€Å"For one kiss, I would defy a thousand Wessexes! †As a twenty-first century teenager the concept of a class-system preventing two lovers from being together seemed foreign to me as although today’s society is not perfect there is no hierarchy preventing young couples from being together. However I admired and appreciated the two protagonists for going against the aws of society and seeing each other in secret struggling to convince themselves that â€Å"love knows nothing of rank or riverbank. †Throughout the film the viewer is constantly reminded of the difference between Will and Viola’s respective positions in the hierarchy of the age and however strong it may be their love is not one that will last the expectations and realities of Elizabethan England. Madden engrains this into the viewer through mis-en-scene and ca mera shots. Viola’s stately home is an immediate indicator that she will serve as a foil to Will.Despite their shared passion for the arts almost everything else about Will and Viola differs. When the viewer is introduced to Will Shakespeare he does not live up to the expectations viewers of today have based on the playwright he will become. Will currently lives in what appears to be a run-down, dirty London boarding house. His room is compact and the walls stained and bare. It is void of furniture save a small writing desk, table and stool. His bed is in a small loft atop a ladder and we viewers are reminded, â€Å"actors are two-a-penny†a strange contrast to today’s idolism of all those to grace the silver screen.Viola’s mansion completely differs to Will’s world, the sheer size of the grounds and the long driveway are symbols of her wealth. Viola’s bedroom is furnished with detailed tapestries, carved wooden furniture and a giant four-po ster bed all illuminated by a gentle golden glow heightening the sense of her regality. Viola’s world continues to contrast to Will’s as she has a place at court and therefore is invited to festivities at places such as Greenwich and Whitehall, vast palaces with luxuries such as theatres, audience chambers and ballrooms. Will’s entertainment is in the crowded, dark taverns with cheap food, drink and love.Madden also enhances the separation between the two lovers through use of camera shots and angles. As Viola is the social superior she is shown to be at a higher level than Will through use of low angle shots illustrating to the viewer how she is too above Will for their relationship to work. This is seen especially in the balcony scenes shared between Will and Viola in reality and as Romeo and Juliet in the opening performance of the play. She is always above him and this is reciprocated through high angle shots of Will as he is near the bottom of the Elizabeth an hierarchy.This shows that although it is in Will and Viola’s nature to fall in love the truths of the era separates them making it impossible for a highborn lady like Viola to â€Å"love happily with a bankside poet and player. †Shakespeare in Love won an academy award for its use of costuming in the film, which is apparent when we see Viola throughout the film. She is dressed immaculately in elaborate gowns with intricate beading often shown in regal colours such as red, silver and gold which highlights her wealth and status and reminds the viewer that she is too above Will for their relationship to be acceptable in Elizabethan society.This is contrasted when we first see Will, he is clearly one of the masses in his worn workman boots, plain white shirt and ink stained hands. He relies on his words for a living. Viola and Will are from separate worlds and are only equals in the opening performance of Romeo and Juliet where Will is dressed in equal amounts of finer y as Viola. This shows that only in the make-believe world of the theatre can these two be equal and accepted. The idea that they cannot marry each other even though they are in love is hard to grasp in the modern day and is the reason why many were unsatisfied by the ending of the film.However it was interesting to see how â€Å"love can spring between a queen and the poor vagabond who plays the king. †We see Will and Viola defy â€Å"rank and riverbank†in an awe-inspiring way but we learn that despite their risk taking, there is not always a happy ending. So it can be seen that the truth of love in Elizabethan England separates the two protagonists who are without control over their own relationships and life choices, a reality for the time that is hardly seen in twenty-first century New Zealand making this theme in the film almost alien to a modern teenage girl like myself.John Madden successfully portrays the constrictions of Elizabethan England and the trials Wi ll and Viola must undergo to be together through his use of dialogue, mis-en-scene, camera shots and costuming. It was interesting to me as a modern day teenager to learn that we don’t always get a happy ending in life. â€Å"Those whom God has joined in marriage not even the Queen can put asunder. â€
Monday, July 29, 2019
Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development
L & D Assignment 1: Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development Submitted By Pravin Bang Submitted To, Prof. Abhishek Kumar Psychoanalytic Theory, conceived by Sigmund Freud and developed and modified by his colleagues, students, critics and later by ‘neo-Freudians' such as Erich Fromm in the 19th and 20th centuries, has been a significant influence and contribution to psychological research, treatment of mental illness and a general understanding of the development and functioning of the human psyche[1].Tenets of Psychoanalytic Theory Though the field has developed into several complex branches with a variety of ideas and theoretical frameworks since its conception, some of its basic and fundamental tenets can be recognised as follows: 1. )Human personality is determined by, apart from hereditary characteristics, childhood environment, experiences and memories. 2. )The Human mind is divided into three ‘parts'(not physically): Conscious, Pre-conscious and Subcon scious.The conscious mind is where we put things which we are currently attentive to, the pre-conscious mind is is where we put things we are aware about but which are not the subject of our attention and finally the subconscious is where we have little control or awareness about the processes or emotions, i. e. , is not reached the conscious mind. 3. )The above concept was later evolved into the idea of the Id, Ego and Super Ego, by Freud. Id is the process of the mind which operates almost solely on the ‘pleasure-principal' and is the source of our impulses and desires, it is a part of the mind when an individual is born.Ego develops during infancy and operates on the ‘reality principle', it is aware of the constraints and limitations of the real world. The Super ego refers to how we perceive ourselves and our moral and ethical values. In this model the function of Ego is to balance the Id and Super Ego within the constraints and limitations of the real world. 4. )Huma n impulses and desires originate from the subconscious mind, this has the profound consequence that we are not in control of our behaviour and drives. The main human drives are sex and aggression.Conflict and neurosis arises when the attempt to bring subconscious drives into the conscious mind meets psychological resistance, i. e. , when certain emotions are ‘repressed' and forced to remain in the subconscious primarily because of their incompatibility with the value systems and moral standards applicable to the self as perceived by the Super Ego. This is done through ‘defence mechanisms'. Psychoanalysis and Childhood Development Psyschoanalytical theory has been an influential concept for explaining the development of an individual's personality.The two major theories regarding this subject are Freud's Psychosexual Development theory and Erikson's Psychosocial Development theory. It is worth noting that both these thoeries lend great significance to childhood environmen t and it can be said that psychoanalytical approaches led to childhood being regarded as being of much greater psychological significance than it had been historically. Erkison's Theory of Psychosocial Development Unlike Freud's Psychosexual theory, Psychosocial Development regards personality being continually affected and modified throughout the individual's lifetime.Erikson's theory defines the the term ‘Ego Identity' which may be explained as the individual's perception and awareness of self developed through social interaction across his or her lifespan. Each stage in this theory is characterised by a conflict or ‘challenge' which arises through differences in personal and sociocultural views and which the individual must resolve to grow into a better personality. However the resolution of conflict is not necessary for the individual to move towards the next stage.The eight stages of Erikson's theory are outlined below: a. )First Stage: Starting from birth and lasti ng for one year, this stage involves the conflict between Trust and Mistrust, with the infant being completely dependent, the competence and consistency of his caregivers would determine whether his outlook towards the world is that of trust or mistrust. b. )Second Stage: Spanning from age two to three, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Autonomy and Shame and Doubt.At this age the child begins to develop motor abilities and is able to fulfil some of his own needs, however parents still remain a crucial support through which and under whose supervision the child starts learning tasks and begins to explore the world around him. Parents who watchfully encourage these early attempts at self-sufficiency instil a sense of autonomy and confidence in the child's personality, however too restrictive or demanding parents may hinder the positive effects of this process and instil a sense of self-doubt and shame in the child. . )Third Stage: Seen in children of age three to si x, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Initiative and Guilt. At this age children rapidly acquire new skills and knowledge, they are learning principles of mechanical causality, lingual and grammatical abilities, performing complex tasks which grant increased self-sufficiency and mastery of the world. At this age the child's motivation for action is that of achievement, he aims to solve a purpose with the tasks he ndertakes, successful resolution of this stage leads to a sense of initiative and leadership, although undertaking tasks which are too complex or not yielding positive results may induce frustration and anger. However, if parents discredit or undermine this newfound motivation of the child he develops a sense of guilt regarding his feelings and urges for getting involved in various actions and tasks. d. )Fourth Stage: Occuring from age five to twelve, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Industry and Inferiority.During these years children be come familiar with and learn about technology and crafts and become motivated to contributing to fruitful and productive action. During this stage the child develops a sense or cooperation and willingness to â€Å"do it right†. Successful resolution of this stage leads to the inoculation of industrious qualities; however failure to achieve a sense of productiveness and mastery leads to feelings of inferiority. e. )Fifth Stage: Spanning from thirteen to nineteen years of age, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Identity and Role Confusion.During adolescence, children explore their independence and develop a sense of self. Those who receive proper encouragement and reinforcement through personal exploration will emerge from this stage with a strong sense of self and a feeling of independence and control. Those who remain unsure of their beliefs and desires will feel insecure and confused about themselves and the future. f. )Sixth Stage: Covering young adulthood from age 20 to 24, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Intimacy and Isolation.During this stage people begin exploring personal relationship and the successful resolution of this stage requires the individual form close, committed relationships and leads to a sense of security. Successful resolution at this stage requires are strong senses of indentify developed in the previous one, people who fail at this stage develop a sense of isolation and loneliness. g. )Seventh Stage: Covering middle age from 25 to 64 years, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Generatively and Stagnation.The main motivation of individuals at this stage is to provide guidance to the next generation; this stage also involves forming strong, accepting and healthy familial relationships. Failure at this stage leads to a feeling of stagnation. h. )Eigth Stage: The final developmental stage, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Integrity and Despair. If the individual is able to look at the life he has led and feel accomplished then he feels a sense of integrity, however failure to do so leads to a sense of despair.Freud's Theory of Psychosexual Development Unlike Erikson's theory, Psychosexual Development postulates adult personality being determined only from heredity or past childhood experiences and memories. Freud outlined the stages of personality development during childhood, being characterised by certain erogenous zones and their attendant conflicts the positive resolution of which leads to a healthy personality whereas â€Å"fixation†at a particular stage, i. e. , getting stuck at the drives of a particular stage leads to negative personality traits, as follows: a. Oral Stage: The first stage of development lasting from birth to 1 years of age, at this stage children explore the world with their most sensitive zone, the mouth. Fixation at this stage leads to habits such as smoking, over eating, etc. b. )Anal Stage: This stage st ars from age to and lasts unto age three, at this age children learn control over elimination of bodily waste. Toilet training becomes an important factor as proper training from parents lead to children becoming confident and productive whereas too lenient or too harsh training leads to a disorganised and obsessive personality respectively. . )Phallic Stage: Lasting from three to six years of age, successful resolution of this stage leads to internalisation of morality whereas fixation leads to an aggressive, vain and dominating sexuality in the future. d. )Latency Stage: Lasts from six years of age until puberty, successful resolution of this stage leads to development of social and people skills and ability to build and maintain relationships. e. )Genital Stage: Final developmental stage, lasts from puberty to most of the adult life, successful resolution leads to psychological independence from parents.References: 1. ) Slater, Charles L. (2003), â€Å"Generativity versus stagna tion: An elaboration of Erikson's adult stage of human development†, Journal of Adult Development 2. ) Erikson, Erik (1956). â€Å"The problem of ego identity†. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 4: 56–121. 3. ) Marcia, James E. (1966). â€Å"Development and validation of ego identity status†. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 3: 551–558.
