Sunday, March 31, 2019
PETRONAS Company Analysis
PETRONAS Company AnalysisJump to PEST Analysis of PETRONAS Impact of globalization on PETRONAS Recommendations for PETRONASThe union of my choice is PETRONAS, the cover colour Multinational Corporation ground in Malaysia. The paper will outline the background of the social club followed by identification of the actual and potential impacts of globalization on the company. Recommendation of strategies which the company might use to respond to the impacts is covered in the last touch off of the paper.1.0 Overview of PETRONASMultinational enterprise is defined as a large company with substantial imaginativenesss that perform various transmission line activities by a communicate of subsidiaries and affiliated located in multiple countries. (Cavusgil, Knight Riesenberger, p.13).PETRONAS, the acronym for Petroliam Nasional Berhad is a vegetable oil colour multinational corporation headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which was incorporated on 17 gamey-minded 1974 under the Companies Act, 1965. It is national inunct company of Malaysia, vested with the entire ownership and go out of the petroleum resources in the estate (PETRONAS, 2010). Under the leadership of Tan Sri Hassan Mari stop, PETRONAS is alter quickly into a global company with oil geographic expeditions and personal line of credit formulate makes with oversea partners. Over the historic period of effort, it has become a fully- ruffled oil and blow corporation with operations in more(prenominal) than 30 countries worldwide and graded among FORTUNE global 500 largest corporations in the world (PETRONAS, 2010).1.1 Integrated business of PETRONASPETRONAS is fully integrated across the value chain from the upstream exploration, discipline, takings, processing, and point and bollix transmission to the merchandising of liquefied cancel bungle and former(a) petroleum harvest-times as shown in Figure 1.0. PETRONAS the likes ofwise involved in municipal culture, petrochemi cal substance manufacturing and merchandising business, magic spell managing a globally coordinated downstream operation designed to optimize product delivery to its customers through its marketing and trading operation (PETRONAS Capital, 2009). PETRONAS in any case engage in shipping, automotive engine room and property investment.1.2 petroleum as the Core Business of PETRONASPetroleum is the essence business of PETRONAS because refined petroleum products account for 37% of the company jibe revenue amounting to RM80.7 billion (PETRONAS, 2010). Exports and domestic operation contri scarceed 35% and 19.7% of PETRONASs total revenue respectively which bring positive balance of payments to Malaysia (PETRONAS, 2010). Thailand, Japan, Korea and Singapore has been the main sensitive oil export countries of Malaysia which account for 87% whereas over 40% of particle accelerator was exported to markets in Japan, Korea and Taiwan, most of the remainder used domestically for electrici ty genesis (Malaysia Green Technology Corporation, 2010).The international operations be as strategic to PETRONAS which generated 45.3% (RM98.1 billion) of the company total revenue. PETRONASs production atomic number 18 mainly comes from Ind sensationsia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Chad, Egypt, Sudan, Mauritania, Iran, Pakistan and Turkmenistan. Africa remains to be the companys prominent operation region which contributed 57.7% of the company international production followed by South einsteinium Asia (25.1%) Oceania and Middle East Asia (17.2%).1.3 Organisational Structure of PETRONASPETRONAS adopted a centralized functional organisation structure which the executive vice prexy (EVC) and vice presidents (VC) accept to constantly report their performance to the CEO. Each VC or EVP from respective function are prudent to monitor and controlling the afield operation with the aids of overseas joint venture companies or partners2.0 extraneous Analysis of PETRONAS2.1 semip oliticalPETRONASS oil exploration often takes place in high political risk countries much(prenominal)(prenominal) as Sudan and Iraq with abundant resources of oil and natural shooter. Sudan has been in political instability and having war for more than three-quarters of its humanity due to the independence, protracted conflict rooted in deep ethnic and phantasmal differences which has slowed down country economic and political maturation (U.S. subject Department, 2010). Recently, Sudans internal war evolved from the issue of exploring more oil region removed the territory because of depletion of the existing oil reserves. Despite political instability of Sudan could chop off PETRONAS in oil exploration, the company had strengthened its government activity affiliation through Malaysian Government to mitigate the effect. For example, PETRONAS is welcome by Sudan Government to absorb exploration and development works in its, Melut and Muglad Basins which has expanded in tw o the upstream and downstream sectors of the countrys oil and ordnance exertion (PETRONAS, 2010).Besides, liberalize of countries distribute policy is prominent to guarantee the profitability of PETRONASs overseas operation. In Malaysian, fewer tariffs are imposed on petroleum and gas product. PETRONAS is assigned to mildew the upstream activities in oil and gas as well as controlling the foreign investment of upstream petroleum and gas industry through the form of production-sharing contracts (PSCs), between foreign investors and PETRONAS. Likewise, South Africas governing body also developed their national oil and natural gas company, Petroleum embrocate and Gas Corporation of South Africa (PetroSA) on managing and promoting the licensing of oil and gas exploration accepts onshore and offshore exploration of the country. Thus, PETRONAS set its own oil refining and marketing presence in Africa through its 80% owned subsidiary, Engen Petroleum Limited ENGEN, a leading South A frican refining and marketing company.2.2 SocialIslam remain as the principal(prenominal) role in establishment Malaysias position on many international issues especially those related to the Muslim world of which the Middle East is a part (Ruhanas Harun, 2009). Middle East and North Africa account for 60.4% of the world oil reserve which are the important for PETRONASs exploration and production. Thus, Malaysian government has been proactive to build up religious affiliation by developing membership of a worldwide Islam br separatehood. The put to death is paid off when Malaysia oil reserves have dwindled and few domestic opportunities exist to drill for bare-ass reserves, PETRONAS has successfully to expand its operations to Iraq and Sudan which are Islamic oriented developing countries.2.3 EconomicPETRONAS is the biggest contributor to the Malaysian government budget, accounting for 39.3% of the federal governments revenues in 2008, up from 36.4% in 2007 (CIA, 2010). accord to margin Negara, 26% of inward FDI of Malaysia was channelled into manufacturing oil and gas in 2008. With the financial hold water of PETRONAS, Malaysian Government has been subsidizing the topical anesthetic fuel prices since 2004 which is different from many countries whose followed the use up fuel prices regulated by global market price of throttle (Bernama, 2010). The fuel price subsidies is intended to protect the local welfare of spirit income household but it causes 5.0 to 44% of Malaysias fiscal deficit (JATRO). The activities of the state-owned PETRONAS influence the amass patterns, resulting in substantial investments in exploration and extraction in the oil and gas industry which is more towards the US, Canada and Australia as the recent rapid development of unconventional gas resources.2.4 Technology EnvironmentIn Malaysia, domestic reservoirs are maturing due to the fact that Malaysian production is depleting since oils has been produced for hundred years. PET RONAS has been expanding overseas exploration and production of resources such as South Africa, Egypt and so on. Just like many opposite oil companies offshore rig has caused ecological imbalances such health and reproductive problems for surrounding marine life, destroys kelp beds, reefs and coastal wetlands, and exposes the wildlife to threats of oil spills (Greening Forward, 2008-2010). In such way, PETRONASs image is harm through the directly linkages to environments pollution. Company has been focal point on green technologies and developing in-house greening solutions. In particularly, the company has an current research for strengthening PETRONAS ECOPLUS environmentally friendly, degradable polymer series (PETRONAS Annual Report).3.0 Overview of GlobalizationAccording to Business Dictionary, globalization implies opening out beyond local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an inter machine-accessible and inter-dependent world with free transfer of cap ital, goods and work across national frontiers.As world economy globalizes the national economies integrate into the international through trade foreign direct investment short-run capital flows international movement of workers and people in general and flows of engineering (Najam, A., Runnalls, D. Halle, M). This has created probability to the rise of multinational like PETRONAS in developing country venturing to the petroleum industry that used to be the exclusivity of companies from developed countries such as Royal Dutch Shell from United Kingdom and Exxon Mobil from United States.With the globalization effect, PETRONAS has been growing organically and through strategic federations, via joint ventures, mergers acquisitions and so on as catalysts for escalated performance (Dato Shamsul Azhar Abbas, 2010). PETRONAS is impinge oning more freedom either on trade petroleum products or orbit up oil refineries in worldwide. This enable the company to continue dominant its pos ition in the international business environment by penetrating larger capital market that has lesser regulations on foreign direct investment. For instance, PETRONAS is included in The New 7 Sister ranking by Financial Times which considered as wiz of the most influential international oil and gas companies which controlled about one third of the of the worlds oil and gas production and reserves (Nicholas Vardys The Global Guru, 2010).However, globalisation is not a bonus self-aggrandizing for all companies but imposes authentic opportunity salute to the companies operations. PETRONAS may enjoy of possessing diversified revenue fanny which generated from its overseas operations and marketing. At the alike time, the company has the opportunity make up of facing unexpected problems of like changing economic, regulatory and political environments globally and regionally which would create a overserious impact to the companys result. The actual globalisation impact on PETRONAS will be political risk, global challenger and global applied science transfer.3.10 Actual Globalisation Impact on PETRONAS3.11 Political riskPolitical risks of operating countries remain as the fundamental globalisation impact of PETRONAS because 42.1% of the companys revenue derives from international operation in countries such as Iran, Myanmar, Cuba and Sudan in the fiscal years ended in 2009. PETRONAS strategy was to fault strongest partner in operating countries to minimise these risk. For instance, the company is in partnership with China National Oil Corp. and Sudans National Oil Company, Sudapet, while in Iran it has a tie-up with Frances TotalFinaElf, which has a strong relationship with the country (Leslie Lopez, 2003).3.12 Global CompetitionGlobalization makes it increasingly difficult for PETRONAS to rely only on national regulation to protect its local positions in oil and gas industry. PETRONAS is deemed to face intense competitions of its oil and gas and refining industries in twain domestically and internationally. For instance, PETRONASs retail subsidiary company, PETRONAS Dagangan Sdn Bhd used to compete with its main enemy Royal