Black Hole Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Black Hole - Essay Example The book discusses the study conducted by a scientist Jim Al-Khalili on the various theories that have presented by Einstein. Black holes are a part of the universe and space and Einstein have presented a number of theories regarding this concept. And the scientist earlier mentioned have studied in detail all these theories and have presented several different new discoveries which he discovered during this study. Universe, time and space are all directly related to the concept of the black hole and have direct relations with the existence and non-existence of black holes. The scientist has presented that certain theories presented by Einstein like the theory of relativity are not completely applicable to the concept of the black hole. On the other hand, scientists like Einstein himself believes that the theories are true and in working condition. The book was a great source of information and provided with great deals of information and the book contained certain information which c ould not be found in other relevant books. Through the studying of the book, it can be concluded that the book is written after the great research and through study. This is a dissertation that has been written purely on the concept of black holes, the controversies that have been presented on the concept of black holes. Many theories have been presented regarding the concept of black holes and as a result, a number of contradictions have been presented on the topic of the black hole. Â ... On the other hand, scientists like Einstein himself believes that the theories are true and in working condition. The book was a great source of information and provided with great deals of information and the book contained certain information which could not be found in other relevant books. Through the studying of the book it can be concluded that the book is written after great research and through study. Potvin, Geoffrey D, and Amanda . Peet. Singularity Resolution and the Black Hole Information Paradox. , 2006. Print. This is a dissertation that has been written purely on the concept of black holes, the controversies that have been presented on the concept of black holes. Many theories have been presented regarding the concept of black holes and as a result a number of contradictions have been presented on the topic of black hole. This book which is in actual a thesis has discussed in detail these controversies and the paradox that exists regarding the issue of black hole. Blac k hole is such a big controversy in the history of science that no other issue can second it. Many famous scientists have declared that black holes are a part of this universe and they are an unshaken reality while on the other numerous other renowned and eminent scientists have presented theories that there is no such thing as black holes and all the concept behind the black holes that has been presented by scientists who support are totally illogical and baseless. This thesis has discussed these various issues in detail and has presented its own view regarding this issue. The thesis is very interesting piece of writing and very informative. Fabbri, Alessandro, and Jose? Navarro-Salas. Modeling Black Hole Evaporation. London: Imperial College Press, 2005.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
American literature of the Vietnam war is essentially colonial in form Essay
American literature of the Vietnam war is essentially colonial in form and focus. You may use examples from poetry, science fiction and other forms (such as mus - Essay Example rsonal aims declared a few months after his election for President: â€Å"I do not want to be the President who built empires, or sought grandeur, or extended dominion. I want to be the President who educated young children to the wonders of the world. I want to be the President who helped to feed the hungry †¦ the poor to find their own way†¦ who helped to end hatred among his fellowmen and who prompted love among the people of all races and all religions and all parties. I want to be the President who helped to end war among the brothers of this earth†(â€Å"An Outline of American History†, United States Information Agency, 87-203 (165), p.173, 174). As to many writers who have been writing about the American war in Vietnam, it seems to me President Johnson’s words have nothing in common with reality. It is not up to me to criticize US politics; however, it is the politics that is responsible for the writings of these writers, in both positive and ne gative terms, since many of the writers have actually fought in this war. And their works seem to be colonial in form and focus? If I had fought the Vietnamese War and wrote my poetry in the trenches, would my poetry have been colonial in form and focus? One thing is certain, though: I would have put all my prayers in my poetry, and aren’t prayers among the many things that characterize the American colonial period literature? Speaking of prayers, we must highlight the influence of Puritanism on literature. Although American literature begins with the Native Americans’ oral narratives, myths, legends, songs, during the colonial period it is strongly influenced by the Puritans, considered the most educated and religious people who worshipped God and praised Him and Christian religion in their writings. Puritans wrote mainly of the spiritual dangers of the soul in the form of complex metaphysical poetry, religious history, lyrics, sermons, theological tracts, etc., but always about the constant battle between
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Developing Professional Practice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Developing Professional Practice - Assignment Example From this paper it is clear that  there is a need to focus on the financial position of an individual. The two options have varying costs. Therefore, the financial position will be vital in making a decision. There is a need to focus on the time taken for each option. For instance, a course that will take long before completion may have dire effect on career development. Similarly, there is a need to focus on the time schedule. For instance, some curses offer evening and distance learning. This may be a prudent course. Taking a diploma in human resource is a prudent approach especially when in the human resource department. This will increase chances of getting a promotion. On the other hand, the course may be expensive when compared to the certificate in human resource management. Two aspects of group dynamics are group ideology and group cohesion. Research these two and briefly discuss them in around 100 words each in the space provided. Remember to reference your work. How does an understanding of group dynamics, including Tuckman’s model allow HR professionals to be able to perform efficiently as part of a working group? Illustrate your answer with work examples in no more than 150 words in the space provided.Â
Friday, July 26, 2019
The anti-terrorism law in the U.K. and its overall impact Coursework
The anti-terrorism law in the U.K. and its overall impact - Coursework Example However, in the middle of the middle of the government’s role to provide security of its citizens, the anti-terrorist laws have created a huge negative impact. This report will discuss the anti-terrorism law in the U.K. and its overall impact. Light will be shed on how this law has innocently disrupted lives. Introduction Oxford dictionary defines terrorism as the â€Å"unofficial and unauthorized use of violence in the pursuit of political aims (Oxford Dictionary, 2012).†Terrorism is not a new concept, it has been used since the prehistoric times but it is relatively hard to describe in words that can encompass the entire concept behind this term. Terrorism has been used as both, a tactic as well as a strategy; for criminal purposes and as a holy duty. Whatever is case; an act of terrorism is extremely reprehensible and has no justifications what so ever. Unfortunately, this line of thought is not adopted by all people. Terrorism has always been useful approach for th e side whose argument or strength is weaker as compared to the other. On a larger, national scale, terrorism is defined as the use of violence to inculcate fear in the minds of people and intimidate and coerce governments and different societies to pursue goals of the terrorists. The reason why terrorism is so wrong is because its influence goes way beyond just the intended victim, it at times have consequences for entire nations (Terrorism Research, 2012). Terrorism Ever since the incident of twin towers in America on 9th September, 2001, the threat of terrorism has magnified. Ever since that unforgettable day referred to as 9/11, terrorism is a word that looms large in the minds of people. War against terrorism is a commonly heard term and many different nations as well Britain are participants in this war to provide their citizens with a sense of security and to keep them safe from terrorists. However, for the United Kingdom, there is nothing new about the threat of terrorism or the legal response to it. Throughout the course of history, Britain has been the victim of many terrorist acts. However, for the purpose of this report, the events, legislation and the effect of that legislation prior to 2001 will not be considered. The disastrous occurrence of 9/11 did not result in any immediate or drastic change in the legislation that was directed towards curbing terrorism. Most of the legislation pertaining to terrorism already existed. However as a direct consequence of 9/11, The Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 were passed. This terrorism act incorporated in the British legislation has resulted in Britain having the most comprehensive legal framework in all of Europe to fight terrorism (Bennet, 2005). The Anti-Terrorism Act The Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 were aimed at amending the Terrorism Act 2000. Its purpose was to include more stipulation about terrorism and security. It provided provisions for the freezing of assets and immig ration and asylum. The act intended to amend as well as extend the scope of criminal law and its powers for preventing crime from happening and enforcing that law. The Act included in it laws which made retention of communication data legal. The Act also included provisions for the control of pathogens and toxins (Anti-terrorism, 2001). The major constituent of the bill was the government of the time’s determination to find a way of dealing with foreign nationals and visitors who were suspected of involvement in terrorism activities by
Thursday, July 25, 2019
IBM and the Holocaust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
IBM and the Holocaust - Essay Example IBM’s German subsidiary, called Dehomag, once put up a poster in German whose translation to English meant â€Å"see everything with Hollerith punch cards.†This poster, while at the time simply advertising the importance of punch cards in capturing individuals’ information, have been found to have been the reason why the Nazis found it easy to carry out mass murders of the minority groups in Germany. Dehomag is the acronym for the company Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft (German Hollerith Machine Corporation); a company established in 1910 by Willy Heidinger. Heidinger later sold the company to American industrialist Charles Flint. Through various stages of acquisitions, Dehomag eventually became a direct subsidiary of CTR which was later renamed to International Business Machines in 1924 (Jeffery, 2001). The idea of punch cards had been conceived by Herman Hollerith about the year 1880. Hollerith was working for the US Census Bureau. The punch cards were basically readable cards with perforations in a standardized pattern. Every perforation represented a given piece of information about the individual such as their nationality, occupation, gender, and so on. The traits could be easily sorted out to give the desired picture of a given population. For example, gender could be used to divide the country into males and females (Hayes, 2000). Adolf Hitler and the chief executive officer of IBM Thomas J. Watson are two of the people most famously accused of the genocide in Nazi Germany. While Hitler broadcasted his hate messages against the Jews (and other races), he found fanatics among great men such as Henry Ford and Thomas Watson. With IBM’s presence in Germany and with Hitler at the helm, it was not by chance that Watson fueled Hitler’s aims. While, in my opinion, Watson and IBM are victims of circumstances, their role in the holocaust shall remain significant. If they had turned down Germany’s use of punch cards, they would not have prevented the holocaust since Germany would have obtained the technology anyway.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Early Roman politics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Early Roman politics - Assignment Example The era marked the creation of the Rome Republic ruled by magistracies including praetors, tribunes, censors, and aediles (Winterling 57). The Republic also had a voting assembly that would vote on crucial matters like war. Series of wars and attacks would weaken Romans political system, but the Republic was able to regain its dominance in the Mediterranean Sea region and become politically strong again. The Late Republic era marked the dominance of senators on the countrys political system though emergency of influential individuals like Julio Ceasar would shape early politics in Rome (Winterling 54). Julio Ceasar came at a time when politics situation in Rome was restless with clear political divisions. The republic governance also marked early Roman politics. The Senate had full legislative power. The era also marked autocratic rule by emperors whose presence meant that the Senate could only function as an advisory body to the Emperor. The early political situation in Rome depicts a republic with weak political institutions a factor that would lead to the fall of some
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Analysis - Essay Example ts by exhorting the people to alter, to abolish, and to institute a new government when it comes the time when the declaration is already destructive with respect to the rights. Same principles must also apply to uphold the same qualities of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, should there be an alteration of the state’s constitution. The people were also encouraged to look at the declaration as eternal and not fleeting. But, it emphasized the rights of the people to throw off the government if it continually claims constitutionality under shadows of usurpation and abuses. One is really amazed at the constitution’s gist of solid principles. And, if historians are to digest the declaration, there are many things to learn upon the classic example of the America’s Declaration of Independence. Democracy is not only a nomenclature for the kind of government, but also a state or quality of the governanment with life, liberty and pursuit of happiness in the end. It attempts to liberate the people. It attempts to establish the people as partners of the bureaucracy. And, it looks at people as highly-minded constituents, and as collaborators as well. It is learned that the true intentions of the framers of the constitution is to do good for the people and for the people in the next generations; that all people should be guaranteed with the same inalienable rights. It also intends to protect the people against abuses and usurpations. It will always be remembered that the framers had sincerely put in place the safeguards for the people. And, the people should be put away from harm. Lastly, it is comforting to note that the Americans can overcome challenges if it will be united as one. And the global community can take it as a catalyst to provide better lives for the entire
Integration of different theories Essay Example for Free
Integration of different theories Essay Integration of different theories Employing the Behavioral, Cognitive-Behavioral, Psychodynamic, Existential, Humanistic, Family Systems, Gestalt and Client-Centered Eclectic stance primarily involves the incorporation of distinct concepts within a single framework. The important thing is that of flexibility and resiliency on one’s part when to apply or implement which of the theories in the context of his/her client. It starts with the identification of specific problems and especially the root causes. When this is confidently achieved, the therapist is actually midway to attaining his/her goals which includes not only the relief of the symptoms that the sufferer is currently experiencing but especially the reduction of the occurrence if not altogether eliminated (Corey, 2004). THERAPIES -The Behavioral model utilizes what is termed as the learning theory posited by Skinner and Watson and the rest of the Behaviorism school. It assumes that the principles in learning i. e. , conditioning (Associative and Operant) are effective means to effect change in an individual. Generally, the thrust of this theoretical perspective is focused on the symptoms that a person is experiencing. Just as many of the errors of the patterns of behavior come from learning from the environment, it is also assumed that an individual will be able to unlearn some if not all these by using the techniques as applied based on the learning principles. To a certain extent I believe that this still works: reinforcements are effective to some extent and in some or many people hence I am incorporating this stance separate or distinct from the Cognitive-Behavioral approach. In behavior therapy therefore, thoughts, feelings and all those â€Å"malfunctioning†and unwanted manifestations revealed in one’s activities can be unlearned and the work of a behavior therapist. The basic concepts include â€Å"extinguishing†– utilized when maladaptive patterns are then weakened and removed and in their place habits that are healthy are established (developed and strengthened) in a series or progressive approach called â€Å"successive approximations. When these (factors) are reinforced such as through rewards in intrinsic and extrinsic means, the potential of a more secure and steady change in behavior is developed and firmly established (Corey, 2004). Cognitive-Behavioral therapy. In the cognitive approach alone, the therapist understands that a client or patient comes into the healing relationship and the former’s role is to change or modify the latter’s maladjusted or error-filled thinking patterns. These patterns may include wishful thinking, unrealistic expectations, constant reliving and living in the past or even beyond the present and into the future, and overgeneralizing. These habits lead to confusion, frustration and eventual constant disappointment. This therapeutic approach stresses or accentuates the rational or logical and positive worldview: a viewpoint that takes into consideration that we are problem-solvers, have options in life and not that we are always left with no choice as many people think. It also looks into the fact that because we do have options then there are many things that await someone who have had bad choices in the past, and therefore can look positively into the future. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy postulated primarily by Ellis and Beck â€Å"facilitates a collaborative relationship between the patient and therapist. †With the idea that the counselor and patient together cooperate to attain a trusting relationship and agree which problems or issues need to come first in the course of the therapy. For the Cognitive Behaviorist Therapist, the immediate and presenting problem that the client is suffering and complaining from takes precedence and must be addressed and focused in the treatment. There is instantaneous relief from the symptoms, and may be encouraged or spurred on to pursue in-depth treatment and reduction of the ailments where possible (Corey, 2004). Psychoanalytic therapy. The Psychodynamic perspective is based on the work of Sigmund Freud. He created both a theory to explain personality and mental disorders, and the form of therapy known as psychoanalysis. The psychodynamic approach assumes that all behavior and mental processes reflect constant and often unconscious struggles within the person. These usually involved conflicts between our need to satisfy basic biological instincts, for example, for food, sex or aggression, and the restrictions imposed by society. Not all of those who take a psychodynamic approach accept all of Freud’s original ideas, but most would view abnormal or problematic behavior as the result of a failure to resolve conflicts adequately. Many of the disorders or mental illnesses recognized today without a doubt have their psychodynamic explanation aside from other viewpoints like that of the behaviourist, or the cognitivists. From simple childhood developmental diseases to Schizophrenia, there is a rationale that from Freud’s camp is able to explain (Corey, 2004). The Existential approach, as put forward by Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger, Rollo May, and Frankl, believes that the individual’s potential may lie dormant but that it is there waiting to be ushered in time. It recognizes that man is able to achieve great heights and that these are just waiting to be tapped not only by him/herself but that also when helped by a practitioner who is persuaded of this notion. It examines such major issues as free will and the challenges of exercising this free will, the issue of mortality, loneliness and in general, the meaning of life. The Therapy is effective when the practitioner works with elderly care and death and dying issues. It focuses on the individual needs but takes into consideration the significant relationships and the meanings they bring into the person’s life. Transcending the issues and problems are primary intentions of the therapist at the same time being realistic that certain limitations do exist and may hinder the process of recovery (Rubinstein et al. , 2007; Corey, 2004). -Humanistic therapy. Allport, Bugental, Buhler, Maslow Rollo May, Murphy, Murray, Fritz Perls and Rogers are those that helped usher in the Humanistic theory and consequent therapy. It holds in view the individual as possessing the options or freedom to choose, creativity, and the capability to attain a state where he/she is more aware, freer, responsible and worthy of trust. Because the human mind has immense potential, the approach assesses as well that forces from the environment bear on with the individual and depending on the interplay that occurs within the individual person, the result will either be destructive or constructive to the person. In sum, humanism takes into the perspective that essentially humans are good and not evil, and that the therapy facilitates by harnessing on the human potential through the development of interpersonal skills. This results to an enhanced quality life and the individual becomes an asset rather than a liability to the society where he revolves in (Corey, 2004). Family-Systems therapy. This theoretical viewpoint has been the by-product of the works of Bateson, Minuchin, Bowen, Ackerman and many others. Usually done in pairs or by a team of practitioners, family systems therapy has its roots in behavioral and psychoanalytic principles. This model understands that the family is a unit and its members or any of its members with an issue or a problem must be addressed in the context of the family as a unit. It puts its emphasis on the relationships among the family members, their patterns of communication more than their individual traits and/or symptoms. The systems theory portion of the therapy indicates that whatever is occurring or happening is not isolated but is a working part of a bigger context. In the family systems approach then, no individual person can be understood when removed from his relationships whether in the present or past, and this is specially focused on the family he belongs to (Corey, 2004). Reference: Corey, Gerald (2004). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Thomson Learning, USA.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include Essay Example for Free
Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include Essay Event Production Manager, 206inc Director of Communications, 75 Ninth Avenue Coordinator of Sales and Marketing, 75 Ninth Avenue Partnership Marketing Manager, AAA MidAtlantic, Inc General Director, Action Marketing Country Manager, Action Marketing Costa Rica Partner, Activent Marketing Director, Global Experiential Marketing, Activision Senior Employee Communication Specialist and Event Planner, Activision Publishing Inc. Retail Experiential Marketing Manager, Activision Publishing Inc. Senior Corporate Events Manager, Adobe Marketing Events Manager, ADP Event Planner, ADP Events Marketing Manager, AdRoll Manager of Events, Adult Swim Events Coordinator, Adult Swim President, Advantage International Associate Creative Director, Advantage International Account Manager, Advantage International General Manager, Agressive Communication Director of Accounts and Business Development, AIM Marketing Solutions Director, Integrated Marketing, Alaska Airlines Conventions Planner, Alcon Global Conventions Logistics Planner, Alcon Laboratories Senior Project Manager, Events, Align Technology Vice President, All Year Sports Galaxy President, Alliance Connection, Inc. Senior Vice President, Allied Experiential Director-Sponsorships, Promotions and PR, Allstate Director-Global Event Marketing, AMD Senior Manager, Consumer Products and Services, American Express Media Consutlant/Producer, American Family Insurance Media Director, American Family Insurance Experiential Marketing Specialist, American Honda Motor Co. Manager, Experiential Marketing, American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Director, Sales Marketing, Event Conference Services, American Museum of Natural History Business Development Manager, Amsterdam RAI Trade Development, Amway Tradeshow Manager, AMX VP, Experiential Marketing, Anheuser-Busch Marketing Director, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Owner/Creative Director, AOO Events Events Manager, Events Director, Armstrong Patrnership Marketing Specialist, Audi of America Creative Director, AWESTRUCK Marketing Group President, AWESTRUCK Marketing Group President, B. Levine Productions VP, Affinity/Event Marketing, Bank of America Project Analyst, Bank of America Executive VP, Barkley Kalpak Agency Marketing Manager, Bayer Healthcare Senior Event Manager, BI WORLDWIDE Director, Global Brand Experinece, BlackRock VP, Brand Experience, BlackRock Director, Global Brand Experience, BlackRock Sampling Events Coordinator, Blue Chip Marketing Worldwide Product Manager, BlueWater Technologies Event Marketing Manager, BNP Media Event Manager, Account Director, BOOM! Marketing Managing Partner, Brandscopic Director, Consumer Marketing Events, Bravo Market Leader, Britten Studios Vice President Special Events Promotions, Caesars Entertainment Director of Special Events, Caesars Entertainment Director of Strategy Planning, Cà ¡rdenas Marketing Network Executive Director, Strategic Corporate Events, Catalina Global Director, Event Management, Charles River Associate Director, Event Management, Charles River Head of Experiential Marketing, Chrysler Experiential Marketing, Chrysler Group LLC 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ VP, Client Creative, Chute Gerdeman Director Marketing Strategy, Cisco Marketing Strategist, Cisco Manager, Program Management, Cisco Social Media Manager, Consultant, Cisco, Cisco Director of Sales, Partner Engagement and Recoginition Programs, Cisco Manager: Digital, Audience and Measurement Engagement Strategy, Cisco Principal Marketing Manager, Worldwide Marketing, Citrix VP, Sales, City Eventions Vice President, Events Marketing, City National Bank Principal, Cloudburst Advisory Group Event Director, CMD Global Digital Marketing Manager, Coca-Cola Director, Corporate Marketing, Cognizant National Account Executive, Color Reflections Las Vegas Marketing Manager, Comcast Business Mobile Experience Regional Director, Compassion International Brand Director, Constellation Wines Manager, Global Marketing, Cook Medical Senior Manager, Global Marketing, Cook Medical VP, Program Development, CPC Intersect Project Sales, Craftsmen Industries President, Marketing Services, CROSSMARK Conference Manager, Crossway Books Brand Director, Crown Imports Senior Director Marketing, CSE Senior Marketing Director, CSP Business Media Promo Director, CTC Media Vice President of Enterprise Event Marketing Sales, Cvent Creative Techologist, CXG Vice President, Sales, Czarnowski Author, Decide to Be Excellent Event Marketing Director, Dell Experiential Marketing Manager, Dell Alienware Senior