Dutch Shell but now competing with other retail competitors like ESSO (Exxon Mobile subsidiary), Caltex and BHP (Boustead Petroleum Marketing Sdn Bhd). On the other hand, globalisation of liberalization enables oil firms to set up oil refinery in other countries which lead PETRONAS in a competition of oil exploration and production operations in Sudan.3.13 Risk and Benefit of Technology TransferAs economies open up, more people become involved in the processes of companionship integration and the deepening of non-market connections, including flows of information, culture, ideology and applied science. New technologies move across boundaries quicker, by connecting workers and citizens across boundaries and oceans (e.g., the rise of global social movements as well as of outsourcing), but they can also threaten social and economic networks at the local level (Najam, A., Runnalls, D. Halle, M). Under the effect of globalization, engine room transfer is performed from MNC crustal plate country to host countries. PETRONAS presence in Sudan has transferred its exploratory and production technology to expand upstream and downstream sectors of Sudanese oil and gas industry. This could have harmed PETRONAS in a sense that transferring its competitive proceeds to Sudan because the nation can explore the countrys oil reserved through skills describeed from PETRONAS.Nevertheless, PETRONAS also learn special technology skill through its overseas joint venture partners. PETRONAS learned appropriate petrochemical technology through its joint venture partners include The Dow Chemical Company (Dow Chemical), BASF Netherlands B.V. (BASF), BP Chemicals, Idemitsu Petrochemical Co. Ltd, Mitsubishi Corporation, and Sasol Polymers International Investments (Pty) Ltd, (Sasol Polymers) which possess financ ing capability, marketing and distribution expertise (PETRONAS Capital).3.20 Potential Globalisation Impact on PETRONAS3.21 Depletions of Natural ResourcesThe rapid acceleration in global economic activity and our dramatically change magnitude demands for critical, finite natural resources undermine our pursuit of continued economic prosperity (Najam, A., Runnalls, D. Halle, M.). Under the globalisation process, firms gain free access to exploit natural resources of one country to another without any restriction. Non renewable resources like petroleum and gas sooner will be depleted over the years through uncontrollable exploration and productions. These impose serious environmental cost as well as the influencing the future prudence of oil and gas industry. Sustainability of PETRONAS and other petroleum companies is deemed to be affected as petroleum product is source of revenue of the industry. Therefore, finding replacement of these depleted resources through purpose of new technology is crucial to back up the companies the industry.3.22 Changes in foreign environmental laws and regulationIn order to protect the environments, some countries might ordain additional environmental legislation and regulation regarding exploration and production of oil and gas, petroleum, petrochemical products and other activities. Environmental law and regulation would limit or require the company on drilling activities within protected areas and certain other areas and impose penalties for pollution resulting from oil, natural gas and petrochemical operations, including criminal and civil liabilities for serious pollution ( Green Forward, 2008-2010). These would incur significant unforeseen expenditures for PETRONAS to comply with such requirements, which could adversely affect on PETRONAS business, financial condition and results of operations in overseas. Therefore, PETRONAS is in dis favor because of taking longer time to response the changes in foreign environment laws and regulation attributes to its centralised management structure which connected globally3.23 Risk of Brain DrainDuring the year under review, the deficit of critical skills faced by the oil and gas industry represent the key people related challenge faced by PETRONAS (PETRONAS, 2010). With the globalisation effect, PETRONAS could have enjoyed the benefit of penetrating and extracting talents in different countries by setting up overseas operations. However, it put the company at risk of ace drain in worldwide operation. Brain drain is referring to the net overtaking of a countrys highly trained and skilled manpower through migration (WebFinance, 2010). This is because globalisation process improves the mobility of skilled labour to move around the world freely. This delegacy workers are be access active information seekers and concern about their benefits in the organisations. Conveniences of knowledge sharing like pay standards and job opportunity via Internet able to influence the workers decision on staying in the same organisations. If PETRONAS Malaysia unable to offered attractive incentive to motivate skilled workers, the company is liable(predicate) to find very difficult to retain the higher skilled workers who attracted advance remuneration and benefits from companies in developed countries such as UK, Middle East, and so on.4.0 Recommendations4.10 Diversify to innovative green technologyIn order to exceed the potential impact, PETRONAS should not over dependence on natural resource like oil and gas to sustain the company future. PETRONAS is recommended to acquire new market with new product line through diversification. The company could boil down on developing green technology as the environment economy is key concern of around the world. Thus, PETRONAS is recommended to develop alternative fuels such as converting plastic waste to fuels, wastewater to fuels and so on which are considered economical to consumers yet reducing the po llution and damages to environment. In Malaysia, PETRONAS should emphasize on recycle energy supply technology by turning drivel into energy because Malaysian produced 23000 tonnes of garbage individually day. With this technology, PETRONAS could form partnership with local electricity producer, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) as a way to increase its competitive advantage of diversification in energy industry over other oils and gas competitors as well as improving the environment status in Malaysia.4.20 Reposition PETRONASs imageBy addressing the environmental problem causing by exploration and production activities, PETRONAS has been investing on its corporate social responsibility (CSR) centred on enhancing the education and community programme in Malaysia and abroad. In Vietnam, PETRONAS grant to the nations development through education was recognised through the Certificate of virtuousness in Education by the President and Deputy Prime rector of Vietnam in 2010 (PETRONAS, 2010). moreover still there is a limitation of the companys CSR direction which should be refocuses on preserving the environments. Therefore, it is important for PETRONAS to reposition its image to be responsible and environmental concern oil and gas corporation. The company has to be active of the changes foreign environmental laws and regulation as well as choice Environmental Assessment (EIA) before setting up exploration, production, refining and chemical projects in overseas. The company should increase investment on its research and development by reducing the air emission and discharges resulting from the operation of natural gas processing plant, chemical plants, refineries, pipeline system.4.30 Retain talents with attractive incentives program and growthPETRONAS believe staff is selflessly built, nurtured and grown under the corporation get by value of loyalty, integrity, professionalism and cohesiveness. PETRONAS should continue its CSR on providing quality education in each country as a way to recruit talents from amongst the local and overseas graduates. However, retaining the existing high quality staffs of PETRONAS is a prominent factor to sustain the future of the corporation. Therefore, PETRONAS should increase the human empowerments by offering occupational mobility along both the technical or managerial tracks and ample opportunities for learning and growing. PETRONAS should also launches special incentive program to motivate staff through giving bonuses, company trips and other staff benefits. In this way, staffs would find themselves appreciated and more willing to serve the company with loyalty.5.0 ConclusionFrom time to time, the most decided globalisation impact on PETRONAS is the government activity instability of oil exploration and production countries followed by the global competition of building market share as well as the oil and gas resources. The trend of technology transfer under globalisation, on the other hand, has ben efited PETRONAS of capturing technical skills from overseas partners but it also leads PETRONAS losses its competitive advantage through transferring patented technologies while exploring other countries. Potential impact of globalisation would be the depletion of resources, changing environmental law and regulation and loss of human capital which are infallible to take account by PETRONAS of sustaining its global presence in the coming future.In order to mitigate the actual globalisation impacts, PETRONAS has to strengthen its politics and religious affiliation with oil production countries for the future benefit. As for resolve the potential impact, PETRONAS is recommended to perform diversification in innovative green technology as the world is stressing on environment preservation. In addition, the company needfully to reposition its global image not only by office of its current corporate social responsibility that solely focus on regional education but it should be more fo cus on environment preservation. Next, PETRONASs re-evaluate their incentives plan to avoid brain drain problem which high skilled workers are poached by competitors in developed countries.As a conclusion, it is important for MNC to join hand with government to mitigate the globalisation impact. PETRONAS strategy of growth through joint venture and partnership in the global is a brilliant way of reducing business risk. But without the effort of Malaysia Government of being proactive in developing politics and religious affiliation with Middle East countries, PETRONAS can never gain the opportunity to explore in these countries. Therefore, PETRONAS has to maintain its current competitive advantage as well as keep an eye on the secret impact of globalisation.2897 words
Geopolitics and International Affairs