Marketing Manager, Deloitte Event Manager, Deluxe Strategic Communications Director, Deluxe VP Experiential, Deutsch Inc Partner/Vice President, Dimensional Communications Event Manager, Discover Financial Services Marketing Communications Manager, DoubleDutch Director, Multicultural Marketing, Dr Pepper Snapple Group Marketing Communications Program Manager, Eaton Corporation Marketing Manager, Executive Director, EDPA VP, Account Director, EEI Global Operations Manager, Elite Marketing Group CTO, Elite Marketing Group Senior Vice President, Elite Marketing Group Account Executive, ELS Creative Director, Encatalogo CEO, Encompass Events Pvt Ltd Founder CEO, Encore Nationwide CEO, Engine Shop Director, Engine Shop Director, Marketing Communications, Ericsson Director, Client Experiences, Escalate Sr. Program Events Manager, ESET North America CEO, eshots, Inc. Senior Manager, Brand Partnerships, Esurance Vice President of Global Marketing, etouches Business Development, Event Strategy Group CEO, EventNet USA Founder CEO, EventPro Strategies SVP, Client Development, Eventus Vice President, Eventus CEO, Eventus Marketing LLC President, Digital Engagements, EWI Worldwide Executive Vice President, Exhibit Surveys Group CEO, Exp Group Group CMO, Exp Group Head of Strategy, Exp Nigeria Corporate Brand Consultant, ExpandaBrand Partner, Fake Love VP, Management Director, FCBX EVP, Group Management Director, FCBX Specialty Sales Manager, Featherlite, Inc. Senior Brand Manager, Pralines, Ferrero Canada Ltd Senior Manager, Global Events, FICO Director, Global Events, FICO Group Director, Fidelity Investments 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ Director, First Protocol VP of Marketing and Analytics, FISH Technologies Owner/CEO, Flash Point Communications Social Media Coordinator, Flash Point Communications, LLC CEO, Flavor Group VP, Marketing and Client Development, FLIRT Communications Experiential Marketing Manager, Florida Blue Experiential Marketing Specialist, Florida Blue VP, Business Development, Fluent Marketing Manager, For Rent Media Solutions/ Brand Content and Alliance Manager, Ford Managing Director, Forum Group Events National Account Director, Corporate Accounts, Freeman SVP, Corporate Events, Freeman President, FreemanXP CEO, G2Planet Marketing Coordinator, GEICO Corporate Marketing Coordinator, GEICO National Strategic Partnership Rep., General Growth Properties National Promotions Manager, General Motors Marketing Manager, General Motors Auto Show Manager, General Motors Experiential Marketing Manager, General Motors Auto Show Manager, General Motors Account Supervisor, Geometry Global Account Director, Geometry Global SVP, Head of North American Analytics, Geometry Global Field Director, Geometry Global EVP, Experiential Marketing, Geometry Global Creative Director, Geometry Global Executive Assistant, Geometry Global Management Supervisor, Geometry Global Account Manager, Geometry Global Field Director, Geometry Global Executive Group Director, Geometry Global Account Director, Geometry Global Account Supervisor, Geometry Global Managing Director, Geometry Global Director of Production, Geometry Global SVP, Client Services, George P Johnson Senior Strategist, Strategy and Planning, George P. Johnson Promotion Marketing Representative, Georgia Lottery Corporation Trade Show Manager, Gerber SVP, Marketing, Global Experience Specialists Marketing Manager, Global Experience Specialists Senior Marketing Coordinator, Global Experience Specialists Marketing Communications Supervisor, GMR Marketing Director of Client Development, GMR Marketing Chief Digital Officer, GMR Marketing CEO/Cheif Creative, Go West Creative Account Manager, GO! Experience Design General Manager, GO! Experience Design Manager, Event Marketing, Gogo Air CEO, Gold N Fish Marketing Group Executive Director, GolinHarris Google, Google CEO, Group Delphi Account Executive, Group Delphi Associate Account Manager, Grow Marketing Associate Account Director, Grow Marketing Account Director/Experiential and Sponsorships, GSDM Partnership Marketing Manager, GSMA Ltd Manager, Mobile Marketing Programs, GSMA Ltd. New Business Development, East Coast Manager, GTE Agency Senior Marketing Manager, Brand Promotion and PR, HR Block Director of Brand Promotion and PR, HR Block Executive Director, Business Development, Hargrove Inc Senior Account Executive, Hargrove Inc Sales Executive, Hargrove, Inc. Director, Regional Dealer Communication, Harley-Davidson Director, Event Strategy and Execution, North America, Harley-Davidson Motor Company Sr. Coordinator Customer Experience Operations, Harley-Davidson Motor Company Account coordinator, Hawkeye 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ Client Partner, hawkeye Sports Experiential Brand Director, Sponsorships Events, Heineken USA Brand Manager, Sponsorships Events, Heineken USA Managing Partner, Helios Creative Services Production Resource Manager, Hello! Florida Destination Management VP, Creative Services, Hello! Florida Destination Management Senior Account Manager, Henry V Experience Designer, Henry V / Lub Dub Account Manager, Henry V Events Senior Manager, Event Marketing, Hewlett-Packard Company Writer/Producer, HGTV Manager, Hills Corp CEO, Founder, Hit Brands VP, Events Strategy and Transformation, HP Senior Director, HP SVP, Marketing and Events, HP Sr. Group Manager, Experiential Marketing, Hyundai Motor America Account Executive, i4D Events Marketing and Communications Manager, Idaho Housing and Finance Vice President, Ignition, Inc. Art Director, Illumina, Inc. Sr. Marketing Specialist, Illumina, Inc. Manager, Events, Illumina, Inc. Global Events, IMAX Corporation Assistant Manager, Global Events, IMAX Corporation New Business Development, Manager, Impact Unlimited CCO, Innova Marketing Event Marketing Program Manager, Intel Senior Consumer Marketing Manager, Intel Program Manager, Corporate Event Marketing, Intel Account Exeuctive, Interactions Marketing Senior Business Development Manager, Interactions Marketing Account Executive, Interactions Marketing Sr. Marketing Manager, InterCall Director of Product Marketing, InterCall President CEO, International Sportsmens Expositions, Inc. Account Manager, InVision Communiations CEO, Co-Founder, InVision Communications Project Manager, ITA Group Manager, Event Solution Line, ITA Group Production Manager, Jack Morton Worldwide Strategy Director, Jack Morton Worldwide SVP, Senior Strategist, Jack Morton Worldwide Director of Business Development, JHE Production Group Account Manager, JMI Senior Consultant, Events Marketing, Kaiser Permanente Manager, Event Marketing, Kaiser Permanente Manager, Programs Design, Kaiser Permanente Director of Partnership Marketing, Karlitz Company Chief Growth Officer, Karma411 Chief Executive Officer, Karma411 Marketing Manager, Karmasphere Group Account Director Experiential and Sponsorship, KBS+ Account Executive, Kubik Managing Director, Kubik VP, Museum Sales, Kubik Malbtbie, Inc. VP, Sales Sponsorships, LM Consulting SVP, Strategy Product Management, Lanyon Promotions Supervisor, LatinWorks Account Director, LeadDog Marketing Group Inc Director Client Partnerships, LeadDog Marketing Group Inc Senior Account Executive, Legacy Marketing Partners General Manager, Legacy Marketing Partners Account Supervisor, Legacy Marketing Partners Vice President, Sales Marketing, LEGO KidsFest Vice President, Operations, LEGO KidsFest Principal, LEO Events Senior Vice President, LEO Events Principal, LEO Events Director, Marketing Communications, Liberty Mutual Insurance CEO, LIFELAB events SVP, Chief Marketing Officer, Retirement Plan Services, Lincoln Financial Group 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ Marketing Manager, Conference/Event Management, Lincoln Financial Group COO, Linder Associates President, Linder Associates Digital Director, Liquid 7 Digital Content House Chief Creative Strategist, Live Marketing Senior Event Supervisor, LIVE!media by Sunflower Director of Events, LIVE!media by Sunflower Marketing Manager, LIVESTRONG Foundation President, M2W Inc. Director, National Events Partnerships, Macys Parade Entertainment Group Principal, MAG Specialty Vehicles Director of Client Service, Magnet Engagement Group President, Magnet Engagement Group Partnership Account Executive, Mall of America Partnership Account Manager, Mall of America Partner Chief Storyteller, Manifesto Partner Chief Strategist, Manifesto Account Director, Maritz Account Director, Maritz Project Manager, Marketing Factory CEO, Marketing Factory SVP Client Service, Marketing Werks Senior Director of Operations, Marketing Werks Senior Manager, Engagement, Marketing Werks General Manager, Marketing Werks Group Account Manager, Marketing Werks Associate Director, Marketing Werks Group Account Manager, Client Service, Marketing Werks Account Supervisor, match action VP, Development, match action VP, Accounts, match action VP, Event Marketing, VP, Public Relations and Digital Communications, Maybelline F2F Channel Manager, mbna Sports Marketing Manager, mbna Division President, MC2 SVP, Experience Design Director, MC2 Creative Director, MC2 SVP, Client Service, MC2 Senior Vice President Client Service, MC2 Client Director, MCI UK Head of Live Experience, MCI UK Sales and Marketing Coordinator, McNaughton-McKay Electric Co. Senior Brand Manager, Mentos Head of Brand Experience Marketing, Mercedes-Benz CEO, Method Models VP, Hotel Sales, MGM Grand Hotel Casino VP, Sales, MGM Grand Hotel/Casino Sr. National Sales Manager, MGM Grand Hotel/Casino Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft Global Event Marketing, Microsoft Senior Events Digital Marketing Manager, Microsoft Digital Marketing Manager, Microsoft Senior Director, Worldwide Partner Events, Microsoft General Manager, Worldwide Events, Microsoft Director of Operations, Milligan Events Principal, Milligan Events Director of Business Development, Milligan Events VP Marketing and Social/Digital Strategy, Moderne Communications, Inc. President, Moderne Communications, Inc. President, Mosaic Experiential Marketing Senior Account Executive, Moss Events VP, Operations Strategy, Motive CEO, Creative Director, Motive Events Sponsorship Manager, Moz Account Director, PR/social influence, MULLEN Manager, National Basketball Association Director of Consumer Marketing and Media Strategy, National Geographic Channel Associate Manager, Consumer Marketing and Media Strategy, National Geographic Channels Senior Director Marketing, NBC Sports Vice President, Ncompass International Account Manager, Ncompass International Co-Founder, Ncompass International Account Manager, Ncompass International Account Coordinator, Ncompass International Brand Activation Manager, Neo Media Marketing Limited 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ Managing Director/CEO, Neo Media Marketing Limited Business Analyst, Neo Media Marketing Limited Director, Nestle Marketing Service Director, Nestle Marketing Events Coordinator, New York Central Mutual Account Executive, Next Marketing Director of Strategy, Next Marketing CEO/President, Next Marketing Marketing Coordinator, North Highland Account Executive, Nth Degree Account Director, Nth Degree VP, Automotive Brand Experiences, Nth Degree Senior Vice President, Octagon President, Octanorm USA President, On Board Experiential Marketing President, One Stop Interactive EVP, Marketing Strategic Development, Opus Events Agency COO, Opus Events Agency EVP Creative Director, Opus Events Agency EVP, Event Strategy Design, Opus Events Agency EVP, Global Accounts, Opus Events Agency President, Opus Events Agency VP, Marketing, Oracle Managing Director/CEO, Oracle Experience Limited Business Development, Oracle Nigeria Brand Activation Management, Oracle Nigeria Creative Consultant, Oracle Nigeria Senior Director, Global Initiatives, PayPal Managing Creative Director, PBJS Vice President, PBJS COO, PBJS Senior Manager, Brand Marketing, Peets Coffee Tea Senior Brand Director, Pepsi Senior Director of Cultural Branding, Pepsi VP, Business Development/Operations, Performance Marketing Group, inc. Executive Director, Corporate Accounts/Motorsports, Performance Marketing Group, inc. Director, Motorsports Marketing, Performance Marketing Group, inc. Experiential Producer, Periscope Senior Experiential Designer, Periscope Director of Marketing and Communications, Philips Global Director, Marketing Communications, Philips Healthcare Director, New Business Development, Pinnacle Exhibits, Inc. VP, Operations, Plan C Agency Director of Sales, Plannernet Sr. Research Manager, PortMA Field Marketing Manager, Preferred Brands International ~ Tasty Bite VP, Partnership Marketing, PREIT Malls Senior Manager, Partnership Marketing, PREIT Malls President, Premiere Transportation Business Development, Production Glue National Account Manager-Event Marketing, Productions Plus-The Talent Shop President, ProExhibits President and Lead Staffer, Professional Staffer Services VP, Program Development, Professional Staffer Services Sr. Marketing Manager, Project: WorldWide SVP, Marketing and Communications, Project: WorldWide Event Coordinator, Promega Corporation Executive Producer, Proscenium CFO, Proscenium Chief Creative Officer, Proscenium Managing Director, Proscenium Senior Brand Manager, PRUSA Events Manager, PRUSA Director of Product and Channel Marketing, QuickMobile Partner, Executive Creative Director, Rally Marketing Group Partner, Integration Development, Rally Marketing Group President, Ravenchase Adventures Global Director of PR, Razer Senior VP, Red Light Management Senior Program Manager, RedPeg Marketing Director, B2B Strategy, Regence BlueCross BlueShield 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ Event Manager, Regence BlueCross BlueShield Director, Remezcla CEO, Remezcla Director, Remezcla VP-Marketing, Remy Cointreau Author, Resilience: Why Things Bounce Back VP, rEvolution COO, RMD Group Inc. Account Supervisor, Roberts Communications Account Executive, Roberts Communications Director of Sales, Rock-It Cargo Author, Romancing the Brand: How Brands Create Strong, Intimate Relationships with Consumers CEO, Sales Generators Executive Vice President, Sales Generators Director, Business Development, Sandra Arnold Inc. GM Events Pers, SAP Senior Director, Global Events, SAP GM Events Pers, SAP VP, Global Events, SAP CEO/CCO, School Marketing Coordinator, Scripps Networks Interactive HGTV DIY Network Director Global Marketing, SEMI Director, Shared Experiences Executive