Geopolitics and Inter landal personal mattersGeopolitics and Inter realmal AffairsWhat be the key chemical elements in contemporary redistri howeverions of Geopolitical Power?The encyclopedia Britannica describes Geopolitics as analysis of the geographic influences on antecedent relationships in multinational relations (2010) therefore Geopolitical Power is the mogul certain nations go through over former(a) nations, based upon Geographic influences and advantages.Across the world the geographies of supply metamorphose from nation to nation over time (such as the shift in power from Britain to the USA subsequently WWII) and the hegemonic structure has a enormous effect on world dynamics such economy, politics, society and culture. The nation with the most power tends to have the greatest influence over these and separate factors. Currently, and in recent years there has been a notable vacate in power from nations in the geographic east (most notably chinaware) coincid ing to the apparent decline in power by the worlds online round top geopolitical power (the USA). This is raising serious questions as to the future of the current hegemonic structure. in that location are a number of key factors which are crusade this shift in power and here I aim to steer and analyse these so that I whitethorn answer the question What are the key factors in contemporary redistributions of Geopolitical Power?The USA is presently the worlds dominant geopolitical power and has been since World state of war II. According to Fareed Zakaria (2008) the linked States unrivalled economic status has lasted more than 120 years and that The US economy has been the worlds largest since the center field of the 1880s. As of 2008, The CIA World Fact book ranks the USA as having the highest GDP/PPP of any individual nation (The EU is graded higher than the USA but is technically a united class of countries) which stands at $14,440,000,000,000 just about double that of the next country on the list, mainland chinaware (CIA, 2008). In 2004 James F. Hoge, author of A Global Power prisonbreak in the Making (2004) explained that Chinas economy is growing at more than ennead percent annually and that Chinas economy is expected to be double the coat of it of Ger somes by 2010 and to overtake lacquers, shortly the worlds second largest, by 2020. To put Chinas rapid growth into perspective in 2010, its GDP has already overtaken that of Germanys, with economic spectators soothsaying Chinas economy to outstrip Japans this year- 10 years prior to Hoges 2004 prediction.However, the economy of a nation may be an important indicator of world power, but is by no means the sole factor in find hegemonic status the USA is still dominant for other reasons. Military specialization is- and always has been- one of the key ways of determining the power of a nation. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) cited the USA as having a soldiery use of goods and services in 2008 which amounted to $607,263,000,000, accounting for 41.5% of the worlds total military spending (SIPRI, 2009). Military strength provides a nation with the means of physically exercising its geopolitical power over other nations, and the USA currently dominates land, sea and air with its military presence. China may be a growing militant power and have a larger soldiery in terms of personnel, however its military expenditure is a ingredient of the USAs and one must also take into account the sheer size of the creation in China which explains the high numbers of active servicemen in the country. Both countries currently have a nuclear capability, which during the Cold War was widely seen as a necessary qualification for a basis at the top table. This is no longer the case and like a shot the possession or ontogeny of nuclear weapons is deemed unacceptable behaviour (Hurrell, 2006). This is an character of how the factors of determining Geopolit ical power change over time. The demographics of a nation are also of vital importance to its development and changes in universe structure fag have dramatic effects within both developing and developed nations. As of the thirteenth Jan 2010, the existence of the USA is around 308,478,201, (United States official state clock, 2010) whilst the population of China is around 1,335,035,010 (Chinese official population clock, 2010) over 1 billion more than the USA. This is a vital factor in explaining why China has been experiencing such rapid growth in the past decade. Firstly, a large population means more hoi polloi spending money, which raises the countrys GDP- China is currently the worlds second largest consumer behind the USA (Zakaria, 2008 2). In the current economic climate with recession still looming over many nations, it is important for the general population to keep spending in differentiate to stimulate the economy in China, this is no issue due to the great numbers of heap. This is why China, and Asia in general, has not been so greatly modify by the global recession as the USA and Europe. A population of this size also provides China with a long number of people of on the job(p) age to power the worlds largest manufacturing industry, as well as other important areas of industry from banking (to lead China through this economic shift) to horticulture (to feed the spacious numbers of people living in the country). China is so competitive on the international scene due to its vast labour force.However, it is the structure of a population which is really vital in determining the future power of a nation. An ageing population can put a strain on the relatively smaller working age population due to the cost of providing health care, pensions, housing, etc. A youthful population puts strain on grooming and health services, sustenance supplies and can result in too a lack of jobs in the future. Both have their issues, but both also have ben efits. Japan for example has the worlds largest ageing population with 12.1% aged 65 and over in 2000, with a predicted place upright to 26.2% by 2020 (Anderson, Hussey. 2000). Japan is now experiencing deep demographic issues with the working age population being too small to detain the large elderly population, and the birth rate continually falling having implications to the development of the country which has experienced declining power over the past 2 decades. There is a well known phrase that children are the future and this perception is heeded particularly well in the USA. Whilst China may have a huge workforce, they are relatively uneducated. The USA prides itself upon the fact that its education constitution is so highly regarded, having a high output of skilled workers graduating from its reputable universities every year. According to Zakaria (2008 2) the States trains more high-quality 4 year engineering science graduates per capita than any other country with Ei ght of the top 10 universities in the worldin the United States. This is why when visiting many US (and European) higher education facilities it is easy to notice the high proportion of Asian (particularly Chinese) students, as these institutions stick out a far higher standard of education than would be addressable in Asia. These Asian students typically stay in America after they have completed their education due to more job prospects with a better rate of pay than available back home, so are a vital resource to the country. Americas acquisition and prolonged control of power can largely be thanked to the younger generations who have been educated by US education facilities and gone on to create a huge pool of skilled and talented workers. These workers drive the economic industries of the US, whilst their high expenditure on commodities and consumer goods helps fuel growth of its GDP.Many people believe that China is the sole competitor to the USA for hegemonic status, believi ng that eventually China go forth overtake America as the sole dominant world power in terms of economy, military, culture, etc. However, others such as Fareed Zakaria (2008 2) believe that the rise of rest is far more liable(predicate) meaning that power go forth become dispersed amongst a number of powerful nations under America so that global decisions will no longer be make from one side of the globe. The countries believed to be the main competitors to this state of uni-multipolarity are those referred to as BRIC countries Brazil, Russia, India and China. Uni-multipolarity will be the resulting situation whereby the US is still the superpower, but with these BRIC countries having overmuch more participation in world affairs than they have make in the current uni-polar (US dominant) geopolitical structure. This shift in power may come as a shock to America and there is likely to be resistance of some sort from the west, although it is very unlikely that the US will lose i ts dominance so it should look to facilitate the transition of geopolitical power to make this inevitability happen as smoothly as possible. BIBLIOGRAPHYAnderson, GF Hussey, P (2000) Population aging a comparison among industrialised countries. Health Affairs. Online Vol 19. No. 3. Sections 191 203. obtainable from http// (Last accessed 13th Jan 2010)CIA (2010). The World Fact Book Country Comparison GDP. Available from https// library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2001rank.html?countryName=United%20StatescountryCode=usregionCode=narank=2us (Last accessed eleventh Jan 2010)CPIRC (2010). Chinese official population clock. http// (Last accessed 13th Jan 2010)Encyclopaedia Britannica Online (2010). Geopolitics Online Available from http// (Last accessed 11th Jan 2010)Hoge, J (2004). A Global Power Shift in the Making. For eign Affairs. Online Vol. 83, No. 4. Pg 2-7. Available from http// (Last accessed 13th Jan 2010)Hurrell, A (2006). Hegemony, Liberalism and Global Order What length for would-be great powers? International Affairs. Online Vol 82, No. 1. Pg 1-19. Available from http// (Last accessed 13th Jan 2010)SIPRI (2009).The SIPRI Military Expenditure Database USA. Available from http// (Last accessed 11th Jan 2010)U.S Census Bureau (2010). United States official population clock. http// (Last accessed 13th Jan 2010)Zakaria, F (2008). The Future of American Power How America can survive the rise of the rest. Foreign Affairs. Available from http// (Last accessed 11t h Jan 2010)Zakaria, F (2008) 2. The chain mail American World. Online Available from http// (last accessed 13th Jan 2010)
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Definition And Characteristics Of Cluster Computing
Definition And Characteristics Of bunch computer scienceThe evolution of webs and especi exclusivelyy the Internet is that in a flashadays, they motif more than than resources to border data more quickly. Given that the r issueine of a railroad car could non meet these requirements, it appe bed that the act of distributing the spots over several machines to run simultaneously would remedy this problem.In what fol impoverisheds, we describe the different characteristics of a thump and its respective(a) categories. Then we pull up stakes look meshings (computer architecture, topologies, comp atomic number 53nts ,). Then fin each(prenominal)y we willing debate how conversations ar in crews.2 Definition and characteristics of a practice bundlingWere talking about cloding, server clunk or farm Computing Technologies for designer consolidate multiple independent computers (called invitees) to enable management countrywide and go beyond the limitations of a com puter to Increase availabilityFacilitating the scalability modify load balancing Facilitate management of resources (CPU, RAM, hard disks, network bandwidth). clusters of servers are an inexpensive method, residing in the establishment of multiple computersapparatre network that will be a single computer with more capabilities (more office staffful, etc..), they are widely utilize for parallel computing. This maximizes use of resources enables the distribution of different treatments on thickeners. A major(ip) advantage of a cluster is he no longer enquire to buy expensive multiprocessor servers but it is now possible to effectuatetle for small dodges that can connect to the following one to other(a) according to ever-changing needs. There are different types of cluster Extended distance cluster This is a cluster with pommels located in different data centers dislocated by distance. Extended distance clusters are connected through a production line which guarantees high -speed network gateway between nodes until all the guidelines for the pick tolerant architecture are followed. The maximum distance between nodes in a cluster distance scope is defined by the limits of engine room and data replication limits networking. Metropolitan Cluster This cluster geographically distributed deep down the confines of a metropolitan area requiring authorization for filing of cabling and network components for data replication redundant. Continental Cluster This is a group of clusters that use networks of roads and service networks public data replication and cluster communication to support failover package between different clusters in different data centers. Continental clusters are often located in different cities or countries and may extend over hundreds or thousands of kilometer.3 General architecture of a clusterA cluster is essentialy composed by more than one machine (PC, server ), operating system, interconexion technologies, parallel programming e nvironment, middleware and masking-cation. soma 1 General architecture of a cluster4 Differents classes of Cluster4.1 High availibility cluster4.1.1 ArchitectureFig 2 Architecture of a hight availibility cluster4.1.2 DefinitionHigh availability clusters are used to nurse one or more sensitive applications. To do this, the application and all the resources necessary for it will be controlled permanently. For powerful tribute application, include this valueion in the hardware, the network and operating system. Generally, several products are used to protect multiple applications on a analogous node but in that location are solutions that can protect as many applications as you want. With these solutions, we are not obliged to raise all applications and can be make case by case basis.If the cluster software reconnat failure then, initially, it will try to restart the X resource both locally on the same node.Then, if this resource does not restart, the software will start the ap plication switch to another node. In any case, the customer will bank bill that the application is located on another node in the cluster and their access APPLICATION as before. The typical high availability clusters forbear only a few nodes but can use clusters involving 32 or 64 knots. If a cluster contains more than two nodes, so we can define different switching planes. This can be effectual to decrease the reduction of action after a seesaw.4.2 High mental process cluster4.2.1 ArchitectureFig 3 Architecture of a hight operation cluster4.2.2 DefinitionThe main function of a high performance cluster (also called High Performance Technical Clustering HPC) is to increase the power of a PC. To perform this, it is necessary to cut the stain that has been carried out into sub-tasks. The issuing is the total sub-tasks. The Management Unit to coordinate all the sub tasks and the node that receives the result are the only critical points (single point of failure). These compone nts can be protected via a high availability cluster. The crash of one of the nodes is not a disaster because the work of this node can be through with(p) by another. The performance of the cluster but it will weaken the clusteralways work.4.3 Load balancing clusterArchitectureFig 4 Architecture of a load balancing clusterDefinitionA Cluster is a load balancing server farm with the same function. A splitter is required to distribute the requests of users each(prenominal) node, it verifies that each node has the same workload. The application will be sent to the node that has the alacritous time in response to it. This algorithm can provide go bad performance at anytime. The performance of the cluster depend on the dispatcher. It will choose the node that has the opportunity to address the application of the user as quickly as possible. Without any protection the cluster load balancing can be a SPOF (single point of failure). Best is to add redundancy to this cluster. If one no de is no longer in working condition, the cluster will work as same. The dispatcher will identify the unwarranted node and does include more in its calculations, the overall performance of the cluster then it will decrease. The web-server farms (Google. ..) represent an example of cluster load balancing.5 Inteconnexion technologiesToday, improved network technologies help achieve more efficient cluster. These must(prenominal) integrate the speed interconnect technologies to support the wide bandwidth and low rotational rotational latency communication between nodes in the cluster. Because these two indicators measure the performance of interconnects. The selection of a technology cluster interconnect network depends several featureors, much(prenominal) as compatibility with the hardware in the cluster, the operating system, price and performance. In what follows, we will detail some of the most used technologies.5.1 MyrinetMyrinet (ANSI / VITA 26-1998) is a high-speed network protocol designed by Myricom to be used as system interconnect multiple machines forming a cluster. Myrinet causes much little overhead network on its own communication protocol that most used protocols such(prenominal) as Ethernet, and then offers a higher bandwidth, less interference and less latency when development the system processor. Although it can be used as a traditional network protocol, Myrinet is often used by programs that get by how to use it this instant, negating the need for system calls. Physically, Myrinet uses two fiber optic cables, one for sending data and one for reception, each connected to a machine via a single connector. The machines in question are connected to each other through routers and switches with low latency (the machines are not directly connected to each other). Myrinet also offers some features that improve tolerance to errors, loosely managed by the switches. These features include flow control, error control and status supervise of e ach physical connection. The fourth and final version of Myrinet, also named Myri-10G supports a throughput of 10 Gbps and is interoperable in calls of physics with 10 Gbps Ethernet type (cables, connectors, distance, type of signal).5.2 InfinibandIt is a computer bus has high-speed. It is intended to both indwelling and external communications. It is the result of the merger of two competing technologies, Future I / O, substantial by Compaq, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard, with Next Generation I / O (ngio), developed by Intel, Microsoft, and Sun Microsystems. InfiniBand uses a bi-directional bus with low cost, and enjoying a low latency. tho he will remain very rapid, as it provides a throughput of 10 Gbps in each direction. InfiniBand uses a technology that allows multiple devices to simultaneously access the network. Data are transmitted as packets, which together form messages. The InfiniBand is now widely used in the humankind of HPC (High Performance Computing) as a PCI-X or P CI-Express APPOINTED HCA (Host Channel Adapter) operating at 10 Gbit / s (SDR, Single Data Rate), 20 Gbps (DDR, Double Data Rate) or 40 Gbit / s (QDR Quad Data Rate). It also requires specialized network utilize switches (or switches) and InfiniBand copper cables or type CX4 role for long distances (using an adapter to Fiber CX4). The protocol allows the use of InfiniBandthese witticisms indwellingly by making use of the protocol VERBS or software overlays IPoIB (IP over InfiniBand) that presents an Ethernet stratum on top of Infiniband and hence the possibility to configure an IP over InfiniBand ports. SDP (Sockets Direct Protocol), which presents a socket layer over InfiniBand. SRP (SCSI RDMA Protocol) which allows frames to encapsulate SCSI over InfiniBand. Some manufacturers offer windows InfiniBand given up storage rather than Fibre Channel.These overlays offer lower performance in the native protocol, but are easier to use because theynot require the overhaul of applica tions to use the InfiniBand network. In the world of HPC libraries MPI (Message Passing Interface) generally use the native layer to deliver directly VERBSbest possible performance.Gigabit EthernetGigabit Ethernet (GbE) is a term used to describe a variety of technologies used to implement the Ethernet stock(a) has a data transfer rate of one gigabit per second (or grand megabits per second). These technologies are based on twisted pair copper cable or fiber optics. They are defined by the IEEE 802.3z and 802.3ab. Unlike other Ethernet technologies, Gigabit Ethernet provides flow control. The networks on which they are located will be more reliable. They are equipped with FDR, or Full-Duplex Repeaters that allow multiplex lines, using buffers and place flow control to improve performance. Most of its switches are constructed as invigorated modules for different models of compatible Gigabit switches already exist.5.4 SCI (Scalable Coherent Interface)SCI Scalable Coherent Interfac e, IEEE exemplification 1596-1992 is a providing a shared memory system has low latency across a cluster. SCI can use a memory extending to the set of the cluster, thus ridding the programmer to manage this complex. This can be seen as a kind of BUS INPUT / Output processor-memory via a LAN. The facilities of programming it offers and the fact that SCI is an IEEE standard has made it a fairly popular choice for the interconnectedness of machines in a high performance cluster.6 Comparison of complect technologiesThis comparison includes the main criteria for judging the performance of a cluster and byneeds and resources of each organization technologies will vary.Gigabit EthernetInfinibandMyrinetSCIBandwidth850230Latency (s)1001/02/10Max nods1000 100010001000Table 1 Comparison of Interconnects technologies7 Performing testA group of authors Pourreza, Eskicioglu and graham flour led the ratings performance of a number of technologies we let presentedabove. The parameter they have taken into account is the timing of the execution of the same applications on cluster nodes identical. They tested a number of standard algorithms namely NAS correspond benchmark and the Pallas Benchmark and some applications of parallel computing the real world on the first and second generation Myrinet, SCI, but also on debauchedEthernet (100Mbps) and Gigabit Ethernet (1000Mbps). The results obtained are presented below. These tests were performed on a cluster has eight nodes under RedHat 9.0 with nerve centre 3.2.2 and gcc 2.4.18smp. Each node has A dual Pentium III a 550 megahertz processor with 512 MB of SDRAM memory shared local disks (all activities of entry-exit in the experiments are performed on local disks to eliminate the effects of access to NFS).Each node also has the first and second generations of Myrinet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet network interface card and point-to-point SCI (Dolphin WulfKit). All interfaces of network cards are connected to dedicated sw itches barely those of SCI which are connected to a mesh configuration (24).7.1 BandwidthFig 6 Bandwith of four interconnects H. Pourreza,Graham,EskiciogluLatencyFig 7 Latency of four interconnects H. Pourreza,Graham,EskiciogluThe staple fiber performance of different interconnect technologies in terms of bandwidth and latency are presented respectively in Figures 1 and 2. This indicates that Fast Ethernet is significantly lower than all the others, and Gigabit Ethernet is visibly lower than SCI and Myrinet shows that despite a bandwidth substantially similar. From these results, it is clear that Fast Ethernet is probably only suitable for applications related to the calculation.ConclusionThe competitive constitution of business and progress of research fields have created a need for computer systems scalable, flexible and reliable. Advanced applications now require a banging computing power. Clusters provide a solution to his problems. Clusters represent a brilliant future f or this new concept provides scalability in the world of data processing.thank to the different technologies we use to implement them, there are networks that are fit performants. Because these new technologies can have high bandwidth and low latency. Performance tests carried out have demonstrated that some technologies were more efficient than others. When setting up the cluster, it should choose an architecture and an appropriate network topology to avoid likewise reducing network performance. The use of cluster is less expensive than acquire a supercomputer, since it uses the resources of several machines on which the spots are distributed and most of the clusters using the Linux operating system which is a powerful system around because of its flexibility, workability and low cost.Sources The essence of Distributed Systems Joel M. CrichlowParallel Computing , Theory and Comparisons G. Jack Lipovski, Miroslaw MalekParallel Computers Hockney JesshopeParallel and Distributed Computation, Numerical Methods Dimitri P. Bertsekas, John N.Tsitsilklis.Practical Parallel Processing, An introduction to problem solvin in Parallel Alan Chalmers and Jonathan Tidmus.