Director, Business Development, ShowTec, Inc. COO, Showtime Group AVP, Business Development, Simon Property Group/Simon Brand Ventures Director of Marketing Communications Services, Skyline Exhibits Author, Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect Partner, Soho Experiential Director of Business Develoment and Strategic Partnerships, SoHo Experiential Partner, Soho Experiential Marketing Manager, Solar Energy Trade Shows, LLC Executive VP, Solutions at Fluent VP, Branding Professional Services, Sonic VP, Strategic Accounts, Sparks Global Director of Event Marketing, Spotify Senior Marketing Product Manager, Events, SQE Director of Business Development, Staging Solutions, Inc. CEO, Star Strategy Director, Stretch Experiential Marketing Shows and Events Manager, Subaru of America CEO, Switch SVP, Switch: Liberate Your Brand VP, Marketing, Talking Rain Beverage Co. Sponsorship Specialist, Tauben Company Manager, Mall Media, Taubman Senior Manager, The Event Group, TD Ameritrade Director, The Event Group, TD Ameritrade VP, Events Management and Executive Conference Centers, TD Bank VP Events Manager, TD Bank Account Director, TEAM Enterprises Account Supervisor, TEAM Enterprises VP/Partner, TEAM Enterprises Account Supervisor, Experiential Relationship Marketing, Team One Strategic Analyst, Team One Account Executive, Experiential Relationship Marketing, Team One Management Supervisor, Experiential Relationship Marketing, Team One Event Manager, The Boeing Company Customer Market Engagement Specialist, The Boeing Company Sr. Field Experiential Marketing Manager, The Coca-Cola Company Director, Field Experiential Marketing Center of Excellence, The Coca-Cola Company VP, Marketing, The Cosmopolitan Resort Casino President, The Event Shop VP, Corporate Communications, The Expo Group Vice President, The Expo Group Co-Founder, The Hype Agency Director of Activations, The Hype Agency Marketing and Promotions Coordinator, The Law Society of Upper Canada Partnered Events Coordinator, The LIVESTRONG Foundation Account Director, The Marketing Store Author, The Myths of Creativity Operations Manager, The Participation Agency Director of Business Development, The 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ Sunflower Group President/CEO, The Trade Group Technical Associate, Thinkwell Group Account Director, This Is Fusion Program Manager, This Is Fusion Account Executive, This Is Fusion Marketing Manager, thomson reuters Conference Director, thomson reuters Conference Manager, thomson reuters CEO, Thrive line, Inc. CCO, THUMP / VICE CEO, Thuzi Project Director, Touch Worldwide Managing Partner, Touch Worldwide Director of Strategy/Senior Producer, Touch Worldwide CEO, Touchdown Marketing President, Track Marketing Group VP, Consumer Engagement, TrojanOne Senior Manager, Consumer Engagement, TrojanOne Project Manager, Turtle Transit Commander, U.S. Air Force Partner, Undercurrent, LLC Senior Manager, Media Business Development, United Airlines Event Markerting Manager, Universal Technical Institute Senior Director of Consumer Products, Univision Communications, Inc Director of Experiential Marketing, Univision Communications, Inc National Sales Director, Upstage Video Director of Event Marketing and Communications, USANA Health Sciences Director, Business Development, Van Wagner Communications VP, Events and Sponsorship, VAVi Sport and Social Club Sport and Social Industry Association Associate Director of Sales, VDA Productions Account Executive, VEE Corporation Executive Director, National Retail Operations, Verizon Associate Director, Store Design, Verizon Marketing, Sponsorships Events, Verizon Marketing Manager, Sponsorships Events, Verizon Head of Innovations CS, INS, Viacom Director, Marketing, Viacom Director Live, Viacom Eccount Manager, Visage Advertisinf Limited VP, Global Connections, Vivastream Director, New Business Development, VWV Client Services Manager, VWV USA Director, New Business Development, VWV USA Director, Client Services, Wasserman Media Group Senior Director, Operations, Wasserman Media Group Senior Vice President, Wasserman Media Group Vice President, Wasserman Media Group Vice President, Webb Audio Visual President, Webb Audio Visual Experiential marketing Consultant, Wells Fargo Marketing Manager, Wells Fargo Sponsorship Activation Manager, Wells Fargo Assistant Vice President, Wells Fargo Creative Services Manager, Western Southern Director of Creative Services, Western Southern Senior Corporate Communications Specialist, Western Southern Manager, Sponsorship, Community Investment Experiential Marketing, WestJet Airlines Team Lead, Sponsorship Experiential Marketing, WestJet Airlines Manager, Sponsorship, WestJet Airlines Team Lead, Sponsorship, WestJet Airlines Director, Experiential Events, World Vision Manager, Client Engagement Events Marketing, Xerox Corporation Events Manager, Zebra Technologies Event Marketing Director, Zumba Fitness
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Traits That Shape Personality: Reflection
Traits That Shape Personality: Reflection Dominika Klapacz We live in a world that has over 7 billion people and even when there is so many individuals, not one person is the same. There are various characteristics that determine what type of personality a person will endure. Personality can be defined as qualities that mold an individual’s original character. It is what makes us all unique. It forever changes as we grow up, influenced by what happens internally and externally. Not one personality is the same because we all have different experiences, different outlooks on life, different cultures, and different perspectives. The three traits that I believe define my personality are high need for affiliation from Henry Murray’s theory, extraversion from Eysenck’s two-factor theory, and conscientiousness. A first trait that describes my personality is need for affiliation from Henry Murray’s theory from the motive approach. According to the motive approach to personality, it is an assumption that an individual’s behavior is reflected on a set of underlying needs. Once a need becomes intense, it turns itself into a motive that influences what behavior is going to be presented. The motive theory also states that behavior is influenced by press, an external stimulant that gives motivation. Needs direct behavior and there are two types of needs: primary and secondary. Primary needs are biological needs such as food and water. Secondary needs are psychological needs such as positive self-views and achievement. The influence of behaviors depend on the strength of the needs. Motives are pertained to the individual’s goals and desires (Carver Sheier 2011). An example of this: a need for food results in a motive state of hunger. Press acts like a trigger that influence mo tives. In Henry Murray’s theory there are four types of needs: need for power, need for achievement, need for affiliation, and need for intimacy. The need for affiliation is the trait that best describes my personality out of the four types of needs. The need for affiliation is the desire to spend time with others (Carver Sheier 2011). There are many reasons why I believe that I have a high need for affiliation. All my life I have lived in Chicago with my family. I had all my friends and family close to me so I was never out of touch with anybody. Just a little over a year I have moved to a South Suburb called Oak Forest with my boyfriend. I don’t know anybody here. When my boyfriend goes to work and I have no class that day, I am always stuck at home alone. As soon as he leaves, I get anxious and try my best to find something to do and go out to see a friend. I don’t even care that I have to drive 30miles plus to see a friend, I just need social contact with a human being. This is definitely an example of the need for affiliation because in this need an individual tries to have some type of social contact with another individual. When I am home alone, I call around to my friends in Chicago to see if they can hang out with me. When my friends are busy and can’t go out due to work or school, I call my cousin and hang out with her. If I were just to sit at home and not bot her to call anybody to hang out, I would feel very alone and that I don’t belong with any social group. However, when I do hang out with my friends or cousin, I feel like I belong to a certain social group and that makes me feel at ease. When I am outside my home and I am in my school setting, it is also obvious that I have a high need for affiliation. Every time I walk into class, I walk towards the social group and sit next to them. Even when it is the first week of class and I have no clue who anybody is, I still manage to go to a group of students and talk with them. Most of the time I get a sense that they don’t really want to talk to me and they think I am weird, but I don’t mind because I am calm knowing that I am around people. â€Å"People with a high need for social affiliation do not look for social rewards, but rather intrinsically valuing the relationships with other people†(Carver and Scheier 1992). One time on a beautiful sunny day I was walking around campus by the quads and I saw a group of random girls talking. I came up to them and starting talking to them about random things. I remember one of the girls looking at me as if I was from another planet, she got up and left. After one of the girls left, the rest followed her and left me there. I shrugged and started walking to another group of people. People with a high need for affiliation are likely to interact as much as possible with people so they do no stay alone. This is true in my case because I feel like I need to socialize with people, even when they might think I am strange. Another trait that describes my personality is extraversion. Extraversion is one of the five traits that make up human personality in Eysenck’s theory. Eysenck created a model of personality traits that consisted of the continuum of neuroticism and extraversion. He believed that everybody lied somewhere between the continuum. Extraversion is the best trait that describes my personality. Extraversion is characterized by being very sociable, being talkative, enthusiastic and assertive. People who are extraverts seek any opportunity to engage with others. If you ask a person to describe an extrovert, they would say that they are full of life, full of optimism, and energy. I am very extroverted. In a group setting I am constantly talking to someone and make sure that there never is any awkward silence. I am very friendly and highly adaptable to any environment. One example of my extraversion is that when I go to a party that I hardly know anybody in, I make the best of it and act as if I knew the people for years. I would go to a random person at the party and introduce myself and talk about anything and everything I could think of. There would be times where I would go to my boyfriend’s family’s house for a family gathering for a few hours, and after go to my boyfriend’s friend’s house to see a whole new group of people there and I would just adjust to the environment without a problem. When I lived with my parents in Chicago, they would always have random family friends come over. Most of these people I wouldn’t see ever since I was a baby. Whenever these strangers would come over, my siblings would run upstairs and hide from them or they would never come downstairs to greet them. My siblings would call me â€Å"weird†because I would stay downstairs with the adults and have a conversation with them as if they were my best friends. I fit in the category of being extraverted because I am very outgoing and talkative. There is rarely a time where I am quiet. I am excited when I am around people and I like to energize others. Making things happen is what I am good at. A third trait that perfectly describes my personality is conscientiousness. Conscientiousness is a personality trait that is defined as being careful, thorough, responsible, and diligent. Individuals high in conscientiousness want to achieve and do a task well. Therefore, I feel that conscientiousness fits in my personality well. For example, I am the oldest out of my three siblings and my mom trusted me at a younger age a lot more than she trusted my other siblings. When I was in kindergarten, my mom would let me walk to school and back without her having to worry that I would get lost or go somewhere else. She trusted that I would get out of school and walk straight home. Even though my school was literally only 3 blocks away, it was a big deal for me. I never really paid attention to it until I grew a little older and my siblings started going to school. My sister was starting kindergarten and I would always have to walk her to school and from school. The reason why I believe that conscientiousness describes my personality is because my mom trusted me, and she didn’t trust my sister. That makes me more responsible in my mother’s eyes. I also feel obligated to be responsible because I am the oldest. Growing up I always babysat my siblings and there would rarely be an occasion where I wouldn’t have another kid to babysit along with my siblings. The neighbors trusted me babysitting their children. I made sure they were safe, full, and happy. Outside of the home environment, I am a very diligent student. I am in constant effort to accomplish something so I can better myself. I do my best to get a better grade and if I do bad I don’t punish myself, I just push myself to do better. I plan my work out ahead of time so I have a set schedule for my work. I have a research paper that is due on April 10th for my CLJ class, and I already went into the writing center to better my paper. This is a good example for conscientiousness because this trait in a personality makes individuals systematic and they plan rather than being spontaneous. Conscientiousness predicts that there will be a higher achievement in both high school and college (Noftle Robins 2002). Even though I do have a strong degree of conscientiousness personality, I do not take it to an extreme. I am not a complete workaholic or perfectionist; however, I do try my best in my work and I am hard working and reliable when it comes to doing a job. In conclusion, just as there are no two people that are the same, no two personalities are the same either. In the world that is filled with over 7 billion people, each individual has a unique personality. Some people might share the same traits as another but there will always be a different pattern, different experiences, and different cultures that will make up a different personality. Three traits that my personality is made up of are need for affiliation, extraversion, and conscientiousness. These shape my personality and make me into the unique person that I am today. References Carver, C. S., Scheier, M. F. (2011). Perspectives on Personality (7th edition). Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon. Carver, C. S and Scheier, M. F. (1992) Perspectives on Personality Allyn and Bacon, Boston Noftle, E., Robins, R. W. (2007). Personality predictors of academic out comes: Big five correlates with GPA and goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 116 –130.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