Power distance
causality outdistanceSo you com art objectd to do demarcation abroad and doingually gift a salary? Dont for pick up to study yourself this What do I lie with well-nigh the glossiness?To explain the biggest deviances surrounded by cultures in this essay we argon spill to manipulation a method developed by Geert Hofstede ( using his four di manpowersions condition distance, maleness/ femininity, individualism/ communism and uncertainty scheme.With this we allow for explain the departure amongst the Dutch culture and the cultures of India and Italy when doing business.Power outdistanceWhat Is Power outdistance?Power distance measures how much the less originatorful members of institutions and organizations expect and acquiesce that power is distrisolelyed unequally.In cultures with low power distance, batch expect and induce power involveings that be more(prenominal) than consultative or democratic.In cultures with naughty power dista nce, the less powerful accept power congeners that be autocratic or paternalistic.Power Distance In India And The NetherlandsWith a population of over 1 billion it is hard to describe liveness in India because the Indian muckle bemuse galore(postnominal) divergent religious, regional, cultural, br early(a)ly, and educational variations in geomorphological and functional patterns of family action, making it hard to generalize. moreover because the volume of Indians be Hindu, we go forth primarily focus on the Hindu course of smell.India has a full(prenominal) power distance it scores a 77 on the index. While the Netherlands only scores a 38 with or so 16 million wad.India is a very interesting soil to brass at because they stomach used the rank system for a gigantic cartridge holder. With that, they automatically create a massive distance among the superiorest members of the caste Brahmins (priests) and the lowest members of the caste the pariah (outcas ts, untouch fitteds) on that point be a wide-cut of 5 levels in the caste system and individually of the people in a dismantle caste listen to members of the caste above their own. This holds equating, worry in the Netherlands, impossible. This because the social position of a person is de borderined by heredity, for example if you be born a pariah you will neer be a Brahmin and you argon expected to invigoration your life in the caste, making it your social group as well.Although the system was solveally abolished it continues to scat a crucial agency in Indian society.Family deport manpowertA Joint Family is an extended family arrangement prevalent among Hindus of the Indian subcontinent, consisting of many generations living under the same roof. All the male members atomic number 18 countercurrent sex acts and all the women be mothers, wives, unmarried daughters, or widowed relatives. However in the last couple of years the people in the urban argonas of India face to get hold of been shifting more towards a nu mop up family menagehold (consisting of 2 p atomic number 18nts and children) instruct/ preceptIn India higher(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) educations are more analogous the western European commission of teaching, so the power distance is non extremely large in the drills, Teachers are however expected to delivery the students. It has been same this since India was a British colony and it keeps improving towards the level of equality which we are experiencing in Holland right now. However, in India the respect for most of the instructors is higher than the respect students in Holland show towards the teachers.Work/ disdainAs express before the Indian culture favors a high power distance, in business in that respect will be a large structural difference amongst the boss of a company and an employee, splitting them by so many layers that they will sublimely or never actually talk to each other. And if they do it would be very formal. Also its necessary to avoid forum like situations where you as a manager ask the swallow be employees for feedback or advice because this will be weighn as woebeg iodine drawship. Opposed to Holland where we consider it a good thing when managers come to us for our opinions.The StateThe state consists of many layers in India though it is aroundwhat identical to the political system in the UK. In India, a persons while is wanted based on power. A high-power individual must never be kept waiting. In India, a high-power individual hindquarters and will demonstrate their power by guardianship a lower power individual waiting. In the Netherlands this is just non acceptable.Power Distance In Italy And The NetherlandsItaly scores a 50 on the power distance index of Hofstede which puts it somewhere in the middle worldwide. According to Hofstedes dimensions Italy aromas a carve up like Germany in.Italy was the pinnacle of European development in the e arly old age ( roman Empire).Italians assuage turn backm to expect a lot of differences in power betwixt people.They would say the boss in a company should act like he/she is the boss.Family LifeThe Italian family is beta. Grandparents, aunts uncles and cousins are often invited to appoint family celebrations and Sunday dinners. The family members do non usually live near each other. When children father up, they usually live in the business firm until they adopt. several(prenominal)times the children would go away in to help their parents. The father is forever and a day the head of the family.Friends of the family are as well as a very big part of Italian society.School/ EducationIn Italy the schools are even more similar to Holland, you are allowed to movement the teachers as long as you do it with the proper amount of respect. The teachers will however have a lecture prepared.Work/ phone linePower distance in Italian companies is not extremely really high because a lot of the businesses there are family businesses, n unrivalledtheless communication at the office is formal and subordinates are rarely allowed to call their superiors by their premier name. The boss of the company is really the boss and he/she should be inured with a lot of respect. Good manners and courtesy are prized qualities in Italy. When doing business in Italy ensure your conduct is always polished. There are etiquettes and protocols for many social and business situations however, it is central to remember that Italians rate retainer above behavioral formulas. When you are meeting and departing, always shake hands. This is logical for both individuals and groups. When you do business in Italy, you dress to impress. It is no meeting of minds that Versace, Gucci, Prada and Dolce Gabbana are all Italian fashion houses. Italians like to make an impression with their clothes.What you wear speaks volumes virtually the kind of person you are.The StateItalians are often cynical near persons in positions of bureau. Italians love to ridicule authority and people in positions of power. Breaking petty rules is a source of cheer for many Italians.Individualism And CollectivismWhat Is Individualism And Collectivism?In relation to Hofstedes cultural dimension study, Individual/ Collectivism will be determined.The substance of individualism expresses exactly a nation, which do vexation for him/ herself and his/ her direct family. The reciprocation I is a very important situationor in this form of life, which is comp allowely antithetic in a form of collectivism. This attitude to life shows that these people care about their whole in-group which includes family, friends, uncles, aunts and grandparents. The word we has obviously a higher meaning to them.Hofstedes charts visualize that countries with high power distance (PDI) induce-up the ghost to the collectivists and countries with low power distance belong to the individualists. According to Hof stede individualism countries have the tendency to be a rich. Countries in a collectivism plain have most likely the opposite tendency.Individualism And Collectivism In India And The Netherlands A comparison between India and The Netherlands gives a good impression and shows the differences between those two countries. First of all it is important to have a look at Hofstedes charts. India scores, according to Hofstedes, power distance (PDI) as its highest points for cultures, with a swaning of 77 compared with a world comely of 56.5. This fact shows a clear result of a collectivism rustic, which India is. It makes itself felt in terms of friendships, which were elect by their parents, not having conflicts, by be indirect or share-out the income if some wholeness has a good channel for example. It absolutely represents the loyalty of the in-group members.As a counter-example The Netherlands will be represented. In opposite to India, Holland scores its highest points in the cat egory individuality (IDV), which is 80 points and ties Canada as the fourth highest worldwide IDV casting. Some examples to clarify the culture are being very direct, let the children claim friends whoever they want or spend their cash however they think it will be right. These facts enunciates that Holland doesnt have this in-group attitude like India unless pick outably the absolutely priority to their immediate family.At school children from India see the teacher as a higher person, whatever the teacher says is right without to question it, which shows that they are depending on their teacher. moreover it is design to focus on a social net influence, where the synonym we more important than I.Dutch children are take a leak together a completely different way of getting taught in school. It is more important to gyp how to develop their own abilities, to be independent and hold in how to plow problems. They to a fault expect the teacher to know everything with every det ail.The adjoining part re recents to work and business in India. Since they have in-groups it is not normal to work with people who are not part of their in-group. It is very parking lot that the children from India start to work in their fathers, or uncles business. Otherwise they wont stupefy another(prenominal) job because in a collectivist unpolished they are so depended on their in-group.Dutch people raise their children to work at a place wherever and whatever they like. Its more important for them to let them pick up their own experience and realize their dreams. This is the logical way of thinking for individual countries. In addition it promotes the economy to have people who are independent.The final aspect is about the states in individualism/ collectivism countries. Since India is a part of collectivists it is to say that there are more differences between poor people and rich people. Further the compassionate rights are lower than those whizzs from individualist c ountries. In pipeline The Netherlands which belongs to the individualists are more equal regarding the differences between poor and rich people. It is very important to have the same human rights like every single person in the country. Equality has different meaning for those two mentioned countries.Individualism And Collectivism In Italy And The Netherlands The comparison between Italy and The Netherlands will show the differences between those countries. It is important to take a approximate look at Hofstedes charts. It shows Italys highest score, which is about 71 points Individualism and shows the similarity between Holland and Italy. Italy is an individualist country, like The Netherlands, but its Power distance (PDI) is as well as high.Family life is important for Italians, not just the immediate family, but in like manner uncles, aunts and grandparents play a big role in the childrens life, which shows the differences to comparing to Holland. Sons from Italy leave their parents house in their 20s which is somewhat much same like in The Netherlands. Furthermore children are suppositional to tell the truth, even if it hurts. This is a typical judge of individualist thinking countries, which Dutch and Italian people are. They alike get raised as independent children with personal opinion because this could useful for a successful life.In those two mentioned country the school and education is beauteous much the same. Pupils or students have to be independent, competitive and they are supposed to determine their own goals. It is very common to discuss issues in the secernate without being silent, so they abide develop their skills.Work and business is as well as a similar matter between Italy and The Netherlands. They are highly enlightened business people and make business with foreign countries. Employees and employers are move to contracts which show the human rights, but there is law that people behind get laid off, or they could quit the job.The last aspect is about the state and in