I must confess that I think her as delightful a creature as ever appear
I must confess that I think her as delightful a creature as ever appeared in print – Jane Austen on Elizabeth. To what extent do you believe Elizabeth Bennet to be delightful? You should consider her words and actions throughout the novel. â€Å"I must confess that I think her as delightful a creature as ever appeared in print†– Jane Austen on Elizabeth. To what extent do you believe Elizabeth Bennet to be â€Å"delightful†? You should consider her words and actions throughout the novel. Jane Austen mentions in a letter that Elizabeth Bennet is â€Å"as delightful a creature as ever appeared in print.†This quotation shows that Jane Austen clearly likes the character of Elizabeth and she thinks that Elizabeth is better than any heroine in a work of literature. The definition of delightful is â€Å"greatly pleasing or entertaining†. Therefore Jane Austen creates delight in her readers of â€Å"Pride and Prejudice†. Elizabeth Bennet could be considered delightful for many reasons. She is funny, clever, and witty so she brings delight to the reader of the novel. Elizabeth delights in anything ridiculous which also makes her a delightful character. â€Å"She had a lively, playful disposition, which delighted in anything ridiculous.†(Vol. 1, chapter 3, p. 8.6) She also enjoys teasing Mr Darcy and Mr Collins. Elizabeth’s playful character can be seen when Elizabeth delights in mocking Mr Collins about the ball. Elizabeth’s spirits were so high on the occasion, that though she did not often speak unnecessarily to Mr Collins, she could not help asking him whether he intended to accept Mr Bingley’s invitation, and if he did, whether he would think it proper to join in the evening’s amusements. (Vol. 1, chapter 17, p.72... ...e to her character because she has flaws and of course no one is perfect. Elizabeth is delightful because she can acknowledge her flaws and she is also willing to change. These are both attractive qualities. Throughout the whole novel, we can see that Elizabeth is real and ordinary. She is not blindingly beautiful and she is not extremely intelligent. This makes us relate to her even more. Heroines which are too good to be true come across in some novels as dull because they should not be perfect. Elizabeth however is a flawed heroine just like ordinary people. One could argue that she is not delightful because of her prejudice to Mr Darcy which was wrong, but at least she realised her mistake and was willing to change her attitude towards him. Elizabeth creates delight in the readers of â€Å"Pride and Prejudice†and so therefore she is a delightful character.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. :: essays research papers fc
     â€Å"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character†. This is an excerpt from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s â€Å"I have a dream†speech, one of the many that he wrote and is well known for. Martin Luther King, Jr. is an extraordinary life, and will be remembered for his many accomplishments.      Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He was given the name Michael Luther King but later changed his name to Martin Luther King, Jr. He was the second child born to Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr. and Alberta Williams King. He married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953. They had four children, Yolanda Denise, Martin Luther III, Dexter Scott, and Bernice Albertine.      Martin Luther King, Jr. began his education at the age of five, but when the school found out that he was not yet six, they dismissed him from school until the following year. His scores were so high on the college entrance examinations in his junior year of high school, that they advanced him to college without a formal graduation from high school. He skipped both the ninth and twelfth grades, so he was only fifteen when he entered Morehouse College. He graduated with a B.A. degree in sociology. He then went on to a Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania. He continued his studies in theology at Boston University and Harvard. He was awarded the Ph. D degree on June 5, 1955.      Martin Luther King, Jr. was ordained in February of 1948 at the age of nineteen. Dr. King was awarded many honorary degrees from various colleges and universities in the United States and several foreign countries. Dr. King was a driving force in the Civil Rights Movement. He was arrested thirty times for his participation in Civil Rights activities. Dr. King received numerous awards for his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement. Dr. King also wrote six books and numerous articles. Dr. King’s speech at the March on Washington in 1963, along with his acceptance speech of the Nobel Peace Prize and his final sermon in Memphis are among his most famous utterances. Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 at the age of thirty-five. He was the youngest man, second American, and third black man to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Immigrants Escaping from Poverty :: Immigration Illegal Essays Papers
For a long time, illegal immigrants have been entering the United States, and it has been a big issue concerning the world today. Hispanics today form the fastest growing ethnic minority in the United States. An example of how many illegal immigrants migrate to the U.S. is found in the book Voyages by Cathy Small; she explains that many Tongan immigrants migrated in the year 1976. Out of 1,993 Tongan’s, Olunga had grown approximately 2%, so by all means that at least 40% of its population had migrated between the years 1956 and 1976. By 1970 the inhabitants’ population growth was already dropping. This means that there were 200 people less than the past years. Many immigrants want to migrate to the United States to gain a better life for their families, for economic opportunity, and to escape political persecution. Many immigrants are working illegally and the government is not aware of how many of them are actually getting away with it, and others of course are being detained and isolated from their work force. Now so many illegal immigrants are being evicted easily from their work force or even from off the streets. In the book Disposable Domestics, Grace Chang explains that there had been sixty law enforcement agents from Virginia’s sheriff’s office who joined the federal agents. They were joined together by the Immigration and Naturalization Service to rummage around a construction site where workers were building a court jail. Later, agents had gathered one hundred employees together in an array against the wall, searching for undocumented employees. Soon after the whole fiasco, a deputy secretary of Virginia Healt h and Human Resources department was informed that fourteen people were detained and removed from their work force for not having documents. Grace Chang also discusses a case of a nominee for United States Attorney general. Zoà « Baird admitted that she employed two undocumented Peruvian immigrants. We also learn that employers hire illegal immigrants for the benefit of saving money. If employers wanted legal workers they would be able to get them, but it would cost them more. Putting some thought in this subject, illegal immigrants have some of the hardest jobs, that require so much labor, and don’t get paid as well, while a legal person would think it is not worth getting exhausted over.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Social Network Service and Facebook Account
Ashley Ontiberos Amy Becker Eng103 Composition II November 17, 2011 The Facebook Addiction Did you know that approximately one in every thirteen people in the world have a Facebook account, according to Digitalbuzzblog. com. In 2010, Facebook was the most-searched term on the internet. With these statistics, I was surprised to learn that there is a disorder known as the Facebook Addiction Disorder or FADS. I didn’t realize Facebook was such a big problem until I began my research. With all the craze of Facebook or social networking, one can’t help but wonder what the ill effects of it really are. Today, In this cause and effect essay I want to inform you about how Facebook can have many negative effects on your job, free time and health. According to research done by Oregonbusinessreport. com, forty-five percent of employers screen social networks such as Facebook, before considering potential employees. This was research conducted in 2009. I am certain that the numbers have risen because of the number of people who regularly sign up as members of Facebook. When employers screen photos and posts they are looking for any kind or provocative and inappropriate photos. Additionally, bad-mouthing previous employers, poor communications skills is also another thing they look for before considering applicants for an interview or employment. Furthermore, even after a job has been granted, employers can still monitor their employee’s Facebook account. A recent example is of a New Jersey first grade teacher who lost her job over a post on Facebook. On March 28th, the teacher posted a status saying, â€Å"I’m not a teacher, I’m a warden for future criminals. †The status was forwarded to her school board and a judge ruled that she should lose her job because this comment was inexcusable. More people have lost their jobs over Facebook usage in recent years because most employers ban the use of Facebook at work. According to Royalgazetteonline. com, one third of employers say that Facebook is a major distraction at work. Most employers don’t block the site but it is a rule that employees are not allowed on social networking sites while clocked in to work. Based on research as indicated in this essay, Facebook has lots of negatives effects for employees if they choose not to control what they say. Forty-eight percent of Facebook users between the ages of eighteen and thirty-four, check their Facebook’s as their first priority each morning. About twenty-eight percent of that number, check it from their smartphones before getting out of bed, according to Digitalbuzzblog. com. According to Addictioninfo. org, Rob Bedi, a registered psychologist and assistant professor at the University of Victoria says, â€Å"There is a difference between procrastination and addiction, if you’re losing assignment time to Facebook use then it’s a problem. Facebook has become such an addiction to people that there are 155 Facebook Addicts anonymous groups on Facebook alone according to Addictioninfo. org. Hubspage. com also gives a list for people to read through that shows symptoms of Facebook addictions. Spending large amounts of time on Facebook is not what you would consider a â€Å"part-time hobby†. Many people are losing out on a lot of free time that could be use d more productively. People who are Facebook addicts choose not to go to the gym. Also they spend less and less time with family and friends to be on Facebook. Facebook addicts can definitely own up to lots of the examples given and have a very difficult time deciding when to log out. â€Å"Is Facebook turning teens into narcissistic, antisocial outcast? †, was a question asked in an article on CBSnews. com. A leading social network researcher, Dr. Larry D. Rosen, responds with a yes to the question. He believes that kids can develop greater empathy and it provides ways for shy kids to socialize but it also causes mental health problems. According to Dr. Rosen, teens who use Facebook show more aggression, mania, anxiety and depression. With these issues already occurring, it can lead to more serious health problems. Young people are turning down opportunities to socialize with their friends at the movies, malls and other hang outs. Instead they choose to hang out online. Recent health studies have also linked Facebook usage to Cancer. According to Dailymail. co. uk, Facebook can increase the risk of serious health problem by reducing the number of face-to face contact people have with people. The way in which Facebook users isolate hemselves from society can alter the way genes work, upset immune response, hormone levels, the function of arteries, and also impair mental performance, according to Dr. Aric Sigman. With these serious alterations, it could lead to more people getting cancer, heart disease, having a stroke or even developing dementia. I have informed you about some of the negative effects that Facebook can have on a person’s job, free time and health. It is so easy to access Facebook with smartph ones or laptops which offer internet usage almost anywhere. Facebook has invaded our lives in an unimaginable and unexpected way. When deciding whether or not to log into Facebook perhaps it would be a good idea to think more productive things you could do. Work Cited Associated Press. â€Å"Teacher should be fired over Facebook ‘warden’ post, judge rules . †Chicago Sun Times 08 11 2011. Chicago Sun-Times. 09 11 2011. Associated Press. 11/17/2011 . Daily Mail Reporter. How using Facebook could raise your risk of cancer. 02/19/2009 Mail Online. 11/17/11 . Digital Buzz Blog. Facebook Statistics, Stats & Facts For 2011 . 01/18/2001. 11/17/2011 . Grasz, Jennifer. 45% Employers use Facebook-Twitter to screen job candidates. 08/24/09 Oregon Business Report. 11/17/2001 . Hubs, Pages. Negative Effects of Facebook Addiction. 2011 HubsPages. 11/17/2011 . Jaslow, Ryan. Facebook tied to poor mental health in teens: What parents must know. 08/09/11 CBS News. 11/17/11 . Pope, Danielle. Potential Facebook addiction. 01/28/2008 AddictionInfo. org. 11/17/11 . Royal Gazette Online. It’s official: Face book is a major distraction at work. 06/28/11 Royal Gazette Online. 11/17/2011 .