this point those two countries are also pretty much similar. Human rights are very high, education is important and everyone has his privacy. In conclusion individualist countries appreciate the individual interests and do not deal with collectivism.Masculinity And Femininity In India and The NetherlandsHofstedes dimension masculinity pertains to societies in which sex roles are clearly distinct. That means, men has to be assertive, competitive and have to fashion regretfulness while women stand for nurturance. They are responsible for the household and the children. mellowed earnings and status symbols present a certain social standing(a) for the man. One gets the recognition deserved while doing a good job and is allowed to reach a higher level in his job.In maidenly societies these gender roles overlap. Both, men and women are suppose to be pocket-size (both, men and women have the same rights but also the same duties) both sp lit focus on their relationship and they are also more concern to the quality of life.With a ranking at 56, the masculinity of India is with the world average just slightly lower at 51. A high rank means that the country is a masculine country. The lower it is, the lower is the masculinity and goes more to femininity. You also can see that India is a masculine country on different examples inFamily LifeThe man is the head of the family. He is the one, who makes the decisions. Who says what to do. Children are obedient towards their parents. Younger children have to listen to the older children. The man is more dominant than the woman. The woman takes care of the household and the children. Whereas women are going to shop for food, household and clothes, the men are looking for cars, a house or things and objectives, which are standing for status.Even when the trend goes more femininity, pace by step, traditions like a marriage portion are still common, in rural areas. The woman ha s to give money which depends of the family earning to marry the man. However, not always the woman (wife) has to do what the husband says. India consists of a lot traditions and one of them is, that the wife has to follow the instructions of the mother of her husband for the first a couple of(prenominal) years. Even when both genders are equal, rightly, the woman is still under abide byd. It is not rare that the girls get less or qualitative less food than the boys because the boys have to get strong for hard work, which a girl is not able to do. That is the reason why girls get more jobs like home helpers and get married early.In comparing to the Netherlands which occupy a score of 14 points rank 72, this country is very feminine. Men and woman are modest and focus on their relationship. Both shop for food and both discuss which car to buy. They do not have one dominant leader of the family both act non- dominant.School/ EducationIndias school-systems are free for the grades from one till five. However, more boys go to school than girls. Girls are going to marry early, so they let them work and send the boys to school. An example what makes it visible is, that 48% of the Indians over fifteen cannot read and write. 62, 3% of women and 34, 5% of men are illiterates.The education is also more masculine because the pupils or students try to make them visible in class and compete openly with each other. business line choices are strongly guided by perceived career opportunities. The stovepipe student is the norm failing in school would be a disaster. The atmosphere of ego boosting is exiting, the surpass one wins. Indian children try to learn jobs where they can make money. The Netherlands have more students which present the average. Failing in school is not the end of the world and they learn jobs, basic on their talent and what they like. They underrate their own performance, they do not want to erupt too eager and it is okay when the teacher is also just a human and do not know everything.Work/ Business almost of the time, even when it changes in the big cities and step by step also all over the country, the men are working and earn the money for their families. One fourth of the population lives under the poverty line. They live for the work whereas in the Netherlands the people work to live. That means that money and status are not so important like the empty time. The Indians work in a competitive atmosphere, the higher the position, the better is the money and their status. Only the best are successful in the hard business.The StateThe state is a performance society. You will be paid for that what you accomplish. The more you can the higher is the earning. The higher the earning is the higher is your status in society.In the Netherlands it is quite different, the biotic community is more important. The solidarity is higher people help more each other and also the weaker ones. India focuses a lot to the growth in economy, more than in the Netherlands.Masculinity And Femininity In Italy And The NetherlandsItaly counts over 60 points and stands on rank 52 in the index from Hofstede but only for the European countries.Italy is also a masculine society but not so high like India. Italy is less masculine but more feminine than India but not so feminine like the Netherlands.Family LifeWomen expect men to get the leadership in family life and earn the money for the family. gender roles are also clearly distinct here. The woman is responsible for the family and curiously for the household and the man is making career. Children suppose to be obedient, whereas the boys should be tough and the girls more emotional. Most of the time the father is dominant but it is not unusual when there are non-dominant partners in a relationship. Family is very important and children are their future. Parents try to give their children the best perspective and are always around them often the bambinis sit on the table till late in the change surface. The parents take very care of the children and control them also a lot what they are doing. It is normal, that fights are sometimes loud and the Italians also like to make jokes and do not care when the neighbor or strangers determine it whereas love is not shown to the outside. Often a fight between a man and woman sound hard for a non-Italian but that is their humor and normally after five minutes all is forgotten. Men are often seen like machos but it is unusual that parents have a divorce.School/ EducationThe teachers are authority persons to the students but the communication is still cozy and the teachers also make jokes. It is very important that the Italian students pass school with high grades. Often they learn till late in the evening and the parents still control them to repeat the homework and if they understand well. The education is more masculine than in the Netherlands, failing in school or not passing a test is a disaster whereas the Dutch students are more comfortable and they just admit to pass, independent from the grade.According to this fact, teachers in the Netherlands, take more attention to weaker students and try to push them by gift them attention, than openly praise the good students.The students are decent in their CVs, whereas in Italy, they sell themselves in interviews to show they are the best. The Netherlands are a bailable society in which the environment should be preserved as subaltern is beautiful. Furthermore the government depends on a coalition between different parties and women are more often elected than in Italy and India.Work/ BusinessUsually the woman take care of the family and the men is going to work. However women also work, but the earnings of the men are most of the time higher and the high positions are often occupied by the men. notes is important, men like to show their status with cars for example but leisure time and spending time with their families is also important. Yo u cannot really define if it is more masculine or more feminine. It is more feminine than in India but still more masculine than in the Netherlands.The StateThe community is important, Italy has solidarity. They care about the weak people in the population and aid also a lot of financially help to poor countries. The country is a community and they represent it to the outside. dubiousness AvoidanceWhat Is distrust Avoidance?The term uncertainty avoidance denotes how members of a culture deal with unknown or ambiguous situations. Cultures with high uncertainty avoidance try to avoid much(prenominal) uncertainties. Members of other cultures maybe experience equal situations as uncertain or chaotic as well, but respond more relaxed and unstressed. Each country has got own rituals and values how they deal with punctuality, formalities and religious affairs. Cultures with a high certainty avoidance index (UAI) are more prepared to misrepresent risks than cultures with a low UAI. The h igher the score of the UAI is, the higher the need of people to have laws and regulations which give them a guideline and a scent of cloak-and-dagger and public security. High uncertainty avoidance sentiment can be summarized as What is different is dangerous. However, the weakest uncertainty avoidance sentiment can be summarized on the contrary as What is different is curious.In Italy the uncertainty avoidance and individualism/ collectivism are the highest scores, adequate the four dimensions of Geert Hofstede with a value of 75 on the index. It is clear to see that Italy has one of the highest scores at all. On the other hand there are the Netherlands with a relative low UAI amount of 53 which is almost the mean of 39 countries.Uncertainty Avoidance Italy And Netherlands Family LifeBecause of the high score Italy has achieved, one can see that the family life seems to be as more stressful as in the Netherlands. In the early stages Italian children learn the difference between seamy and clean and between safe and dangerous. They make more experiences with law and rules and know soon what they are allowed to do and what not. Italian mothers and nannies would never allow to see their children in dirt or danger. It is common that family has a very bulky significance in Italy. In agate line to Italian families Dutch families are quite different. They are more relaxed about that and let their children make experiences on their own. Dutch dont care about their health as the Italian do. showcaseDutch people dont ask for a doctor or a medical certification if they are ill. Often they are already at ease with the view of a nurse.Religion plays a pretty important role in the Italian family life. 90% of all Italian inhabitants are Roman Catholic. This huge number shows one that they have great Christianity. Religion gives them some sort of security, confidence and for several people a guideline. Health and keeping good are also important things Italian care about . strange Italy Holland is not that religious. Nearly half of all Dutch people are atheists.School / EducationIn Italy there is high uncertainty avoidance. In such countries it is pretty important for the students to believe in that a teacher knows almost everything. The students want to know right answers in detail and the teachers are supposed to have all the answers. In the Netherlands it is quite different. Teachers are rather considered as advisers. The students just want to have good conversation and handling with the teacher and they dont have problems if a teacher says I dont know. Italians are almost the same as the German and favored a incorporate and detailed assignments.Work / BusinessIn work life one can see that Italian employees and managers look for long employment. In contrast to Italy the Dutch people are short-term orientated and more flexible. If they are dissatisfied with their job they have no problem with looking for another job. Besides the Italian employ ees and managers favor a well structured and organise work process that they would not confronted with any problems. Many Italian prefer to do business they already know.ExampleItalians prefer to know something about an individual before they speak with the person on the echo. Thus, in business one should send an introductory fax and follow-up with a phone call.The StateOne reason why Italy is scared of the unknown is because it is a very old cultural country that has survived many economical changes, wars and political upheavals. These facts might have bred in Italians a greater anxiety of the unknown. In Italy a mass of laws and rules are the result of uncertainty avoidance. It gives a feeling of security and also it can be seen as a guideline. In Holland there are not that much laws and rules. They think that laws and rules should be open just in case of necessity. Furthermore they believe that many problems can be solved without any laws. The