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion Chapter Fourteen
Hes gone round the b annul, compressed state, gross(a) at the empty gate with which Stefan had disappea florid.No, he hasnt, utter Meredith. Her express was penitent and quiet, unperturbed t present was a attractive of helpless laugh in it too. Dont you externalise what hes doing, two-dimensional? she state when he false to her. Yelling at us, making us hate him to try and chase us a style. Being as nasty as possible so well last out tired of(p) and let him do this entirely. She glanced at the door style and raised her eyebrows. Anyone who does follow me, Ill kill was passing play a bit everyplaceboard, though. fair(a) giggled suddenly, wildly, in raise of herself. I venture he borrowed it from Damon. come in this straight, I dont need any of you You fortune of stupid humans, insipid added. further I still dont understand. You provided had a premonition, average, and Stefan doesnt comm nonwithstanding discount those. If thithers no musical mode to b etrothal and win, whats the point of going? fairish didnt recount at that place was no way to push and win. She verbalise there was no way to fight and survive. Right, fairish? Meredith fronted at her.The correspond of giggles dissolved forward. Startled herself, fairish attempt to examine the premonition, nonwithstanding she knew no to a greater extent than the words that had sprung into her mind. No one abide fight him and live.You mean Stefan thinks- Slow, thunderous deprave was smoldering in planenesss look. He thinks hes going to go and crack Klaus scour though he conk starts killed himself? Like few sacrificial lamb?More exchangeable Elena, Meredith express soberly. And maybe-so he foundation be with her.Huh-uh. fairish move her head. She ability non shaft more about the prophecy, barely this she knew. He doesnt think that, Im sure. Elenas special. She is what she is because she died too young she leftfield over(p) so much unfinished in her own life, and-well, shes a special case. yet Stefans been a vampire for five c years, and he certainly wouldnt be dying young. theres no guarantee hed end up with Elena. He might go to an opposite(prenominal) come or-or up correct go step up. And he k overcompensate offs that. Im sure he knows that. I think hes estimable keeping his promise to her, to s overstep Klaus no matter what it costs.To try, at least, matt said softly, and it sounded as if he were quoting. nonetheless if you know youre going to lose. He looked up at the misss suddenly. Im going by and by him.Of course, said Meredith pa attractionntly.Matt hesitated. Uh-I dont suppose I could bring over you two to stay here? by and by all that inspiring talk roughly teamwork? Not a chance.I was horror-stricken of that. SoThey gathered what weapons they could. Matts pocketknife that Stefan had dropped, the ivory-hilted paster from Stefans dresser, a carving knife from the kitchen.Out cheek, there was no sign of Mrs. Flowers. The interchange was blanch purple, shading to apricot in the west. spill of the solstice eve, decent thought, and hairs-breadths on her accouterments es label to lift.Klaus said the old farmhouse in the woodwind-that moldiness mean the Francher place, Matt said. Where Katherine dumped Stefan in the woebegone well.That makes sense. Hes probably been using Katherines tunnel to crush screening and forth under the river, Meredith said. Unless experienced unitarys are so placeful they house cross running game water with issue harming themselves.Thats justifiedly, comme il faut remembered, evil things couldnt cross running water, and the more evil you were, the unassailableer it was. further we dont know anything ab disclose the Originals, she said aloud.No, and that means weve got to be careful, Matt said. I know these woods bewitching well, and I know the path Stefan leave alone probably use. I think we should make believe a different one.So Stefa n wont retrieve us and kill us?So Klaus wont lift up us, or not all of us. So maybe well substantiate a chance of ruleting to Caro take to the woods. Somehow or other weve got to get Caroline bug out of the equation as big as Klaus can threaten to yearn her he can make Stefan do anything he wants. And its always best to plan ahead, to get a jump on the enemy. Klaus said tackle there aft(prenominal) dogged well, well be there in advance minacious and maybe we can surprise him. fair(a) was deeply impressed by this strategy. No wonder hes a quarterback, she was thinking. I would imbibe just rushed in, yelling.Matt picked out an close invisible path amongst the oak shoetrees. The undergrowth was especially ebullient this time of year, with mosses, grasses, flowering plants, and ferns. clean had to combining that Matt knew where he was going, because she certainly didnt. Above, birds were grownup one last burst of mental strain sooner nabking out a roost for the n ight.It got dimmer. Moths and lacewings fluttered past middlings casing. After stumbling by with(predicate) a patch of toadstools covered with eating slugs, she was intensely grateful that this time shed worn-out jeans.At last Matt halt them. Were acquiring close, he said, his voice low. Theres a sort of bluff where we can look overpower and Klaus might not enamour us. Be quiet and careful.Bonnie had neer taken so much nark placing her feet before. Fortunately the leaf light upter was alter and not crackly. After a few secondments Matt dropped to his stomach and gestured for them to follow. Bonnie kept telling herself, fiercely, that she didnt mind the centipedes and human beingsworms her slew fingers dug up, that she had no thoughts one way or another intimately cobwebs in the face. This was life and death, and she was competent. No dweeb, no baby, hardly competent.They were gazing level on the Francher homestead-or what was left of it. It had crumbled into the earth long ago, taken back by the forest. instanter it was only a foundation, construct stones covered with flowering weeds and splenic brambles, and one tall chimney similar a lonely monument.There she is. Caroline, Meredith suspire in Bonnies other ear.Caroline was a dim figure sitting against the chimney. Her sick(p) green dress showed up in the gathering dark, just her auburn hair just looked black. Something unobjectionable shone crosswise her face, and after a moment Bonnie complete it was a gag. Tape or a bandage. From her strange posture-arms fag end her, legs stretched straight out in front-Bonnie also guessed she was disemboweld.Poor Caroline, she thought, kind- listted the other girl all the nasty, petty, egotistic things shed ever done, which was a pretty right smart amount when you got secure deal to it. save Bonnie couldnt imagine anything worse than being abducted by a psycho vampire whod al warm killed two of your classmates, dragged out here to the woods and bound, and then left to wait, with your life depending on another vampire who had fairly skillful reason to hate you. After all, Caroline had wanted Stefan in the beginning, and had hated and act to humiliate Elena for getting him. Stefan Salvatore was the last soulfulness who should olfactory modality kindly toward Caroline Forbes. direct said Matt. Is that him? Klaus?Bonnie had nabn it too, a knit of movement on the opposite side of the chimney. As she strained her look he appeared, his light tan raincoat flicker ghost the uniform around his legs. He glanced down at Caroline and she shrank from him, trying to lean away. His laughter sounded so clearly in the quiet air that Bonnie flinched.Thats him, she whispered, dropping down behind the screening ferns. except wheres Stefan? Its almost dark now.Maybe he got smart and decided not to come, said Matt.No such luck, said Meredith. She was noticeing through the ferns to the south. Bonnie glanced that way herself and started.Stefan was rest at the edge of the clearing, having materialized there as if out of thin air. Not horizontal Klaus had seen him overture, Bonnie thought. He stood silently, making no attempt to hide himself or the gabardine modify spike he was carrying. There was something in his stance and the way he looked over the scene before him that make Bonnie remember that in the 15th century hed been an aristocrat, a member of the nobility. He said nothing, waiting for Klaus to notice him, refusing to be rushed.When Klaus did turn south he went still, and Bonnie got the feeling he was surprised Stefan had sneaked up on him. moreover then he laughed and spread his arms.Slowly, Stefan looked Klaus up and down, from the tails of his bedraggled raincoat to the top of his windblown head. What Stefan said wasYou asked for me. Im here. Let the girl go.Did I say that? Looking genuinely surprised, Klaus pressed two hands to his chest. Then he shook his head, chuckling. I dont th ink so. Lets talk first.Stefan nodded, as if Klaus had confirmed something bitter hed been expecting. He took the fishgig from his shoulder and held it in front of him, manipulation the unwieldy length of wood deftly, easily. Im listening, he said.Not as dumb as he looks, Matt murmured from behind the ferns, a note of respect in his voice. And hes not as anxious to get killed as I thought, Matt added. Hes being careful.Klaus gestured toward Caroline, the tips of his fingers light touch her auburn hair. Why dont you come here so we dont have to shout? alone he didnt threaten to wrong his prisoner, Bonnie noticed.I can hear you just fine, Stefan replied.Good, Matt whispered. Thats it, StefanBonnie, though, was studying Caroline. The captive girl was struggling, tossing her head back and forth as if she were frantic or in ail. But Bonnie got a strange feeling to the highest degree Carolines movements, especially those violent jerks of the head, as if the girl was straining to r each(prenominal) the leaf. The sky Bonnies gaze lifted up to it, where entire darkness had fallen and a diminish moon shone over the trees. That was why she could see that Carolines hair was auburn now the moonlight, she thought. Then, with a shock, her eyes dropped to the tree just preceding(prenominal) Stefan, whose branches were rustling slightly in the absence of any wind. Matt? she whispered, alarmed.Stefan was focused on Klaus, each sense, e genuinely muscle, every constituent of his Power honed and turned toward the Old One before him. But in that tree directly above him in all thoughts of strategy, of postulation Matt what to do, fled from Bonnies mind. She bolted up from her place of hiding and shouted.Stefan Above you Its a trapStefan leaped aside, tidy as a cat, just as something plunged down on the exact place hed been standing an blatant before. The moon lit the scene perfectly, enough for Bonnie to see the washrag of Tylers bared dentition.And to see the livid sleazy of Klauss eyes as he whirled on her. For one stunned instant she stared at him, and then lightning crackled.From an empty sky.It was only later that Bonnie would realize the strangeness-the fearsomeness-of this. At the time she scarcely tell that the sky was clear and star swept and that the serrate blue bolt that forked down enamored the palm of Klauss upraised hand. The adjoining sight she truism was so fright as to black everything else out Klaus change surface his hand over that lightning, gathering it somehow, and throwing it at her. continue here Right here he shouted, and bounded away.Those dreaded words. They catapulted Bonnie right up, and she was running after him before she knew what she was doing.And then the world turned into chaos.Klaus had whirled back on Stefan, who was grappling with Tyler, beating him. Tyler, in his wolf form, was making terrible sounds as Stefan threw him to the ground.Meredith was running toward Caroline, approaching from be hind the chimney so Klaus wouldnt spot her. Bonnie precept her reach Caroline and truism the flash of Stefans specie dagger as Meredith truncated the stacks around Carolines wrists. Then Meredith was