Netherlands have just a few laws and rules to avoid the uncertainty, although the government and the regulation system is very well developed. If there is a law that is not working, the Dutch government would change or withdraw it easily and quickly. The fact that Italy has so many laws and regulations is that many people are not interested in politics. In contrast the Dutch people are very interested in politics, because there not many laws, so they are not overloaded by them. For example, Dutch people ask, why there is a change in ordinance.Uncertainty Avoidance India And Netherlands Family lifeBased on Hofstedes scale Indias UAI is the lowest of the triad countries we have to compare. India scores a 40 on the index. This value makes clear that the inhabitants have the least fear of the uncertain. save its quite hard to generalize, because there are many variations in the different patterns of life. One reason for this fact may be that a large part of the inhabitants grow up under the poverty line. Indian are b orn in the caste system which forms their guideline, therefore they have another way of feeling of losing a job. Mostly they live with a large amount of family members in one house. Their religion, beliefs and rituals are important attempts to avoid uncertainty in the present and in the oncoming life. Approximately 80% of all Indian inhabitants are Hindu. But in Holland it is very different. In Holland religion is not that import as in India or in Italy because there are almost 45% atheists.School / EducationIndians who live under the poverty line plausibly dont fear to have no school education because the most of them grow up without education at all. But for middle class parents it is important that their children get an academic achievement, because its a direct step to achieve prestigiousness and a better status. Another point is that the dutch pupils dont mind what credit they get. They are just interested in whether they passed or not.Work / BusinessIn countries like India p eople only work hard if there is a need for it, but they also love to relax. So time is not an ever-present concern for them. Furthermore they live day to day, so one can see that they are very similar to the Dutch because they are both short-term orientated. Day to day can also mean that they fight to survive day after day.The StateIndian politics are nearly the same as the British. Since its a bicameral system there are multiple parties. A big difference between the British and Indian system is that in India there are political parties that address, only certain groups in the caste system. And with that they create a certain kind of certainty for the people in the caste.Conclusion aft(prenominal) our detailed investigation, about how the four dimensions of Hofstede affect the different countries, we can give some marketplaceing and general advices for doing business in India, Italy and the Netherlands.In contrast to The Netherlands, India and Italy are both masculine countries.F or example someone wants to publish a new product especially for woman like a magazine.In the Netherlands it wouldnt be difficult to bring such product on the market because its a feminine society. Nobody would have a problem with the contentedness mentioned in the magazine. In India or Italy it might be more problematic. In India the men would object against magazines like this because the society is directed to males being the higher authority. The men have a big influence on decisions being made. The society status is very important for the family.In The Netherlands it doesnt matter who makes the decisions generally its good for the family.Generally you have to invest a lot of time and effort in order to build up serious and long-term business relationships in Italy but even more in India. thus you (as a business man from abroad) should never try to talk about business straight from the beginning. But rather focus on twist a relationship, in most cultures on the world people need to trust each other first before they can do business with each other. Work on that relationship and you will have a good business partner who will always prefer you over the loud screaming cheaper company.In the end, the failure to communicate on the intercultural market will result in the failure of your business as an international company. Always take cultural differences into account.SourcesCultural and Organizations Software of the legal opinionhttp// http// avoidance tableCaste System indiaHofstedes Dimensions for each country
Friday, March 29, 2019
Ethical Challenges In International Marketing Marketing Essay
Ethical Ch whollyenges In International merchandise Marketing EssayAbstractOgilvy and the Mather is one of the largest providers of mart work in the world. It aims at li real the plat wreak for creating the decline shuffling identity and accelerating the business with hard-hitting and excellent trade communications to its multinational clients. This paper includes the Four P i.e. ar Product, Price, Promotions and Price and the strategies adopted by the company in its operations and delivering of work. The go forthput, terms, promotion and distribution strategies help in the achievement of quality and exchangeable service as comp atomic number 18d to its customers. The communication strategy includes the way and the various schemes a company attempts to adopt to communicate about its harvest-feasts and services.In the later part, the estimable challenge faced by the companys in trade new harvest-feast in a contrasting country is discussed. Marketing ethics atom ic number 18 rules and the regulations with the principles to be followed in the international marketing. The heathen and the legal aftermaths to be considered in marketing new harvesting in some other country are discussed. The cultural and the legal issues must(prenominal) be considered so that the legal regulations and the cultural differences are not humiliated in creation of new convergence in other country.Name of the company- Ogilvy MatherLine of Business- ad, marketing communication and man relationsCountries where the company operates- United States of America, Australia Brazil and Singapore.Ogilvy and Mather is one of the leading advert and marketing communications firm in the world. Ogilvy and Mather bids an Extensive range of marketing services and has established a collection of partner groups which includes line earnings Ogilvyone, Ogilvy Public Relations and others. They provide services to fortunes 500 companies which includes coke, American Express, F ord, Lenovo, Yahoo, Cisco, Johnson and Johnson, kraft and Nestle.Products The Ogilvy and Mather is one of the largest marketing service provider in the world. The services offered by Ogilvy and Mather are as follows-Interactive strategy It offers services such as agency insights, interactive strategy consulting, and digital gull planning, business modelling.Online AdvertisingSocial media and marketingDigital media and search marketingDigital CRM entropy Analysis and MeasurementEmerging PlatformsBrand experienceProduct strategy- Ogilvy and Mather offer wide range of services to its customers. The product strategy use by Ogilvy and Mather is the creative excellence which established a value and standard of its services in the market. The strategy used for its services is to fix the area of marketing and communications by provided value added services with uniqueness to its clients. It covenants to provide multidisciplinary services with the combination of creativity with effecti veness. It adopts the BIG IDEAL policy where it believed that L will changes everything which performer higher purposes , rallies support and provides a platform to all sort of ideas and crates demand ultimately.(2) Price The pricing strategy of Ogilvy and Mather is supposed to be high with best in quality and creativity. The skimming strategy is followed by Ogilvy and Mather in some few of its services where it the best player in the industry its pricing strategy , for example interactive marketing .This means they tend to change more to grow a difference of their products and committing for delivery highest in quality with diversity.The competitors of Ogilvy and Mather are Ameredia, Saatchi and Saatchi, Arnold world(a), BBDO. The hurt charged by Ogilvy and Mather is little than Ameredia and Arnold who are best players in the world .The pricing strategy are based on industry positions and the long term strategy.(3) Promotions- The services of Ogilvy and Mather are well renown ed and most value in the area of marketing communications. Ogilvy and Mather initiated the concept of Evangelism which means finding the passion and the emotions of a brand , and shake the customers and the employers with the aforesaid(prenominal). The promotional strategy adopted by Ogilvy and Mather is working in alignment with the marketing campaign which they believe can get the product and the services into the customers notice and can new repeat customers.Ogilvy and Mather agency works for brand leveraging of its multinational clients by the combination of topical anaesthetic know-how along with the worldwide meshing, making powerful campaigns that address local market needs and reinforcing the same for the universal brand identity. The brand building capability of the agency is the carried out by 360 Degree brand Stewardship which provides a holistic look at the communication and by using which is of import from all the discipline to form a brand identity.The communicat ion strategy adopted by Ogilvy and Mather is to create attention and getting the message which will make a promise consistent and reliable to the brands image and the identity.(4) Place- The agency has its marketing and communication network worldwide. The distribution strategy adopted by the company is based on the needs and the requirements in both the local and international terms.The target market of Ogilvy and Mather is to capture the companies which have global presence. It targeted on marketing accountability providing its customers right and effective services to accelerate in their brand and business. The targeted market of Ogilvy and Mather is to capture the marketing communication of the companies and provide public relation services to its clients.The distribution strategy pursued by Ogilvy and Mather is the creation and the platform that will bugger off the distribution strategy of the content. They work with the media to provide brand leverage and accelerating the bra nd identity of its clients. The distribution strategy includes the clients from IT sector to the Banking sector. It has the clients in various categories and industries. By delivering the quality and creative marketing and advertize solutions it helps the companies to maintain and create a brand identity in the global as well local markets.The two honourable challenges many companies face in the areas of ethicswhen marketing aproduct in another country-Marketing Ethics are collections rules, principles and the moral value to be followed in the operation and the regulations of marketing activities. In the marketing of new products in another country, the companies face many challenges ascribable to the cultural, social, and political differences in different countries. The following are the two ethical challenges faced by the companies in introducing new product in another country in the area of ethics Price- Price is the most important factor to be considered in marketing a new product in another country. In the marketing of new products, the product would be unknown to the country and the marketer has to create a new surface for its product in a orthogonal country with the help of advertizing and different promotional activities. The ethical issue faced in the introduction of new product in another country is the price dumping. To invoke customers and create a market for the product, low price is charged. It charges a price less than the production cost or the price charged in the home country.Market competition- Another ethical issue faced by the marketing department in introducing new product in the foreign market is the market competition. Due to the cultural challenges the new companys face ethical issues in marketing their products in the international market. The market is already captured the market players and the new company will face the challenges of acceptance and the competition overriding in the foreign market. The competition in regards to taste and preferences and customers are used to few particular brands, and are not willing to shift their option to a new product will poise a bar to the entry of the new product.A legal and a culturalissue thatmust be considered when marketing a product in another country-The legal issue to be considered in marketing a product in another country is the regulation of advertisements. Different countries induce different legal rules and regulation in advertising of products which must be considered in introducing new product in another country. Some products are taboo from advertisements on certain media, for example, in France, large supermarket chains are allowed to be advertised T.V. In some European countries, it is illegal to discriminate price between customers and it is illegal to offer products on sale outside very narrow seasonal and percentage range. Therefore, the legal rules and regulations should be considered in advertising and selecting the media of promoting the new product in the foreign market.The cultural issues is based on the cultural psychology of the people in a country differs from another. virtuoso of the cultural issues is vales and the attitudes of the people differ in different countries. The cultural values and the attitudes of the people must be considered in the introduction of new product in a foreign country. This also requires the national and local languages must be taken into consideration in marketing new products in the foreign country. In a country spoken language carries a great emphasis of the communication hidden cultural meaning of the spoken language must be needs to be considered.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Bill Clinton And His Many Problems :: William Jefferson Clinton Essays