half(prenominal) carrying, half dragging Caroline behind the chimney to work on her feet.A sound ilk antlers clashing make Bonnie spin around. Klaus had come at Stefan with a tall branch of his own-it moldiness have been delusion flat on the ground before. It looked just as stabbing as Stefans, making it a serviceable lance. But Klaus and Stefan werent just stabbing at each other they were using the accommodates as quarter rounds. Robin Hood, Bonnie thought dazedly. runty John and Robin. That was what it looked like Klaus was that much taller and heavier get up than Stefan.Then Bonnie saw something else and cried out wordlessly. Behind Stefan, Tyler had gotten up again and was crouching, just as he had in the graveyard before lunging for Stefans throat. Stefans back was to him. And Bonnie couldnt censure him in time.But shed forgotten about Matt. Head down, ignoring claws and fangs, he was charging at Tyler, tackling him like a first-rate linebacker before he could leap. Tyler went flying sideways, with Matt on top of him.Bonnie was overwhelmed. So much was happening. Meredith was sawing through Carolines ankle cords Matt was pummeling Tyler in a way that certainly would have gotten him disqualified on the football game field Stefan was whirling that white ash staff as if hed been trained for it. Klaus was express emotion deliriously, seeming exhilarated by the exercise, as they traded blows with deadly speed and verity.But Matt seemed to be in trouble now. Tyler was absorbing him and snarling, trying to get a dare on his throat. Wildly, Bonnie looked around for a weapon, entirely forgetting the carving knife in her pocket. Her eye fell on a dead oak branch. She picked it up and ran to where Tyler and Matt were struggling.Then Matt was on top of Tyler again, property Tylers head down, holding himself clear. Bonnie saw her chance and aimed the oblige. But Tyler saw her. With a burst of supernatural strength, he gathered his legs and sent Matt zoom wrap up him backward. Matts head struck a tree with a sound Bonnie would neer forget. The dull sound of a rotten melon bursting. He slid down the front of the tree and was still.Bonnie was gasping, stunned. She might have started toward Matt, scarce Tyler was there in front of her, snorkeling hard, telephone liney spit running down his chin. He looked up to now more like an animal than he had in the graveyard. As if in a dream, Bonnie raised her buzz off, but she could feel it shaking in her hands. Matt was so still-was he existent? Bonnie could hear the sob in her own breath as she faced Tyler. This was ridiculous this was a son from her own school. A boy shed danced with last year at the young Prom. How could he be keeping her away from Matt, how could he be trying t o hurt them all? How could he be doing this?Tyler, please- she began, heart and soul to reason with him, to beg him alone alone in the woods, flyspeck girl? he said, and his voice was a thick and cacophonic growl, shaped at the last minute into words. In that instant Bonnie knew that this was not the boy shed gone to school with. This was an animal. Oh, God, hes ugly, she thought. Ropes of red spit hung out of his mouth. And those yellow eyes with the slitted pupils-in them she saw the cruelty of the shark, and the crocodile, and the wasp that lays its testicle in a caterpillars living embody. All the cruelty of animal nature in those two yellow eyes.Somebody should have warned you, Tyler said, dropping his jaw to laugh the way a dog does. Because if you go out in the woods alone, you might meet the Big Bad-Jerk a voice finished for him, and with a feeling of gratitude that meet on the religious, Bonnie saw Meredith beside her. Meredith, holding Stefans dagger, which shone liq uidly in the moonlight.Silver, Tyler, Meredith said, brandishing it. I wonder what silver does to a werewolfs members? Want to see? All Merediths elegance, her standoffishness, her cool observers dispassion were gone. This was the essential Meredith, a warrior Meredith, and although she was smiling, she was mad.Yes shouted Bonnie gleefully, feeling power rush through her. Suddenly she could move. She and Meredith, together, were strong. Meredith was stubble Tyler from one side, Bonnie held her ticktock ready on the other. A longing shed never felt before shot through her, the longing to hit Tyler so hard his head would come flying off. She could feel the strength to do it surging in her arm.And Tyler, with his animal instinct, could sense it, could sense it from both of them, closing in on any side. He recoiled, caught himself, and turned to try and get away from them. They turned too. In a minute they were all three orbiting like a mini solar corpse Tyler turning around and arou nd in the middle Bonnie and Meredith circling him, looking for a chance to attack.I did it Yes. All right Yes Bonnie shouted, flinging the stick away. Triumph erupted from her in a primal shout. We did it She grabbed the heavy body by the back of the mane and pulled it off Meredith, where it had fallen. We-Then she broke off, her words freezing in her throat. Meredith she cried.Its all right, Meredith gasped, her voice affluent with pain. And weakness, Bonnie thought, chilled as if doused with ice water. Tyler had work her leg to the bone. There were huge, gaping wounds in the thigh of Merediths jeans and in the white cutis that showed clearly through the torn cloth. And to Bonnies unconditional horror, she could see inside the skin too, could see flesh and muscle ripped and red railway line pouring out.Meredith- she cried franti bellowy. They had to get Meredith to a doctor. Everyone had to nab now everyone must understand that. They had an distress here they needed to get an ambulance, to call 911. Meredith, she gasped, almost weeping.Tie it up with something. Merediths face was white. Shock. Going into shock. And so much blood so much blood coming out. Oh, God, thought Bonnie, please help me. She looked for something to tie it up with, but there was nothing.Something dropped on the ground beside her. A length of nylon cord like the cord theyd used to tie up Tyler, with frayed edges. Bonnie looked up. atomic number 50 you use that? asked Caroline uncertainly, her teeth chattering.She was habiliment the green dress, her auburn hair divert and stuck to her face with sweat and blood. Even as she spoke she swayed, and fell to her knees beside Meredith.Are you hurt? Bonnie gasped.Caroline shook her head, but then she bent forward, racked with nausea, and Bonnie saw the marks in her throat. But there was no time to worry about Caroline now. Meredith was more important.Bonnie tie the cord above Merediths wounds, her mind running desperately over things shed learned from her babe Mary. Mary was a nurse. Mary said-a tourniquet couldnt be too tight or left on too long or gangrene set in. But she had to stop the gushing blood. Oh, Meredith.Bonnie-help Stefan, Meredith was gasping, her voice almost a whisper. Hes going to need it She sagged backward, her breathing stertorous, her slitted eyes looking up at the sky.Dazed, she turned to Caroline, who was shivering and retching, sweat bead her face. Useless, Bonnie thought. But she had no other choice.Caroline, listen to me, she said. She picked up the largest piece of the stick shed used on Tyler and put it into Carolines hands. You stay with Matt and Meredith. Loosen that tourniquet every twenty minutes or so. And if Tyler starts to wash up, if he even twitches, you hit him as hard as you can with this. get a line? Caroline, she added, this is your big chance to prove youre good for something. That youre not useless. All right? She caught the surreptitious green eyes and repeated, A ll right?But what are you going to do?Bonnie looked toward the clearing.No, Bonnie. Carolines hand grasped her, and Bonnie noted with some part of her mind the humiliated nails, the rope burns on the wrists. Stay here where its safe. Dont go to them. Theres nothing you can do-Bonnie shook her off and make for the clearing before she lost her resolve. In her heart, she knew Caroline was right. There was nothing she could do. But something Matt had said before they left was ringing in her mind. To try at least. She had to try.Still, in those next few imposing minutes all she could do was look.So far, Stefan and Klaus had been trading blows with such violence and accuracy that it had been like a beautiful, lethal dance. But it had been an equal, or almost equal, match. Stefan had been holding his own.Now she saw Stefan bearing down with his white ash lance, mechanical press Klaus to his knees, forcing him backward, farther and farther back, like a limbo professional dancer seeing h ow low he could go. And Bonnie could see Klauss face now, mouth slightly open, staring up at Stefan with what looked like astonishment and fear.Then everything changed.At the very bottom of his descent, when Klaus had bent back as far as he could go, when it seemed that he must be about to flop or break, something happened.Klaus smiled.And then he started energy back.Bonnie saw Stefans muscles knot, saw his arms go rigid, trying to resist. But Klaus, still grinning madly, eyes wide open, just kept coming. He unfolded like some terrible jack-in-the-box, only slowly. Slowly. Inexorably. His grin getting wider until it looked as if it would split his face. Like the Cheshire cat.A cat, thought Bonnie.Now Stefan was the one grunting and straining, teeth clenched, trying to hold Klaus off. But Klaus and his stick bore down, forcing Stefan backward, forcing him to the ground.Grinning all the time.Until Stefan was lying on his back, his own stick pressing into his throat with the weight of Klauss lance across it. Klaus looked down at him and beamed. Im tired of playing, little boy, he said, and he straightened and threw his own stick down. Now its dying time.He took Stefans staff away from him as easily as if he were taking it from a child. Picked it up with a flick of his wrist and broke it over his knee, covering how strong he was, how strong he had always been. How cruelly he had been playing with Stefan.One of the halves of the white ash stick he tossed over his shoulder across the clearing. The other he jabbed at Stefan. Using not the pointed end but the splintered one, broken into a cardinal tiny points. He jabbed down with a force that seemed almost casual, but Stefan ejaculateed. He did it again and again, eliciting a scream each time.Bonnie cried out, soundlessly.She had never heard Stefan scream before. She didnt need to be told what kind of pain must have caused it. She didnt need to be told that white ash might be the only wood deadly to Klaus, but tha t any wood was deadly to Stefan. That Stefan was, if not dying now, about to die. That Klaus, with his hand now raised, was going to finish it with one more plunging blow. Klauss face was tilted to the moon in a grin of obscene pleasure, showing that this was what he liked, where he got his thrills. From killing.And Bonnie couldnt move, couldnt even cry. The world swam around her. It had all been a mi embark, she wasnt competent she was a baby after all. She didnt want to see that final thrust, but she couldnt look away. And all this couldnt be happening, but it was. It was.Klaus flourished the splintered stake and with a smile of unalloyed ecstasy started to bring it down.And a spear shot across the clearing and struck him in the middle of the back, landing and vibration like a giant arrow, like half a giant arrow. It do Klauss arms fling out, dropping the stake it shocked the ecstatic grin right off his face. He stood, arms extended, for a second, and then turned, the white ash stick in his back wobbling slightly.Bonnies eyes were too dazzled by waves of remote dots to see, but she heard the voice clearly as it rang out, cold and arrogant and modify with absolute conviction. Just five words, but they changed everything.Get away from my brother.
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