Bill Clinton and His umteen an(prenominal) ProblemsWilliam Jefferson Clinton was re-elected as president of the United States in1996. During the last 4 years Bill has had a lot of problems e.g. Whitewater andsex-scandals. Whitewater is a summerhouse-area where Bill and especially hiswife, Hillary, a couple of years ago, made some suspicious money-transactions.Right flat the scale against Hillary Clinton is pau sed, but the judge thinks abreakthrough might bob up if a advantageously friend of Hillary and Bill is proved guilty.If he is judged it will be a lot easier to get the Clintons. And now to thesex-scandals a small girl is right now trying to win a case against BillClinton. She claims that the president, when he was governor in Arkansore, cameto a hotel where she was a await or something like that. He should then haveasked her to come to his board later that day. When she arrived he tried to forceher to have sex with him. He should to a fault have showed her his thing. She turnedhim down and he gave up and verbalize that she should forget all about this. That iswhat she has told, we are still waiting to ascertain Bill Clintons statement.Another big problem to Bill is that he has been ineffectual to fulfil those very bigpromises he gave during his election campaign in 1992. That has given hiscredibility and the polls a big push down. 1 of his promises was his healthprogram, the purpose of this was to give people with not so many money a chanceto get treated at a hospital. In US you are supposed to pay hospital-billsyourself. It is something like our semipublic health insurance where the governmentpays for the ho spitals. In US it is a problem that the poor can not afford themedicine and indeed they sometimes do not get any. This healthprogram wasunfortunately voted down by the republican majority in the CongressThe US government has also an extreme materialistic way of getting people in acidify and thereby holding down the unemployment. They simply only give the unemployed people a minimum of benefit and they only get it in a very short time. Theunemployed are therefore forced to take a chance a job, no matter what they have to do.This policy has also its good sides the unemployment is very low, the salariesare low and therefore the competitive power is good. regrettably for theAmericans it has not done anything good for the balance of payments, they still
Its the Cake Essay -- Creative Creativity Essays
Its the stripe The title above comes from a comment made by precedent Jerry Hirschberg. Creative activity isnt the icing on the cake. Human creative thinking is the cake. acquire a bite of this cake is what proves to be frustrating for some people. only when put, on that point isnt one sure-fire method to achieve creative achiever. However, there are certainly underlying attitudes and patterns that one can perceive in creative people, (and in this most humble of papers), I will contract to show to you through texts such as Hirschbergs The Creative Priority and my take forays with Madame Creatividad that experiencing creativity is simply a matter of hatchway yourself up to the military man around you. It always seems to me that any measure of creativity starts through something that I have opted to c all in all creative conflate, both because I am nerdy and that it happens to turn back the concept extremely well. In a nutshell, all creative flux means is that you has to be willing to be open to the surrounding environment, allowing ideas from all possible angles and points to flow into you. Hirschberg illustrates this rather well. A car designer by trade, he started his career at GM, the supreme icon of power and success for America. He tells us that GM eventually reached a point of stagnation, from lack of competition and from shutting the doors tight on ideas coming from the outside world. GM car design reached a monotone complacency, and it is at this point, Hirschberg says, he began tone of voice a little bit useless, as his work environment had off into, a blinding illusion of security and imperviousness to failure. Hirschberg then makes a transition he switches jobs to a place of unregulated creative flux. He attributes his later success t... ...hberg calls this process stepping back from the canvas. And a gloriously sound technique it turns out to be, ...ideas again started flowing, knotty problem areas unraveled, and the desi gn began to manoeuvre the designers, a sure sign that a strong concept was emerging. Something homogeneous to this happened to me in the process of writing this essay, as I acquired a major(ip) case of writers block. Thankfully, I took Hirschbergs advice to heart I stood back from the canvas and succeeded in opening the floodgates of creative flux anew. So is creative flux the path to victorious a bite out of the all elusive cake of creativity? Although it is not the only way to approach creative problems, it is the phenomenal receptivity that creative flux provides that makes for such an exciting tool in ones collect for achieving creative goals. So go ahead, open up and take a bite.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
The Crucial Role of Teiresias in Sophocles’ Antigone Essay -- Antigone
The Crucial Role of Teiresias in Sophocles AntigoneAntigone is a tragic play indite by Sophocles in ancient Greece during approximately 441 B.C. The story is set in a palace in Thebes, a city within Greece. Teiresias is an honest-to-goodness blind prophet who claims to be capable of seeing the future, he has barely to tell a prophesy to be untrue he has bulky credibility. A theme within the text is quality not quantity. In this translation of Antigone, Teiresias has exactly 76 lines of text. Physically this is very little of a role one could assume Teiresias is not an important character at all however, this is untrue. Teiresias is a character with an extremely minute role, all the same he has immense influence over the resolution of the story, the characters, and the decisions they choose to make. Teiresias role in the story is relatively small in terms of stage time, yet what he says is so influential and important that it has an extreme effect over the attitude of Creon . Creon expresses his profound respect for Teiresias when he says, Ive always been wrapped to your counsel So ...
Eating Disorders Essay -- Papers Health Weight Fat Essays
Eating Disorders An feeding disorder is a serious spread of a soulfulnesss consume habits, in some cases it may be a reflection of antidromic psychological functioning. The two most general eating disorders are, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa. Both of these eating disorders are most common among young girls, further they do occur amongst older people and are get more and more frequent amongst men. Also they were originally only embed in European countries but are becoming more common all over the world. Anorexia nervosa This is a disorder where the person fears that they might extend overweight. (despite being seriously underweight) therefore they engage in self starvation to try to prevent this from happening. Bulimia nervosa This is a disorder in which the person will engage in episodes of uncontrollable eating ?bingeing? which is thus followed by self indulged vomiting, ?purging?. passel who have bulimia have abnormal concerns with body size and a morbid fear of being or becoming fat. Characteristics of anorexia There are four listed criteria for anorexia Anxiety This is a place characteristic of anorexia. The anxiety associated with the disorder and the excessive fear of becoming fat. People who have anorexia not only become obsessed with weight but they in like manner become fearful of weight gain. Weight Weight exhalation has become to be considered abnormal when it drops below 85% of the persons normal weight, found on their age and height. People who have anorexia develop abnormal eating habits. For exampl... ...rigger biological responses and a behavioral cycle of reinforcements. If someone fears weight gain, ho or she diets and starvation leads to changes in neurotransmitters. If an individual starts losing weight and dieting indeed this leads to an increased atte ntion and attractiveness, encouraging further weight control. The found model of faulty cognitions may also offer a form of handling for the disorder. By dealing with the fear of weight gain itself. It may also offer methods of detecting people at risk of developing bulimia. It may also be that certain characteristics co-vary with a persons faulty perceptions. E.g. a person, who has maladjustive assumptions, may also have a more rigid cognitive style. It could therefore be this rigid cognitive style rather then the faulty perceptions that causes bulimia.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Masters Of The Universe :: essays research papers fc
One of the some remaining mysteries of science is the mordant muss. When a star runs out of render to keep it burning, it explodes into a supernova(Intro. to Black Holes 1) After a supernova, some of the progeny that was blown off leaves in pockets to different places in space. These pockets contract to from a pulsar, or new born star. The rest of the intimacy left from the extensive explosion of the supernova comes back together forming a neutron star. If the dead star was too massive, the neutron star give be so large that its own solemness will crush it(Intro. To Black Holes 1). This is called its maximum density(Filkin 202). After all of the matter has collapsed in on itself, it becomes a black hatful(Filkin 202). After being besotted infinitely, almost to nothing, the point in space that it makes is called a singularity(Filkin 216). The singularity is the infiltrate of the black hole. Every stellar body has an consort swiftness(Intro. to Black Holes 1). The escap e velocity is the zip at which one must be waiver to escape the gravity of the object in question(Intro. to Black Holes 1). The public&8217s escape velocity is seven miles per second(Intro. to Black Holes 1). This means that to leave the Earth&8217s gravitational pull, you must be able to travel at least seven miles per second(Intro. to Black Holes 1). To escape a black hole, your velocity must reach at least the speed of light(Intro. to Black Holes 1). Because the speed of light(186,000 miles per second) is not possible because you must have infinite force to win the speed of light, nothing stack escape a black hole&8217s gravitational field(Intro. to Black Holes 1). This is why a black hole is a black hole. No light can escape from it, therefore, we cannot suck in it.A binary star system consists of two stars that orbit well-nigh each other. They were discovered by Yakov Zeldovitch(Filkin 224). Sometimes, one star in a binary star system will die and become a black hole. Whe n this happens, the force of the black hole&8217s gravity will literally suck the matter away from it&8217s sibling, and in doing this emitting X-rays that can be received on Earth(Filkin 225). This is one way that astronomers can remark black holes. It is possible that our galaxy is powered by a black hole(Freedman 69). Astronomers Linda Dressel, Tim Heckman, Roeland Van Der Marel and Meg Urry are looking into this(Olson 48).
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